Light curtains.

At this time, passers-by are still not worried that their brother is with that damn Nantong.

So he began to observe Ayato quietly outside through the window.

At this time, Ayato was making coffee alone in the kitchen.

Seeing the single Ayato, the ordinary man who greeted the passers-by at the beginning, saw the opportunity.

He intimately came to Ayato’s side and asked if he needed his help.

“Willow, no need, you go back and wait for me.”

Ayato refused, how could he let the guests help.

At this time, passers-by observing outside the window also nodded very gratifyingly.

It seems that now his own brother has not bent it yet!

However, this guy named Liu said very strongly that he wanted to help.

Seeing this, the passerby came to the conclusion that his current brother and the guy named Tojo and this guy named Yanagi …

It’s a legendary love triangle!

But he is not only Willow at all, because this guy is completely cannon fodder, and there are no conditions to become the main character in the BL world at all.

While helping to make coffee, Willow accidentally burned her hand with hot water.

Ayato immediately took his hand and put it under cool water to rinse continuously, which made Willow completely fall….

After making coffee, Ayato and Yanagi continued to return to their room to play games.

During this time, Willow’s eyes have been on Ayato’s body.

However, passers-by observing outside the window found that Mad, not only Yanagi and that Tojo, were interesting to their younger brother Ayato.

Even the medium-sized black-haired shy man at the beginning was interesting to his younger brother!

Seeing this, the audience was dumbfounded….

“I rub, four-corner love? Ayato is like a little sheep who broke into the wolves!! – No Break! ”

“Aaaaa!!!a Four-corner love? Is this the rhythm of the four P’s? This world is indeed the paradise of the old lady!! – Irao Name! ”

“Hehe, or young people can play…——Young woman Baijie!”

“Huh! What are these guys doing? Is that how it is used?? – Li Haocheng! ”

“I originally thought that this world was just a simple world where everyone would become a BL world, but I didn’t expect it to be so chaotic!! Three men, like one man, what kind of rhythm is this? – Shindai Sword! ”

“When I was a child, my mother said that she would beat my ass to blossom, I didn’t think so, and when I grew up, my ass really blossomed! ——Xu Si! ”

Seeing such a chaotic relationship, Kiryu War Rabbit himself gasped.

So terrifying, there are four batches …

Fortunately, the passerby is a straight man of steel, otherwise he would have no face!

At this time, the passerby has been completely numb, and his younger brother Ayato has completely fallen into this BL world.

It’s too late!

He can’t stop his younger brother from becoming a Nantong!

He couldn’t get his brother back….

While passers-by were grieving, Tojo suddenly spotted passers-by secretly observing outside.

He directly opened the floor-to-ceiling window and forcibly pulled passers-by in, indicating that passers-by would also play games with them.

Passers-by were of course very resistant at first.

After all, this Nima has a room full of people who have ideas about their younger brother!

If one of them is not good, someone may fancy themselves!

This is very dangerous!


After starting to play the game, passers-by were completely happy and directly left Nantong’s affairs behind….

Then the screen turns.

Passers-by ate alone in the school cafeteria, and while eating, he took out his mobile phone to read BL comics.

That’s right.

He is in the world of BL comics, watching BL comics.

Girls who love BL manga are called rotten women, and since there are rotten women, there will also be rotten men.

For example, the BL comic he is reading now was drawn by a male author.

Now that he is familiar with BL comics in order to avoid becoming Nantong, he will be branded as a rotten man, an attribute that does not conform to the characteristics of passers-by.

It is even possible to become the main role.


While passers-by were watching BL comics, a man wearing glasses suddenly appeared behind him.

The man leaned into the ear of a passerby and said to him:

“So you can read this kind of comics…”

Passers-by reflexively covered the table with their mobile phones.


“I just didn’t expect you to have this hobby…” the man said obscenely to passers-by.

At this time, passers-by also recognized this man, this guy seemed to be in the same English class as himself, and he was regarded as his classmate.


“I can’t imagine it…”

“It turns out that you can look at this kind of thing~~”

The man sat next to the passerby and looked at him playfully.

At this time, passers-by were full of nervousness, and the clothes behind them were already wet with sweat.

If this continues, he will be mistaken for a corrupt man!

At that time, with the special attribute of rotten man, it will not meet the characteristics of his passers-by, maybe he will become the main character in this BL world! ! !

At this moment, passers-by constantly had sly reasons floating through their minds.

What just clicked on this site, what didn’t know at all that this was BL comics or something….

And just when passers-by are thinking about what reason to use to prevaricate the past.

The man patted the passerby on the shoulder and said to him

“You can rest assured, I won’t make a big deal about this, he…”

Hearing the man’s words, passers-by relaxed.


The next second, the man’s words made him stunned.

“Since you want me to keep your secret, then I have a condition…”

The man’s gaze was placed on the passerby, and there was an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth….

Kiryu War Rabbit: ???!!!


What conditions???

Why is this guy so much like that kind of unspoken middle-aged uncle!!

His condition should not be to let passers-by sleep with him!!


At this time, the nerves of passers-by were also as if they were electrocuted!


Conditionally ???

Did he fancy himself!!!

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