Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 70

After putting Hyugako gently on the bed, Lin Yi walked out again and the same princess hugged Dongmei back to the bedroom.

"Actually, it's not that exaggerated."

"It just hurts, Lin Yijun, you are too fussed."

After lying on the bed, Suwon Dongmi couldn't help but say to Lin Yi's gentleness.

"Senior Suwon, you don't hurt, but I hurt!"

"Holding me without my consent is really cheap for him."

At this moment, Hyugako on the side began to demolish Suwon Dongmi's station.


"I think you are taken advantage of by me should be a blessing for eight lifetimes."

After hearing some arrogant words from Hyugako, Lin Yi glanced at him speechlessly, and then walked out of the room after making a complaint. After all, Lin Yi's carefully prepared dishes are still outside!

"It smells so good! What the hell is it?"

After seeing Lin Yi walking in with a tray in his hand, Hyugako couldn't help but feel excited, and immediately removed the words he had just said with Lin Yi from his head.

Hyugako had been captured by him since he had tasted Lin Yi's cooking last time, and even held Lin Yi's thigh directly in front of everyone and threatened to hold him responsible.

Can she not get excited after seeing Lin Yi's cooking this time!

"Things that are good for your body..."

Lin Yi smiled and handed the two bowls of still steaming soup to the two of them.


After bringing the soup that Lin Yi handed over to him, the two chefs subconsciously put it to their mouths and sniffed.

"A scent of fragrance, but why can't I smell what's in it?"

Suwon Dongmi felt confused after smelling it.He couldn't help turning his head to look at Hyugako, obviously wanting to know if she found anything.

It just so happens that both of them are at a loss.

"Also, why does this dish shine?"

Originally, the pale white light was not noticeable, but it happened that Hyugako just held the soup in her hand to check all aspects of it, but found that it actually flickered white in the dim light.

This made Hyugako curious.

"Okay, drink while it's hot! I'll explain it to you later."

Lin Yi said for a long time before coaxing the two of them to drink the soup in their hands.

What they drank was the water chestnut and lotus root soup that Lin Yi prepared for Tian Suohui last time.


"Life is not easy to be born!"

"It seems that the ingredients should be more respected when cooking in the future."

After a long time, the two who came to a sense of the birth of life couldn't help but sigh.

"Huh! It doesn't seem to hurt that much! There is still a refreshing breath."

Hyugako, who was sighing, noticed the changes in her body for the first time.

"It really is."

Now that Hyugako's surprised expression appeared, Suwon Dongmi obviously noticed the changes in her body.

"Lin Yijun, come here."

The sudden turn of Hyugako's eyes was obviously thinking of something, so she patted the middle of the two of them and said to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi originally planned to spend the night in this room tonight, so without saying anything, he took off his clothes and lay in the middle of the two.

"Would you like to come to my restaurant to be the chef, and give away to the lady boss!"

Just when Lin Yi lay down, she saw Hyugako suddenly climb onto Lin Yi's body and said as if looking at Lin Yi acting like a baby.

For Hyugako’s temptation, Suwon Dongmi was stunned for a while, but she was not to be outdone by lying next to Lin Yi, and said with her face close to Lin Yi’s ear, “My shop is better than Hyugako. , There are many beautiful waiters!"

"Senior Suwon, obviously I was the first to speak, so how can you make a cross?"

Looking at Suwon Dongmi who was more tempting than herself, Hyugako ignored Lin Yi's feelings at this time, and her whole body was lying on Lin Yi to express her dissatisfaction.

"Stop! You two stop a little bit."

"My student is doing a good job for Mao, so it's not enough to be full!"

When Lin Yi watched the two people jealous over who they were going to be the chef, Lin Yi directly interrupted.

For Lin Yi, it was almost the same for others to serve himself.

If you don’t enjoy such a good youthful time, go to be Mao’s chef!Isn't this all right?

"You have done such a thing to me, so naturally my restaurant must be handed over to you."

Hyugako leaned against Lin Yi, with her right hand continuously drawing circles on her chest, and said quietly.

"If you hand it over to me, I'm afraid I will sell your restaurant as soon as possible, so you would be willing?"

Lin Yi didn't answer directly to Hyugako's request, but spoke out what was in his heart.

But obviously this was unexpected by Hyugako and Dongmi, and both of them were stunned.

For them, their restaurant is like their children, and of course they cannot accept Lin Yi's approach.

"You can run your own business with peace of mind!"

"If you get tired one day, just close it for a while and stay with me."

"In fact, apart from not giving me a cuckold, I'm still good at talking."

