[Kamen Riders, they are all tall heroes on weekdays. 】

[But few people have ever thought that under the steel mask, they are also human beings, and under the armor, they are also flesh and blood! ] 】

[If Kamen Rider didn’t have the ability to transform and became an ordinary person, what would they do…].

[Next, the light curtain will show interesting things that will happen in the parallel world of Kamen Riders who usually show themselves as heroes.] 】


Super Squad Universe.

Team Tyrantaro World.

“What’s the fun thing about Kamen Rider?”

“I’m curious, I don’t know if one day, I will take stock of the world of our team.”

Momoi Taro looked at the words on the light curtain and said curiously.

“I hope I can also be inventoried, I’m curious, what kind of self in the parallel world is like!”

Ghost Head looked at the screen expectantly.


Armor Warriors Universe.

Punishment World.

Happy teppanyaki.

“Kamen Riders, interesting things happened in parallel worlds…”

“Will one day count our armored warriors?”

Wu Gang, the summoner of the Vajra armor, asked Yang Welcome and the others with a curious look.

“First of all, we don’t know if there are other armored warriors like us in other worlds!”

Li Haotian, the armor of the Punishment Heaven, also spoke at this time.

“I’d love to see what kind of people Kamen Riders are.” Flying Shadow Armor Xu Tingfei also spoke.


Almost all the world is watching the screen.

In the attention of many worlds.

New words began to appear on the light curtain.

[What are the knights of the parallel world doing?] Build! 】

[The screen is about to start, you can publish your ideas, suggestions, etc. on the light screen, and it will be presented in the form of a barrage.] 】


Kamen Rider Build Creation World.

Nascita Coffee Shop.

“The first one is our world!”

“I don’t know who will be the first to appear on the light curtain, I hope that I in the parallel world, like me now, is a protein nobleman!”

I showed off my biceps and said with a look of anticipation.

At this time, he did not know what kind of virtue he was in the parallel world.

“Mi Tan, don’t worry, you are in a parallel world.”

“What I like, it must be you in a parallel world!”

It was at this time that Sarutsu Yihai ran to Shi Dongmeikong’s side and offered his courtesy.

“I must also be a genius physicist in the parallel world.”

“No, I want to start studying parallel worlds, create instruments that can travel through parallel worlds, and travel through the past to find another self to talk to.”

Saying that, Kiryu War Rabbit began to get busy.

And E always brewed a very bad cup of coffee as always, quietly watching the light curtain….



A new title was also displayed on the light curtain.

[Title: I’m already invincible – I’m already chicken and don’t eat! ] 】

Seeing the title displayed on the light screen, the audiences of the major worlds were stunned.


No chickens to eat?

What the hell is this?

“Hey, hey, the title seems a little wrong! Eat chicken, what kind of chicken do you eat? – Wu Gang! ”

“What are you thinking? Of course, it’s a game eater! – Ren Tianyun (Armor Warrior Ma Shuai)! ”

“This… Isn’t this a mantra? It seems that the first one to climb the light curtain will be Wanzhang! – Sarutobu Ichikai! ”

It can be seen that the parallel world likes to “eat chicken”, but I don’t know which chicken to eat! – Ice Room Phantom! ”

“Let me look forward to Kamen Rider’s performance in the parallel world! – Haruki Natsukawa! ”

Seeing the title, the audience became curious.

At this time, the light curtain picture is constantly changing, and the scene flashes quickly.

The light curtain first gave a detailed introduction to the Build world, including the Sky Wall, Pandora’s Box, etc., so that the audience could quickly understand the Build world.

Followed by.

It is a comprehensive broadcast of my deeds.

Wanzhang Long I: I was permanently expelled for playing fake boxing matches.

Later, because he was suspected of killing Katsuragi Qiao, he was arrested, and was subjected to human experiments, and forcibly injected nebula gas.

After escaping from prison, he met Kiryu War Rabbit, and since then the fates of the two have been linked.

In the battle with Kiryu War Hare, the danger level rises and he successfully transforms into Kamen Rider Cross-Z Croze.

After that, there are some battle scenes of the dragon me.

Before he failed to transform into Kamen Rider, he in the flesh, and after transforming into Kamen Rider, he was deflated one after another.

Wear the most handsome armor and fight the worst record!

“I depend, I should not say, this buddy is really handsome after transformation, but… Strength, but not much evaluation! – Kunzhong ! ”

“It would be better to suggest that he change the mantra to invincibility to invincibility to invincibility – Menyaji! ”

“I can’t say that, although the record is indeed not bright enough, but he is fighting for mankind and the world, and he is a hero worthy of our respect! ——True Sword Go! ”

“Is there a possibility that it’s not that he’s too weak, but that his opponent is too strong? Who can beat Ebelt! – Asakura Riku! ”

“I didn’t expect you to be the one who knows best, thank you two good brothers upstairs!” Woohoo! ——Wanzhang Dragon Me! ”

“That’s right, although my good brother is deflated, he is still very fierce, you have to ask where fierce? The slogan is shouted loudly! Hahaha! – Sarutobu Ichikai! ”

“Now I am invincible! , the power is boiling, the soul is burning, my magma is gushing! No one can stop me!! Hahahahaha!!! – Ice Room Phantom! ”

As a loss friend, the two old sixths of Ape Du Yihai and Ice Room Phantom De directly damaged the Ten Thousand Dragon in front of the audience of the heavens and realms in the barrage!

This wave directly gave Wan Zhanglong so angry that my face turned green.

At this time, Wan Zhanglong looked at Ape Du Yihai and Ice Room Illusion with fire-breathing eyes, and he already thought in his heart, when the inventory of them…

What kind of way should I mock these two goods.

Just when Wanzhang Long was angry, the title of the parallel world directly made him dumbfounded….

Hey, hey!!

The painting style is not right!!!

Don’t do it, don’t do it!!

I see….

A title is quietly displayed above the light curtain.

[At the age of 30, he is still a virgin, and it seems that he will become a magician world. ] 】

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