I saw my mother being doxed out, put on the Internet, and provided information to the media.

Lion Shenhao was completely furious, he left a message under that post and waited for death…

The person who can post is not the same thing at all.

Because he hides behind the screen, the keyboard is his weapon, even if Lion Shenhao is a terrible murderer…

But what can you do with him?

Virtual network, virtual identity, whether he can find himself, all said…


The guy who posted the human flesh post even arrogantly mocked Lion Shenhao.

“If you have the ability, come and kill me!” Idiot! ”

“Wait to be killed by me!”

Dark, narrow, plastered with posters.

A fat man with crosshair, glasses, and messy hair, sat behind a computer screen, mocking Lion Shenhao, and the horizontal meat on his fat face trembled with laughter.

On the Internet, he was not afraid of anyone…

Seeing this kid die like this, the audience was stunned…

There really is such a guy in this world who does not know the height of the sky.

Let a pervert who treats human life like a mustard and has super ability kill himself…

He even said that he could kill Lion Shenhao!

It’s too iron!

Just as the man was hiding behind the screen and was complacent, Lion Shenhao once again left a message under his post:

“Found you, I’ll come…”

Seeing this message, the audience knew that this guy was dead…

Jesus doesn’t necessarily save Him when he comes!

“This guy is nervous!” The man looked at the computer screen and said with a smile.

But in the next second, Lion Shenhao suddenly appeared on the computer screen in front of him.

With gloomy and cold eyes, ignoring him!

Immediately afterwards, Lion Shenhao’s cold, angry voice penetrated into the man’s ears!

“That’s you? Leaking my mother’s information to the media? ”

Even though Lion Shenhao appeared on his computer screen, the man was only stunned for a moment, and was not afraid.

Even if the lion Shenhao, no matter how terrifying.

You can’t kill yourself along the network cable, right?

“Lion God?”

“Hahahaha! Buddha-figures? How hilarious! ”

The man said with a smile, and the lion Shenhao in the screen continued to press him:

“What’s the benefit of doing this 01?”

“Idiot! Stinky imp! Hahahaha! The man did not answer Lion Shenhao’s question, but scolded him.

In the next second, Lion Shenhao raised his hand, compared to a gun gesture, and aimed it at the man.

Seeing the lion Shenhao’s gesture of comparing a very childish gun to himself, the man laughed even more arrogantly.

The expressions on his face are full of teasing.

But the next second…

He couldn’t laugh anymore.

Because after the lion Shenhao’s mouth made a “bang”, a bloody blood hole suddenly exploded on his left shoulder.

The man slowly turned his head and saw the blood hole on his shoulder, and he suddenly grinned in pain!

And the audience was shocked to see that Lion Shenhao was able to kill people thousands of miles away through the Internet.


What is the principle of this?


You’re really here!

What a killing along the network cable!

Hokage World.

“Even if you don’t know how far apart, can you still kill people in the air?”


“It’s terrifying!”

Kakashi looked shocked.

The world under one man.

“I originally thought that Ayamura Kenshin was already Ryotaro’s most powerful parallel world body…”

“Unexpectedly, now come out directly to open one!”

“Made! Killing people along the network cable, how is this called fun? ”

Xu Si, who was holding a cigarette, said with a shocked face, and Zhang Chulan and Xu San and the others next to him were also dumbfounded at this moment!

You can really kill people along the network cable…

It seems that you can’t just be a trolls on the Internet in the future.

Otherwise, when you meet a pervert like Lion Shenhao who can kill along the network cable, it will be over!

Denwang World!

“Ryotaro! No need to learn swordsmanship! Learn this! Learn this! ”

Rontarus pointed to the light curtain and said with a look of excitement.

Momotaros on the side was also looking at Ryotaro Nogami with a look of anticipation, if Ryotaro also had such a strong ability.

In any time and world, they can walk sideways!

