Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 99

The cooking of the dozens of contestants in the front, after every bite of Chiba Xia Ya, she doesn’t work on it...

"Sure enough, there should be no expectation..."

"Unexpectedly, I would rate such a dish..."

After tasting the tasting, Chiba Natsuya directly picked up the handkerchief on the side and wiped her mouth... Then she let out a disappointed sigh...

"No... I don't know, what's your rating?"

The emcee on the side swallowed after seeing Qianmo Xiaya's completely gloomy expression... asked nervously.

"Does that still need to be said?"


I saw that several other judges gave a symbolic score... Qianmo Xiaya scored zero without hesitation...

"If it has always been such a dish, then there is no need to present it..."

Maybe you are really tired of eating it!All dishes are not new...

Qianmo Xiaya couldn't help but get mad, and saw that as soon as her words came out, many people became nervous...

"Then...then, next...the next player..."

The emcee now looks like she is about to cry by the fright of Qianba Xiaya...

"environment × widow ∈ Zheng milling

Although many of her works were rejected by Qian Hao Xia Ya, her work as the emcee of ceremonies still had to be done... She had to call down... But fortunately, this finally came up with a somewhat weighty candidate...

"Isn't this Alice's follower?"

"I don't know what he cooked?"

Xingping Chuang who was standing next to Lin Yi said curiously.

"I don't care what he does, I just want to know... Lin Yi, I don't know how you feel if you have a small butler next to Alice?"

Xingping Chuangzhen's words caused Sakura Ryoko's mouth to draw an arc, and then asked gently in Lin Yi's gaze.

"They are also childhood sweethearts, how bad it is to take apart abruptly! Anyway, think about Alice's mood too!"

"It's not a big deal for them to live together... Besides, am I such a stingy man?"

"Now there are a lot of boys living in Jixingliao! Will I drive them all out?"

Lin Yi, who digs other people's corners, is most interested...

"Obviously we moved in first, okay?"

Lin Yi's last words, not far away, Itake Tsuki and Marui Zenji could hear clearly, so they couldn't help but spit out secretly in their hearts.

At the beginning, Alice specifically talked to Lin Yi about Jing×Gou Ne 

Mainly, isn't there a Nito Hisago beside Erina!So she also wanted to find one...

But it's not just a matter of finding one... at least as much as you want in cooking... In the end he was picked up by Alice...

After Lin Yi listened to Alice’s words at the time, it seemed as if she picked up a dog...

Now recalling Alice's words when she took the initiative to confess, a black line could not help but appear on Lin Yi's head...

"You are my women, but not my personal belongings... You have your own freedom, so I will not restrict some things..."

"I love you, but I don't want to make you unhappy because of something irrelevant. Then it's mine..."

"After all, I am very happy to have you"

Lin Yi suddenly uttered a sensational remark to Sakura Ryoko... It's a pity that she doesn't eat this set...

"You can do it! You shouldn't mess around if you really thought about us..."

Sakura Ryoko looked at Lin Yi a little bit angry and said.

"I'm not afraid of you being snatched away by others! That's why I have to act first to be strong... I am all for you!"

"Ahhh! You shameless..."

"It's okay, this year's face is worthless, how can you be valuable!"

For Sakura Ryoko’s contempt, Lin Yi was not only lifeless, but also a little triumphant...



"By the way, can you two flirt and yell at another place?"

"Do you want to do more than 10,000 points of harm to us single dogs?"

The dialogue between Lin Yi and Ryoko Sakura immediately attracted the hatred of everyone nearby...Xingping Chuangzhen complained even more.

"I want you to manage..."

When Xingping Chuangzhen's complaining words came out, Lin Yi and Ryoko Sakura said to him in unison...


"Siu true love, die fast..."

After Xingping Chuangzhen was silent for a while, he left a sentence and left beside the two of them, and walked to Iwu Saki Jun and the others...

During the conversation between Lin Yi and Ryoko Sakura, there was a flash of humiliation × ditch  ampoule .

"Lin Yi, how many points do you think this follower of Alice can get?"

"That Qianma Xiaya won't get zero points anymore, right?"

For the existence that can be recruited by the arrogant Alice as a follower, his culinary skills must not be bad... So Ryoko Sakura couldn't help but ask curiously...

"Look at the faces of the judges first..."

Lin Yi didn't directly mention the Jing×Gu bad Zheng invade benzene and dare to Y Ryoko looked at the five judges...

