Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 90

Seeing that Xi Jianrun hadn't finished saying this, Lin Yi directly held Xi Jianrun, who was standing in front of him, in his arms...

In his surprised eyes, he lowered his head and kissed, and then Xi Jianjun was not surprised, but extremely frightened...

Lin Yi not only took advantage of his mouth, but also refused to stop his movements. It didn't take long for Xi Jianrun to realize that his chest had fallen...

"you you you……"

After a while, when Lin Yi let go of her.Xi Jianrun, who was half-addicted, woke up instantly.Looking at Lin Yi with an annoyed look at this time, as if he was reminiscing...

"We are trying to lose our minds, don't you agree!"

To Xi Jianjun's accusation, Lin Yi directly replied with an innocent look.

"Nonsense... why did you promise to kiss... kiss me?"

After Lin Yi said this, Xi Jianrun's small face suddenly flushed, apparently feeling a thousand percent anger at Lin Yi's rogue.

"There's none?"

"I asked your opinion just now, you said yes!"

As soon as Lin Yi said this, Xi Jianrun felt that he was going to be sick with qi...

Chapter 142

" are unreasonable..."

Xi Jianrun, who was in the elevator at this moment, condemned Lin Yi with a blushing face.

"Then what do you want?"

"Should I let you kiss me back? But you can't cry!"

"Otherwise, when others see me, they think I bully the kids!"

For some reason, Lin Yi wanted to tease her when she looked at Xi Jianrun's cute appearance...No, it should be teasing her...

"Could it be that this is the legendary love at first sight?"

Lin Yi even had such doubts in his heart.

If you let other women know Lin Yi's thoughts, there will be an urge to shoot him to death,'What is love at first sight?'This is obviously the cost of molesting.

Not to mention the flashing thoughts in Lin Yi's mind, after Xi Jianrun stomped in front of Lin Yi at the moment, he found that he had no way to make up for the losses he had suffered.

Although she can't handle the worldly human relationships, it doesn't mean she is stupid.

"Go back with a kiss?" That's bullshit, and it will only make one's loss even greater.

"I said……"

Just as Lin Yi spoke, Xi Jianrun was shocked and stepped back and leaned against the elevator door...

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't come here! I will call when I come."

Xi Jianrun looked at Lin Yi warily with her arms around her chest, an expression that I would scream when you came here...


"Even if you ask for help, I'm afraid I will have succeeded when someone arrives!"

At this moment, Lin Yi glanced at Xi Jianrun's front~convex~back~ with a smirk and replied.

"Don't cry! Girls crying can be unsightly, makeup is easy to spend and it can be ugly."

"I just joked with you..."

Lin Yi's previous words can be said to have frightened Xi Jianrun, and even tears filled his eyes.

Faced with this situation, Lin Yi naturally took back the wretched expression just now, and calmed her down as much as possible.

"you're lying……"

For Lin Yi, who changed his face faster than himself, Xi Jianrun was willing to believe him.


"I deceive a lot, what do you mean?"

Lin Yi couldn't help asking with a headache for Xi Jianrun, who was unwilling to take back his tears.


"I don't have any makeup at all, so how can I cry and face it?"

'The point is this?My goodness!'Xi Jianrun's answer was beyond Lin Yi's expectation.' Is this the thinking mode of a genius?It's really different!'

Although Lin Yi's heart has not reached the stage of collapse, at least he has gained a lot of knowledge.

I will learn more about geniuses in the future.

"No makeup? The skin looks so tender!"

Lin Yi deliberately put on a look of surprise, watching Xi Jianrun exclaimed.

"I don't believe... Does the spice really have such a charm?"

Originally, Lin Yi said afterwards, she should calm down by turning the topic to spices!

After all, in the original work, she is quite energetic when it comes to spices.

"How can you not believe it!"

"The spice is really amazing. If you don't believe it, touch it."

When Lin Yi mentioned the spices, Xi Jianrun was indeed energetic.But something unexpected happened to him, Xi Jianrun came to Lin Yi's side with a serious face, pulled his hand and touched his face, the original taking advantage of it seemed to have never happened.

After Lin Yi stroked her face for a while, Xi Jianrun had nothing to do at first, but as time passed, she realized that Lin Yi had no idea of ​​taking her hand back.

After all, he asked for it on his own initiative. Pure Xi Jianrun didn't interrupt Lin Yi's movements, but silently accepted it.

