Valentine’s Day.

In this BL world, it is also a vigorous festival.

But since everyone is Nantong, they don’t communicate directly on the bright side, so they can’t see the lively scene of giving each other chocolates.

And just when passers-by think that what Valentine’s Day and so on has nothing to do with themselves….

He suddenly discovered.

In his backpack, he inexplicably had an extra box of chocolates.

Passers-by who saw the chocolate were stunned!

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, what should he do at this time?

He immediately made up a picture of the chocolate, and after receiving the chocolate, he provocatively held it in his hand and asked the students around him who gave it to him.

And in order to see the other party show their horse’s feet, eat a chocolate on the spot and praise it.

Of course, all this is just brain supplement….


After pondering for a while, he planned to just treat it as if he didn’t see it, and then take the chocolate home.

As long as you pretend not to know, then this thing has not happened.

The audience was happy, self-deception was understood by this kid!


Kamen Rider Build world.

“Who the hell!!”

“Who sent the chocolate!”

“I’ve been a naked man in the Azure Sea World once, and I’ve been blasted by Ju!”

“Now I absolutely, definitely can’t become Nantong again, people can’t take stock again, lose face twice!!”

Kiryu War Rabbit shouted madly, originally after the end of the blue sea world, it should be changed!!

But I didn’t expect it….

The new world is still yourself!

And it’s all Nantong’s world!

Now that even Ayato has fallen, he is afraid that passers-by will not be able to hold on!!

“War Rabbit, don’t worry, become Nantong, just Nantong, we just have a companion together!”

“Relax, if passers-by find their happiness, can you stop it?”

I came to Kiryu War Rabbit’s side, patted Kiryu War Rabbit on the shoulder, and pretended to be comforting Kiryu War Rabbit.

In fact, his inner thoughts are very old!

It is certainly scary to lose face by becoming Nantong yourself!

But what is even more heart-wrenching is that his friend did not become Nantong, and he was disgraced with him!

“Who wants to be Nantong with you!!”

Kiryu War Rabbit roared in despair.

The two of Ape Wataru Kazukai and Ice Room Phantom on the side shook their heads, and then silently stayed away from Kiryu War Rabbit and Manzhang Dragon I….

These two guys have been put on the danger list.

When you go to bed in the future, you have to turn a blind eye!

Otherwise, you may encounter the “flower picker” who sneaks in in the middle of the night!

Kiryu War Rabbit and Manjo Dragon, I glanced at it, I don’t know when it had moved to the ice chamber at the base of the wall, Phantom De and Ape crossed the sea….

These two guys….

What are you doing running so far???


Two weeks after passers-by received chocolate.

Next to the passerby in class, there was suddenly an extra boy.

The boy’s name was Kikuchi, and he was a classmate of a passerby.

According to the experience of passers-by watching many BL comics, passers-by can basically lock themselves on Valentine’s Day….

The box of chocolates in the bag is likely to be put in by this guy.

And when passers-by are thinking about why this guy is sending himself chocolate….

Kikuchi’s is also looking at passers-by intently!

The audience immediately understood!

Kikuchi, this kid, is interesting to passers-by!!

He wants to see through the skin swallow of passers-by!!

It seems that

The parallel world body of the Kiryu War Rabbit, not only in the blue sea world, the skin swallow will suffer.

In the world that will never become a BL, his skin swallow will also suffer!!!

“Pervert!! Quickly take your boy’s gaze away from passers-by! – Kiryu War Rabbit! ”

“War rabbit, don’t shout, passers-by can’t hear it, let it be! Hahahaha! ——Wanzhang Dragon Me! ”

“Hahaha, my old sixth attribute has been completely exposed, and he is now crazy to pull the Kiriyu War Rabbit into the water! – Kazuki Igarashi! ”

“I’m not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense, you boy! Be careful I sue you for slander! ——Wanzhang Dragon Me! ”

“But what I said is not unreasonable, obviously, Kikuchi has taken a fancy to passers-by, no matter how he hides, he can’t hide!! Hahaha! ——Soji Tachikakan! ”


At this time, passers-by are thinking, why did this guy fall in love with himself?

Obviously he is already very careful to avoid becoming a BL, but he still can’t avoid the fate of being loved!!

And at this moment, Kikuchi on the side suddenly asked passers-by;

“Classmate, I didn’t come to class last week, can you borrow me to copy notes?”

Kikuchi made an excuse to get closer to passers-by.

Passerby:??? , Your kid obviously sat next to me last week, okay?


Passers-by made an excuse and prevaricated.

“Sorry, I’m used to using loose-leaf notes, last week’s notes are not at hand!”

“Well, sorry to bother you suddenly…” Kikuchi’s face was slightly embarrassed!


Good job!!!

This is how to fiercely refuse this kid with bad intentions!!!

Kiryu War Rabbit said excitedly in his heart!

And Wanzhang Dragon, I want to cry without tears at this time, the will of the parallel world body of the war rabbit is so firm, it will seem that his parallel world body An Daqing is very stupid! ! !

And yet….

What happened next.

But let the mood of the two reverse.

Kiryu War Rabbit Man is stupid!!

Lao Tzu ….

It’s going to be picked up???!!!

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