Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 72

At this time, Erina directly put the handbag placed on her lap on the ground, using her hands to play with Lin Yi, who is enjoying her knee pillow at this time, and said a little begging for mercy.


After hearing Erina's pleading expression, Lin Yi shrugged and agreed, and then lay down honestly.

Although molesting Rina in the car is a bit interesting, but also consider the scene.

After all, there is still a driver ahead!But if you switch to a female driver, you can consider it.

"I'm a little tired, don't mind if I sit on my knees!"

After Lin Yi yawned, he looked at Erina who was relieved at this time, and then said to him.

"Bah, do I mind it useful?"

"I have already fallen on my head and asked me now, you might as well not ask!"

Regarding Lin Yi's question, Erina couldn't help but said to him with contempt.

Of course, she didn't dare to say these things, although she knew what ethical things Lin Yi would do to herself after she said them!

"No... it doesn't matter, you just like it"

At this time, Erina, who clearly wanted to slap Lin Yi in the air, had to say something nice.

"By the way, Erina, why didn't you catch the car"


After Lin Yi asked this question, I don't know if it was Lin Yi's head resting on his lap, or other reasons that caused Erina's ruddy face to become silent after hearing this question.

"Because of that picture"

In the face of Erina's silence, Lin Yi felt a little bit savage for some reason.

Anyone who knows that there is another man hidden in the heart of his own woman will feel a little unhappy.

" would you know"

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Erina, who had originally planned to hide it, was directly frightened.

There are very few people who know this picture of yourself, even if you know that this picture exists, you will not know that you are so cherished.

At this time, Lin Yi said, how can she not panic.

"As your man, you still have some understanding of the most basic things."

When Lin Yi said these words, Erina wondered if it was an illusion that she was actually there: she smelled a lot of jealousy.

As a result, Erina calmed down, lowered her head and looked at Lin Yi's white face and asked softly: "You are not jealous, right?"

"Do you think so!"

Lin Yi looked at Erina with straight eyes and asked.


At this moment, Erina did not answer, but suddenly stretched out her right hand to cover her lips, looked at Lin Yi's somewhat helpless eyes, and smiled like crescent eyes, looking very happy.

"Suddenly discovered that Lin Yijun, besides the bad side, you have such a cute side!"

Erina looked down at Lin Yi who was lying on her lap at this time, and smiled at the face close to Lin Yi.


Lin Yi was immediately bewildered by Erina's changes, and she was so nervous about herself that she actually wanted to play with herself instead.

Chapter 114

"What do you want to express?"

At this time, Lin Yi looked at Erina, who was only a few centimeters away from his face, and asked in a puzzled way.

"I used to think you were just a person with a bad personality, and you would always do anything to me without my consent."

"And it has a relationship with many girls, just like the only scum in the world."

When Erina watched Lin Yi slowly narrate her opinion of herself, Lin Yi's entire face went dark.

"But I only found out now that you are actually jealous for a photo in my collection."

"Are you really the scumbag I am familiar with, Lin Yi?"


Lin Yi looked at Erina's suspicious eyes and suddenly wanted to vomit blood.Therefore, Lin Yi directly said with a twitching expression: "You still talk about the important point!"

"Key point"

"The point is that I am very happy when you are jealous."

Erina lowered her head and thought for a while, then said to Lin Yi with a smile.


Unbelievable, unbelievable... Just as Lin Yi spoke, something shocked him.

"I was kissed forcibly." These were words that kept flashing in Lin Yi's head, as if Lin Yi, who had always been on his own initiative, was stunned by Erina's sneak attack.

It turned out that after Erina finished speaking, Lin Yi was planning to say something.I saw Erina looking down at Lin Yi and kissed her before Lin Yi could react.

If it wasn't for the warm touch on his lips that fed back into his mind, Lin Yi would think he was dreaming!

However, in order to feel the truth of the matter carefully, Lin Yi directly reached out and hugged Erina's lowered head, and then the two began to communicate more deeply.

With the development of the two, the atmosphere in the carriage heated up rapidly.It's totally an imposing momentum of a big battle...


Suddenly Erina suddenly pinched Lin Yi, and then quickly left Lin Yi's face before he could react.

Then after opening the car window, he took a few deep breaths as if lacking oxygen before he cast his eyes on Lin Yi's face again.

"Have you taken medicine today?"