But soon Lin Yi couldn't touch it... It turned out to be a tender face with a hint of coolness. As his movements began to heat up, Lin Yi had to take back his right hand.

"thanks for treatment!"

Lin Yi, who retracted his right hand, directly put his hands together and thanked Xi Jianjun.

"'re welcome"


"Ah... I hate it..."

Xi Jianjun, who was still ashamed at first, was so handsome that he recovered his previous anxious appearance within three seconds.

"I said Run Sauce... Why did you suddenly feel like you have used up all the emojis for a month today?"

Lin Yi recalled that since Xi Jianrun entered the elevator, the expressions that had changed along the way were annoyed, angry, shy, irritable, serious, etc., that's why he gave Lin Yi this illusion.

"How can I call the teacher's name directly? And it also has sauce???"

At this moment, Lin Yi renewed Xi Jianrun's hatred.


Just when Lin Yi was about to answer that I was also a teacher, the elevator that had been running suddenly stopped and began to open the elevator doors.

"Run Sauce, let's not care about these minor details."

"I have something important to ask you. Do you know where Professor Chapel's office is?"

After the elevator door opened, Lin Yi asked Xi Jianjun, who was trying to escape at the moment.

"If you let me go, I will tell you."

As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are black are black, may be the reason why I just stayed with Lin Yi for a long time, the intelligence of Xi Jianrun at this moment is soaring!

Before answering Lin Yi's question, he even knew to eliminate his threat at the moment...

"Well then! Don't even think about running away!"

"You can't beat me in terms of physical strength!"

For this, Lin Yi did not refuse, if he let a little girl escape from her hand... then he would vain...


Before Lin Yi changed his mind, Xi Jianrun's feet seemed to have scuds...It could also be said that he was chased by a ghost.

Originally, Lin Yi didn't care, no matter how soon he should be able to catch up, but he obviously underestimated her wisdom.

There are many rooms in the hallway. After she ran to a certain distance, she opened the door and ran in.

"It is best that these rooms are not connected, otherwise it will be difficult to find..."

After Lin Yi chased the past, he subconsciously forgot what he was here for...

Chapter 143

Lin Yi came to the place where Xi Jianrun disappeared, randomly chose a room and opened the door and walked in...


At this moment, Lin Yi who was standing at the door suddenly stopped...

After opening the door, he realized that it was not an office but a bedroom...

I saw that there was standing in the room at this time who didn't wear anything...No, it should be a girl with blue hair wearing a towel and looking towards Lin Yi after hearing the door opening...

This is not the most important thing. Just break into someone else’s bedroom... But it’s still a woman’s bedroom... It’s a bit embarrassing to be caught by the owner...

Fortunately, Lin Yi is the kind of shameless person, so naturally he is not stage fright in this situation.

Especially after noticing that the young-haired girl in front of him was quietly looking at Lin Yi, and'what's happening' flashed in her eyes, Lin Yi couldn't help but said, "I want to ask which room Professor Chapel is in?"

"This floor is the girls' bedroom. You can find it on the 15th floor. There is a nameplate on the office..."

For Lin Yi who suddenly appeared, the young girl didn't know why she was not surprised or angry.It was just... calmly answered Lin Yi's question.


After Lin Yi heard the green-haired girl's answer, the corner of her mouth showed a friendly smile...


Just when Lin Yi wanted to say thank you, he planned to close the door and leave...


Suddenly a gust of wind blew out of the unclosed window, which happened to blow off the bath towel from the blue-haired girl...

The occurrence of this scene surprised Lin Yi suddenly...

"Is it possible that I also have a protagonist template, and this kind of bloody thing can also be encountered?"

Like when the door is opened, the heroine has no clothes!God fell!Lin Yi like this was very envious at the beginning, but he didn't expect to receive this kind of treatment now...

"Have you not seen enough?"


Looking at the green-haired girl's bumpy figure, Lin Yi couldn't help but secretly admire while admiring it.

So when the young girl asked about it, Lin Yi naturally responded with her own inner thoughts.

"That's okay, please come in and enjoy it slowly!"

After hearing Lin Yi's answer, the Tsing Yi girl not only did not nervously wrap her body.Instead, he said to Lin Yi with a soft expression.

"What's happening here?"

"I didn't go to the wrong set, did I?"

"Am I in the protagonist template state now?"

To be honest, it is the first time that Lin Yi has been so nervous in a woman since he came to this world...

"This is not so good!"

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