“It’s really killing along the network cable! Hahaha! This is really interesting, this man called Lion Shenhao, is really interesting! – Beloba! ”

“Am I… Now I don’t dare to send the barrage, I’m afraid that he will come and me along the network cable! – White Moon! ”

“This is simply a perverted ability! Thousands of miles away, killing people is invisible! ——Bai Xiaofei! ”

“This human flesh guy is indeed a little hateful, and he flesh out the information of people’s mothers, and no one wants their children to become a murderer!” – Aguilera! ”

“Lord Aguilera, you would actually say such a thing? It’s a bit different from your style! – Fleo! ”

“This is not the point, although this guy’s human flesh is certainly hateful, but he can’t sin to death, right? – Sakura Igarashi! ”

And while the audience was frantically discussing in the barrage area.

The lion Shen Hao on the light curtain had already opened a second robbery against the fat man who had flesh his mother!


Another sound, on the fat man’s right shoulder, a blood flower also bloomed.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

After Lion Shenhao fired two shots at the fat man in a row, he seemed to feel that he still didn’t feel enough to relieve his hatred, and fired several shots at the fat man in succession!

One by one, bloody blood holes continued to explode on the fat man’s body.

Directly shot the fat man into a hornet’s nest!



Direct abuse!

The fat man, who had been shot several times, had not yet died, and at this time he fell to the ground, gasping for air.

I beg the lion god to stop, but…

His pleas for mercy did not make Lion Shenhao change his mind.


A scream came, and the screen of the computer was instantly splashed with blood, soaked scarlet…

And after the death of the fat man.

His human flesh post is still being commented on.

Among the many comments, a comment in red font made countless people shudder…

[Everyone has to die!] 】

This comment comes from Lion Shenhao!

Seeing Lion Shenhao leave such a comment under the post, the audience’s brains instantly became blank.

This guy…

The guy who killed that human flesh of his mother is not enough to vent his anger, to kill all the people who abused him and his mother online?

After thinking of the purpose of Lion Shenhao, the audience couldn’t help but shiver.


Ayamura Kenshin took the knife and slashed one by one, and it took several years to cut the name of the person who cut the knife.

This Lion Shen Hao, this is planning to use one night to complete the killing record of Scarlet Village Sword Heart for several years!

“Don’t! Why do such a thing! If you want to vent your anger, just teach a lesson! – Ryotaro Nogami! ”

“Ryotaro, don’t use your kind mind to speculate on his mind, you think they don’t deserve to die, but Lion Shenhao thinks they deserve to die! – Stelius! ”

“Hehe, I also think they deserve to die, I like to see the unfortunate appearance of those people! – Beloba! ”

“This story tells us, don’t talk about it on the Internet, when people can really follow the network cable, then it’s over!” – Gagulas Gagula! ”

“I can understand him… The idea that your family was killed by someone who abused them online and wants to avenge your family is correct! – Kazuki Igarashi! ”

“Eh, this family man, your family is family, and someone else’s family is not a family anymore? He just destroyed people not long ago! – Kunzhong ! ”

While the audience was discussing enthusiastically.

Lion Shenhao has killed crazy!

In the Internet café, a Mediterranean man was about to reply to the insult, but in the next second, the figure of Lion Shenhao appeared on his computer screen.


Soon, a blood hole exploded in his head.

In the restaurant, a woman was looking at her mobile phone, and before she could react, a blood flower bloomed on her forehead in the next second.

Subway stations, office workers working overtime at the company, on the street…

In various places, people have died violently!

One by one, life fell under the invisible gun of Lion Shenhao, and at this moment, human life seemed to be worthless! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It can only be mercilessly harvested by the Lion God Hao!

In the country of cherry blossoms, I don’t know how many people were slaughtered overnight, all of them were heads blooming…

You know, the group of online violence is very large!

Lion Shenhao wants to kill all the people who abused his mother, at least tens of thousands of people…

This is nothing short of a bloody mass slaughter!

Seeing one after another of the living lives, all of them were mercilessly harvested by the lion god…

The audience also understood a truth.

Don’t provoke a madman who has lost everything and has a twisted psyche!

Exeid World.

“Crazy! This guy must be crazy! ”

“How many people he plans to kill before he stops!”

Jing Feicai looked at the light curtain, and Lion Shenhao, who was still killing people along the network cable, said in shock.

Baosheng Yongmeng and the others looked at the light curtain stunnedly, “This guy…”

“I feel that I am no longer a human being, but a god, and in his eyes, human life is like an ant…”

“God! Hahaha, I’m also a god! Tan Lidou suddenly turned into a pile of data from the game console on the side and jumped out!

