The passers-by who were full of Kikuchi returned home with their heads confused.

After arriving home, passers-by locked themselves in their rooms without saying anything.

Then he slowly opened the drawer and carefully took out the chocolate that Kikuchi had given him on Valentine’s Day….

The passer-by opened the lid of the chocolate, picked up a piece of chocolate, and gently put it in his mouth.

Melt in the mouth.

“So sweet.”

Then the passerby picked up another piece of chocolate, put it in his mouth and chewed, “It’s so bitter…”


Passers-by have completely fallen.

The audience understood that passers-by still could not hide after all.


He bent a little inexplicably, but the audience barraged and was still blessed.

Only Kiryu War Rabbit was alone, collapsing in the barrage, but his cries were drowned in a sea of blessing barrage.

After eating two chocolates.

The passerby pushed open the door of the room, and then ran out in a hurry….

“Big brother?”

“Where are you going??”

Ayato asked a worried passerby with a puzzled look.

But passers-by did not answer him at all, passers-by ran on the streets at night, and pedestrians passed him one by one.

These people, to him, were all passers-by.

He is now….

To meet the protagonist in his heart.

After a wild run, passers-by came to the door of the restaurant where Kikuchi worked.

Kikuchi looked at passers-by, passers-by looked at Kikuchi….

At this moment, time seems to freeze in this moment.

The screen turns.

Passers-by and Kikuchi came to the holy place where the couple confessed and broke up, the sky bridge.

“What are you going to tell me?”

Kikuchi asked to passers-by.

“Kikuchi, let me ask you, what time do you leave work?”

“After seven.”

“That… If you’re free after work, would you like to find a place to have a drink? The passerby said to Kikuchi a little shyly.

“Eh! What am I talking about! The voice of the passerby said.

Today’s passers-by are completely in their own minds and actions.

“Passers-by, count me begging you, count brother begging you, save me some face!” A naked man, a Nantong, I really can’t stand it! – Kiryu War Rabbit! ”

“Hahaha, War Rabbit, don’t resist, Kikuchi is so good to passers-by, you just get it from!” – Sawa Takigawa! ”

“Look at Kikuchi, what a boy? He can obviously take advantage of the passers-by when they are drunk, and do it to passers-by.

Not only did he not be, but he also sent passers-by home, without even leaving his name!

He really… I cried to death…——Shi Dong Meikong! ”

“My suggestion is that the war hare’s autumn pants can be worn on Kikuchi in reverse! – Sarutobu Ichikai! ”

“Then I will make another suggestion on your suggestion, my suggestion is that the war rabbit has another hemorrhoid, so that it can add a little graininess!” – Ice Room Phantom! ”

Kiryu War Rabbit: ???!!! Would you like to hear what you’re saying!!!

How could such words run out of the innermost part of the son of a prime minister of the Eastern Capital in your hall!!!

You can say things like having hemorrhoids and increasing graininess???

I look like you *** ***!!!

“Burst!! Brother, you speak, I feel perverted all over the place!! ——Zhang Chulan! ”

“Huh!!! You’re so disgusting!! – Sawa Takigawa! ”

“I often don’t fit in with you because I’m not perverted enough…-Shijima Gang!”


“Going for a drink? That’s great. Kikuchi replied happily when he heard passers-by inviting him to drink.

“Okay, then it’s settled, I’ll treat you, and you’ll just come…” said the passerby.

“Why are you having a treat?”

“This… Not because… Didn’t you give me chocolates on Valentine’s Day? ”

“Moreover, you saved me from getting drunk yesterday…”

“So you found out it’s me, I’m so happy…” Kikuchi’s face showed a bright smile.

Seeing the smile on Kikuchi’s face, Kiryu War Rabbit fell.

At this time, he actually felt that Kikuchi laughed very cute!

Seeing the smile on Kikuchi’s face, passers-by at this time could no longer bear it….



“What’s wrong?”

At this time, the passerby was struggling madly in his heart, and he secretly said in his heart that he would definitely not be bent by this BL world!

Absolutely not!

When pigs fly!


But the words came out of his mouth….


“I like you…”

After the passerby said this, Kikuchi’s eyes became stunned by the way….

He and passers-by looked at each other affectionately.


Time seems to freeze….

And the picture.

It was also frozen at this moment, and finally gradually dimmed.

See here.

The audience understands the world of “The World That Will Definitely Become BL VS The Man Who Never Wants to Become BL”….

It’s over.

The moment passers-by become BL, the story of this world is over!

Kiryu War Rabbit also confessed….

“Although these two are together, it is very inexplicable, but still bless them!! – Kamihara Suruga! ”

“The passerby has been emphasizing that he can’t become Nantong, and his approach is also trying his best to avoid becoming Nantong, but in the end, he was so easily captured? – Kamiyama Hibiha! ”

“This progress … It’s too fast!! ——Ge Ye Qiqi! ”

“Good guy, there has been no Kikuchi’s scene before, and as soon as Kikuchi came out, he directly took down the passers-by? – Kazuki Igarashi! ”

“Kikuchi can break better than Yuichi Kurosawa!! It’s a wrench!! – Shindai Sword! ”

“Hahahaha, God wrench! So, the protagonist of the next light curtain … Who would it be! I’m looking forward to it! – Sarutobu Ichikai! ”


In the next second, Ape Duyi couldn’t laugh.

The picture on the light curtain directly made him dumbfounded….

The protagonist….

Am I actually myself?


PS: Some readers greatly expressed that they would write less about Nantong scenes, hoping to see some other worlds, which the little brother has noticed.

But it’s good to let the little brother finish writing the title of the book “All the Riders Go to the Sea”, otherwise someone will spray the content of the book and the title of the book, haha!

After writing about the creation world, all readers can comment on what they want to see, and the little brother will read it.

At present, I see that all readers want to see are Crimson Village Jianxin, Xiaoming Brother is green, as well as Good Morning Lion, Blood Street and so on.

These worlds will be arranged after all the members of the creative rider who finished the title of the book in the little brother went to the sea!

Finally BL world, this drama is a little bad to be honest, I am quite uncomfortable to write, and it is not at all as handy as a thirty-year-old virgin, and I don’t recommend it.

Finally, kneel down to ask for a wave of readers’ big data, after the title of the book is finished, the little brother will do his best to meet the world that everyone wants to see!

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