Invasion of the second element

Invasion of Two Dimensions Chapter 85

It's not that Xingping Chuang is really not cheeky, but that he doesn't want to drift away on the path of perversion.

"Almost forgot the important thing..."

"Today Lin Yijun left you a big gift in the kitchen. If you don't want it, I can solve it for free."

Isshiki Keiichi finished talking about Itake Jun, who was still lying dead, was the first to get up and ran towards the kitchen...

Sometimes smart people don’t need to mention something, Marui Zenji had already chased Ibuzaki when Daigo Aoki and the others were puzzled...

"Marui, haven't you collapsed?"

"Where did such a good spirit pop up again?"

Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato watched Marui Zenji get up and ran away, and suddenly became a little demented...

"Aren't you three going?"

"It turns out that Lin Yi's cooking skills can't attract you!"

Isshiki looked at the three people who were still lying on the ground at this time and couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"Damn! Senior Isshiki, can you be more reliable?"

"Just tell us that it won't be enough, and what kind of dumb riddles are we playing, so we are not stupid!"

Isshihui's words all said it was worth it, how could they still not understand...

Since the last time I tasted Lin Yi's cuisine, it has never been forgotten!It's a pity that if you don't understand anything, you will not refuse to ask him, but let him do it?Don't talk about it!

In his words, the highest state of a chef is to eat, not to cook...

So he wants to be a qualified foodie...

Although their reaction was slow, they were not slow and quickly caught up with the two of Marui Zenji and Itake Jun...


As soon as they opened the door of the kitchen, a sense of coolness swept over their bodies, and the whole room cooled a lot.

Dago Aoki couldn't help calling when he walked into the kitchen and was swept by the coolness.

"Don't make a noise, look there..."

At this time Itake Tsunami interrupted Aoki Daigo's voice with a serious look, and at the same time instructed him to look at the source of the coolness...

"What baby is this?"

Xingping Chuangzhen, who had just walked in, asked curiously, looking at the treasure that was emitting colorful light in front of everyone.

"At this time, the sacred item of summer prepared by Lin Yi-sand ice"

After Isehui reminded him, everyone walked in and saw that the colorful light was emitted by the combination of seven different colors of ice...

"There is a feeling of reluctance..."

Maruizen swallowed uncontrollably, looking at the sand ice in front of him and said.

Chapter 134

At the moment, inside the canteen of Jixingliao.

Xingping Chuangzhen and others, who had just come back and looked tired, are now lying on the seat with a face of contentment, recalling the sunshine just experienced in the food world from time to time...the beach...and the swimsuit...

"Although I am embarrassed to disturb you when you are upright, I want to inform you of something."

Isshihui, who had originally left the canteen, suddenly came back and interrupted their thoughts while everyone was enjoying.


Everyone tacitly ignored Isshihui's appearance.

"Is it okay to ignore me so much?"

"I have good news..."

To the expression that everyone ignored, Isshihui could not help showing a sad look, but unfortunately it did not arouse everyone's sympathy...

Even if he hid his face and wept bitterly, the fact that he is a man cannot be changed.

"Can you answer me without a word?"


"Are there any alive?"


Regarding Issehui’s endless selling cuteness, the boys in Jixingliao collectively ignored them and couldn’t give him a face, otherwise it would easily turn the sky...

"so sad……"

"Senior Isshiki, please tell me what you have... We just want to have a good time, don't want to move..."

Whether it was out of respect for the predecessor or really afraid of his constant chatter, Itake Saki took the initiative to ask.


"Just received the notice from Lin Yijun that he is going to pretend to be forced tonight...oh no, he is going to show his skills tonight..."

"So you are afraid that you can't be free now, you have to prepare ingredients..."

When Issehui spoke, everyone looked at him blankly.But after saying that Lin Yi was going to pretend to be forceful tonight, their eyes were full of light.

There was still a look of weakness, a completely energetic look.

"Although I am looking forward to Lin Yijun showing his skills, does Wei Mao think your words are a bit unreliable?"

"There is no problem with self-sufficiency of ingredients in Jixingliao, and we still need to prepare specially?"

After the enthusiasm was over, Itake Jun looked suspicious Seeing Isshiki Hui, who had nothing but apron at this time, could not help expressing his doubts.

"I still have some character"

"I just happened to be hit by the shoe that Lin Yi dropped from the window, and then I was told this news to inform you..."

Yishihui smiled charmingly, telling the scene that happened before as if telling a story.