Lin Yi looked at Erina who looked at her tenderly, and couldn't help asking her a little bit puzzled.


Only then did Erina express puzzlement.

"It looks like I didn't eat it, otherwise how could I be so active today!"

When Lin Yi's words fell silent, Xiang Lin Yi's tender eyes instantly turned gritted teeth.


So it was a woman who couldn't provoke it. I saw that Erina didn't hesitate, and directly pulled Lin Yi's right hand to his mouth and bit it.

That bite is heavy!It seemed that all the humiliation that Lin Yi had to him had been reduced to one mouthful. After the pain reflected in Lin Yi's brain, his entire face couldn't help but twitch.

But for Erina, Lin Yi is not beating or cursing.After all, Lin Yi was still reluctant.

Facing such passive torture is obviously not Lin Yi's character, so... he immediately begged for mercy and said: "My dear, I am wrong... I am wrong,"

"Let it go... let it go, (ˉˉ) saliva is about to flow out."

But this is not the most important thing, after all, sometimes women don't say two good things to forgive you.So you have to prescribe the right medicine.

I saw that Lin Yi's left hand was not idle at this time, and he ran directly to Alice's luxurious big breasts.


But unexpectedly, even though Erina was blushing for Lin Yi raging on her chest, her mouth did not stop.

"It seems that I have to use Ultimate Dafa."

In this situation, Lin Yi reluctantly withdrew the left hand that was raging on Qiou faction at will.But this does not mean that Lin Yi has given up. Under Erina's curious eyes, Lin Yi, who moved his left hand, said solemnly.

"huh huh huh huh"

Erina hummed a few times, as if saying "Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

"Look at my ultimate Dafa-Tickle Dafa"

Sure enough, people have weaknesses.Especially Erina's ticklish weakness had long been discovered by Lin Yi.


"Itchy... let me go! I don't dare anymore."

Originally thought that he could resist by his own will, Urina was defeated in three seconds.After laughing so much that tears were coming out, he begged Lin Yi for mercy.

It's a pity that begging for mercy is useless, as punishment can never end so easily.

"I can't take it anymore, I can't stand it anymore"

"Lin Yijun, just let me go this time!"

I only heard Erina's body trembling, and her voice was a little breathless.


After Erina begged for mercy again, Lin Yi stopped his movements and overwhelmed him on the seat.The two people next to each other can even hear the sound of each other's hearts.

"Are you nervous?"


After Lin Yi looked at Erina under him and asked, Erina retorted with a blush.

"Then why is your heart beating so fast?"


At this time, Erina's heartbeat speeded up naturally after so much close contact with Lin Yi.She really couldn't refute Lin Yi's words.

"No, it seems that my heartbeat has increased."

"The main reason is that your oppa is too big. I didn't feel it at all when I pressed it up."

Just when Erina didn't know how to answer Lin Yi's question, his words suddenly made Erina a bit speechless.Erina even subconsciously glanced at the pair of Oupi who was about to be deformed by Lin Yi, and then pushed Lin Yi directly to push Lin Yi away from him.

"You just played with me for so long just trying to tell me, does your heart belong to me?"

Lin Yi, who continued to press on Erina's body, stretched out his right hand and asked while tidying up her somewhat tangled hair.

"Huh! Whatever you think, I didn't say that!"

Looking at Lin Yi's gentle appearance, Erina didn't move and just snorted and looked at Lin Yi and said.

"When I return to the academy, I will go to your room to find you."

Lin Yi looked at Erina's appearance, sure in his heart.After murmured a word in her ear, she got up from her.


"This is youth!"

The old driver who was driving could not help but sigh to himself when he heard the two people behind laughing and cursing.

Chapter 115

"Huh! Why hasn't Lin Yi come back?"

When the bus stopped in the parking lot of the academy, everyone began to pack their salutes.

But after working for a long time without seeing Lin Yi coming, Yoshino Yuuki couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"I don't care about him, move things out first!"

"I have to find a car to transport my luggage back later!"

Except for Yuki Yoshino who cared about Lin Yi who hadn't appeared yet, everyone else chose to ignore it.They are still very relieved of Lin Yi and don't have to worry about it at all.As long as he doesn't harm others.

After everyone took out their luggage from both sides of the bus, they began to walk out...


Just when I walked out of the parking lot, I heard the hum of cars...

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