After Lin Yi put Hyugako and Dongmi in his arms, he seemed to persuade him, and finally said something jokingly.

"Hum (╯^╰)"

"If you're sorry for us, and if you dare to start chaos and give up at the end, I will cuckold you every day.

Hyugako lay on Lin Yi's chest and took a bite, and said in warning.

"Are you a dog?"

Before Lin Yi could finish speaking, Suwon Dongmi on the other side also spoke hard...


Chapter 111

Without words for a night, Lin Yi fell into a deep sleep in the arms of the two women.

The second day...

"Boom boom boom..."

The sleeping three were suddenly awakened by a knock on the door.

"Who disturbs dreams so early in the morning?"

Gan Hyugako, who was a little irritated, became dissatisfied immediately, and muttered in protest in Lin Yi's arms.


The knock on the door did not stop because of Hyugako's dissatisfaction, so Lin Yi had to ask.

"Lin Yi, you really are here."

"We are leaving for school at noon today. Get up and go back to your room to pack your things."

After Lin Yi asked, the knocking stopped outside the door.Only a familiar female voice came. It was not someone else who drove Lin Yi out of the room last night.

After Sakura Ryoko finished speaking, before Lin Yi said anything, he heard the footsteps gradually leaving outside the door.

Lin Yi, who was disturbed by Sakura Ryoko, had to get up.

"I'm leaving first, come to Yuanyue to play if you miss me."

Lin Yi got up from the bed in the dissatisfied expressions of the two women, and then said softly with a kiss on their foreheads.


"Not bad! I thought you could be immersed in the tender country and not get up!"

When Lin Yi hurried to the room, she found that Tian Suohui and his daughters were packing his luggage. When she saw Lin Yi coming in from the door, Sakura Ryoko looked at Lin Yi with her arms around her chest and looked at Lin Yi mockingly. .

"Don't blame me for this, you must know that you didn't let me sleep with me last night."

Lin Yi shrugged indifferently at Sakura Ryoko's mockery and looked at Ryoko Sakura innocently.

"Che, who wants you to sleep with us makes us very rare."

"Lin Yi, you are always welcome in my room."

Just when Sakura Ryoko was dismissive, Yoshino Yuuki ran to Lin Yi a little naughty and stretched out a hand of friendship, which made Sakura a little angry.

"Yuhime, it seems that the discussion was for nothing last night."

Seeing Yoshino's performance at this time, Sakura Ryoko covered her forehead and looked at Yoshino's with a helpless look and sighed.


"Did you discuss anything last night?"

Regarding Sakura Ryoko's words, Yoshino Yuuhime turned her head to look at Ryoko Sakura with a puzzled look and asked.

"It's nothing, I'll be talking to you after I go back today."

Sakura Ryoko waved her hand and did not answer Yoshino's question directly.

However, after Sakura Ryoko uttered the words, Yoshino Yuuhime suddenly shuddered all over her body for some reason, as if something ominous was about to happen.

"It's not related to me, right!"

"Could it be that too many women have seen me and want to sanction me???"

After Lin Yi heard the conversation between Sakura Ryoko and Yoshino Yuuhime, Fukuzhi asked in his heart.But Lin Yi just asked the core of the question, so everyone chose to ignore Lin Yi's question.

"Xiaohui, what did you discuss yesterday?"

"Come and talk to your husband."

For those who chose to be silent, Lin Yi walked directly to Tian Suohui who was helping Lin Yi to pack her clothes at this time, stepped forward and hugged her waist, Lin Yi whispered in her ears in her somewhat nervous look. Asked.

How did Tian Suohui resist such an intimate action, only to see that the roots of her ears flushed quickly, and her face was a little moved.But just when she was about to say something, Ryoko Sakaki appeared.

"Just 998, just 998"

"Bring home a gentle and virtuous beauty."

"Don't two or three thousand, don't three or four thousand"

"Factory direct sales, quality assurance, good quality and low price, good value for money, economical."

"998 you can't buy it, you can't buy 998 to cheat."

"It can be used this way, it can be used this way, it can also be used this way, it can be used in various ways, it can be matched freely, and it must be in line with your taste!



Following Sakura Ryoko's moving words, everyone in the room looked at Sakura Ryoko with dull gazes.

"Where did you learn this?"

Lin Yi looked at Ryoko Sakura and asked at this moment as if he was suffering from internal injuries, apparently surprised by the advertisement that Ryoko Sakura had played.

"Oh! This is the last time I watched TV shopping."

"At that time, I felt that these words seemed to attract everyone's attention."

"It seems to be true now."

Seeing everyone looking at her shocked gaze, Sakura Ryoko said with satisfaction.

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