"This look seems familiar..."

Sakura Ryoko looked at the flushes on the faces of the five judges at this time, couldn't help but said with some confusion...

"Yes! I can see on your face every day..."

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh softly... The originally smart Ryoko Sakura suddenly reacted... "You are going to die! Tell me about this here"

Chapter 157 The Change of Mito Yumei

"environment × widow ∈ Zheng, 93 points"

With the excitement of the emcee, the whole venue began to lively...

Originally, the depressive situation on the scene was instantly broken because of the fact that Qianmo Xia Ya always scored zero points...


"The overwhelming number one!"


Jing×Gully herders, greed, greed, mildew, gall, embedding scripts, , Zheng, Meng, Miao, Zhong, , ┮, caries of the happy member, , Mou Hui, .

Originally, the environment × the coffin, the ammonia frequency modulus, the sputum is not the sputum, and the phlegm is the same as the target disaster. The Huangtou Phra Shun Shun Chu    Rhyme Guan  Ampo Caiqin !

However, after seeing Lin Yi, he just stunned his pretending words to stop him... Then he took off his headscarf and restored his original lazy appearance...

"Ah! It's over"

Jing×Bone Cub Mirror Nao  Su Chen Shuo Na Zhe Zhe .

"Damn! This contrast is too big!"

Lin Yi didn't respond much from here, but Xingping Chuang was really surprised by his instant face change...

"Ninety-three points!"

Mito Yumei on Lin Yi's right hand suddenly sighed... Suddenly felt the pressure, even Ryoko on the other side bit her lip after hearing Mito Yumei's voice...

"Then...then...the next one please..."

Everyone is still facing the environment×goumumei site⒋Carbon protection, gangrenous locust locust horror, sucking heat, obedient  rushing pump Φ is the file feed.

"Master, I got on first..."

After the emcee's words sounded, Mito Yumei, who was still sighing, suddenly remembered that the next one was herself, so after a word to Lin Yi, she brought up the five dishes that had been prepared...


Five small porcelain bowls were gently placed in front of the five judges...

Before opening the lid, the judges who were still a little shocked by the previous cooking couldn't help but turn their attention back...

"I don't know what kind of cuisine this will be?"

One of the men looked curiously at the porcelain bowl covered in front of him and couldn't help but guess.

"Please taste"

But he didn't let him look forward to it for long, Mito Yumei opened those covers...

At the moment the lid was opened... Before everyone was curious, a fragrance of fragrance spurted out of it...

"Forest? Grassland?"

The moment the fragrance of that fragrance radiated... it led several judges to imagine a dense forest in their minds...

"Porridge? What kind of porridge is this?"

"Why is there an idea of ​​wanting to indulge in it?"

One of the judges suddenly spoke...

He who is most fond of hunting suddenly discovered something fascinated by him in this dish... But the vague feeling made him uncertain about what it was...

"Okay... try it! My curry dishes... bold beef porridge..."

Under the stirring of Mito Yumei, the beef porridge has a golden yellow or even greenish luster from time to time...

"My tongue can't wait..."

Then the judges stopped hesitating and began to taste...

"Um... this sticky feeling... makes me want to break free"


With a cry from their hearts... they suddenly felt that they were in a new world... It was a free and unrestrained wilderness...

"The pleasure of letting the soul free and unrestrained"

In no time, they seemed to have turned into cows and began to run freely and carefree in the wide field...

Unfortunately, freedom is always short...It didn't take long for their consciousness to come back again...

"This dish"

"The original ingredients that should have conflicting flavors did not expect that after the beef was blended into it, they would blend together perfectly. It was incredible.

One of the judges praised.

"The main reason why they can blend together so perfectly is because they once lived together..."

"The ingredients used in this dish come from the same place..."

"I bought a piece of prairie specifically to cultivate these high-quality cows who yearn for freedom, and I can find all the ingredients I match where they live..."

Although Mito Yumei explained briefly, the difficulties can be imagined...

First of all, the first step... Don't think about it if you don't have any money, the requirements for the environment are not simple...


Originally because of Jing×Gou Shepherd Rock, the toolmaker’s baking of that l Xia Ya... the originally shaking mood couldn’t help but relax...

"Then...Then, please rate the judges!"

After the tasting, the emcee could not help interrupting the five judges who were thinking about the scene just now...

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