"So accurate?"

You know, the dormitory that Lin Yi did is on the third floor!You can drop a shoe casually and you can feel a little hanging.

"No, it's just that I'm more unlucky."

"Lin Yijun said, he just heard the sound of people walking downstairs. In order to prevent the people downstairs from not noticing the shoes he threw down, he deliberately aimed his head at some..."

Issehui explained to everyone's doubting eyes with a tragic expression.

Afterwards, Isshiki recalled that she really felt that she had to admit that she was a bit unlucky today and should not go out.

"On the issue of ingredients, Lin Yijun said..."

"He doesn't just want the ones that are grown in the soil, but the ones that run on the ground...the ones that swim in the water, the ones that fly in the sky, and those that are wavy in the sea... get some."

Just now Isshiki finished speaking, Itake Jun was a little confused.Just listen to him asking: "Isn't it just a phone call to ship ingredients?"

"The funding of Jixingliao shouldn't be tight!"

Not only Itake Tsuki, but Marui Zenji and others are also very puzzled, except for Kohei Suzaki who is not clear about this aspect.

"I asked the same thing, but Lin Yijun has spoken, and he is always upset to let you eat for nothing."

"So you still accept your fate!"

Isshiki Hui put her hands helplessly and said that she had no way to explain.


Responding to such a nonsensical answer, Jun Iwu Saki showed a black line, and said painfully: "It's really no one. In my impression, Lin Yi is also this character..."

"Faced with this situation, you have to think from another angle..."

Xingping, who knows better about Lin Yi's character, was not surprised. After all, he had experienced it many times when Lin Yi was a guest at his restaurant.

At this moment, Xingping Chuangzhen obviously has some experience with Lin Yi.

"How to say?"

Even Isshiki looked at Xingping Chuangzhen curiously and asked.

"Test the eyesight of choosing ingredients...As a chef, I must go through all the ingredients in his hands. This is an excellent learning time..."

After Xing Ping Chuangzhen's explanation, everyone's eyes lit up. It's true that all things of this truth can't only be seen at one side.

"You won't lie to me this time?"

"I want to eat a big meal you made..."

Compared with Xingping Chuangzhen and others who are discussing where to buy ingredients downstairs, Lin Yi at this moment has to call a few foodies...

Woman!You have to satisfy her desire or she won't let you go to bed.When the time comes, only hard ones are interesting, but they should be modest. More often...

It seems that this is not a big deal for Lin Yi, who has broken his morals...

"When the time comes, you can just open your mouth obediently!"

"I'm going to keep you a round snack food"

After Lin Yi notified Alice, he called Nito Hisasha again...

"Hello! The phone you dialed has been turned off..."

"Don't bully me"

When the call was connected, after hearing the familiar voice on the other side, Lin Yi couldn't help but a black line...

He didn't know where Scarlett had learned the tricks, so he almost hung up on the phone.

"What kind of stuff is the calf?"

In fact, Feisha didn't shy away from Erina when he switched on the phone, after all, last she understood.

Erina, who was a little unclear about Lin Yi's words, couldn't help but asked curiously.

"The calf is a magical little animal..."

"It can be pulled, it can be loaded, it can be played, it can be rolled"


"Speaking of business, I will cook tonight..."

"Bring your little secretary over to join us!"

"You don't need to prepare two mouths for anything..."

"Well, come here early..."

Chapter 135

As the evening approached, Ji Xing Liao began to become lively...

In the kitchen, everyone is fiddling with the ingredients...

"What kind of dishes do you think Lin Yi will cook?"

This is after Marui Zenji put down the cleaned sea crab, and asked curiously to everyone who was busy.

"I don't know, some don't understand the relationship between seafood and curry dishes."

Daigo Aoki really doesn't know how to answer Marui Zenji's question. He still has some doubts about curry cooking!

But this doesn’t require him to think about it, because he was never selected for this fall selection...

"Curry is a transliteration, derived from Tamil, meaning seasoning. It is made with turmeric as the main ingredient, plus a variety of spices (such as coriander seeds, cinnamon, chili, white pepper, cumin, star anise, cumin, etc.) It is a compound seasoning that is spicy and sweet with a special aroma."

"So you can make any dishes, but you have to spend time on the so-called spices..."

"There are various spices and different combinations have different flavors. How to make them accompany your own cooking is a difficult problem..."

"Not all dishes are suitable for curry seasoning"

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