“This kid is good, Benshen hasn’t met such an interesting person for a long time…”

“What’s interesting? Li Dou, don’t talk nonsense! ”

Poppy looked at Tan Lidou, “Those are all lives…”

“Not interesting at all!”

Denwang World.

“It’s over, the two Ryotaro in the parallel world, both are executioners!”

Rontarus looked shocked.

Putaros on the side answered at this time and said:

“Lion Shenhao no longer belongs to the executioner, the title of human slaughter, maybe more suitable for him, overnight, killed an unknown number of people…”

At this time, Ryotaro Nogami was completely autistic.

Even now, he still has a hard time accepting that the other self is actually an evil person!

After slaughtering an unknown number of people in one fell swoop.

Lion Shenhao’s body was also seriously short of water, and he went directly to the faucet of Watanabe Shiyin’s house, drinking tons and tons of binge.

Watanabe Shiyin came out of the room at this time, and asked the lion Shenhao softly:

“Can’t sleep?”

“I wish I could catch the murderer sooner…”

Hearing Watanabe’s words, Lion Shenhao said to her coldly:

“Didn’t I say that? The murderer is me! ”

“You lied, I don’t believe it…”

“Do I look like a human?”

“Like! It’s all human! ”

“Is this still human?” Saying that, the lion god Hao showed Watanabe Shiin his mechanical body structure.

This wave directly dumbfounded Watanabe Shiyin, and a pretty face was full of disbelief…

She turned her head, not daring to look at Lion Shenhao, not wanting to accept this fact…

And in the next second, Lion Shenhao directly pulled her out the door, instantly rose from the ground, and rushed into the sky with Watanabe Shiyin!

“From now on, the whole world will be my enemy…”

“Don’t, don’t! Don’t abandon me! Watanabe shouted.

The audience can’t say that Watanabe Shiyin is in love with the brain, and it really can’t be abandoned at this time!

At such a high altitude, if you are thrown down, you still have to go?

Fall into a puddle of mud, right?

“Aren’t you afraid of me?”

“I don’t want to be separated from you! I don’t want you to go! ”

“Well, I will accompany you, always with you…” said Lion Shenhao to Watanabe Shiyin.

Watanabe Shiyin cried and asked the lion god Hao:

“But those who died also have important people and dreams, right?”

“What do you want me to do?”

“It’s just sad that I can’t think of it!”

The audience is numb!

How does it feel as if the world is forcibly adding an emotional line to Lion Shenhao?

Lion Shenhao hovered in the air with Watanabe Shiyin, his hand tightly wrapped around Watanabe Shiyin’s waist…

Watanabe Shiin put his hand on the hand of the lion god Hao.

“My hands are so warm,” Lion Shenhao said.

“Obviously, the Lion God classmate is also very warm.”


“I’ll be nice to you…”


The two were in mid-air and decided to fall in love together…

The audience is numb, this girl, how much she likes Lion Shenhao at the end of 390!

Even knowing that he was a murderer.

Knowing that he is not a human at all, or the reason is with him, this Nima…

Love brain is really scary!

The next day.

There were also reports on television, saying that many people were inexplicably killed all over the country.

Some survivors said they were suspected suspects of Lion Shenhao, shooting through mobile phones, computer monitors, and weapons similar to pistols!

The police are fully investigating the case.

In addition, the murder method of this case is similar to the Chaobu City extermination case that occurred this month…

The other side.

Inuyashiki also realized the seriousness of the matter.

In this way, everyone who has a mobile phone will become his target…

In these years, who can not have mobile phones and other electronic products?


In other words, as long as the lion Shenhao thinks, then he hides behind the scenes and easily controls everyone’s life!

At this time, An Itan went straight and asked Inuyashiki Iro to hurry to find the lion god Hao, saying that they emitted the same radio waves and should be able to find each other!

However, no matter how many times Inuyashiki tried, he could not find the lion Shinhao.

On the other side, Lion Shenhao browses the news every day.

On the news, there is an article about a young boy who originally thought that his brain tumor had worsened and had already entered a vegetative state.

But he was suddenly cured by a miracle man.

This attracted the attention of Lion Shenhao.

He healed his mother, and the world can also cure these people who would otherwise die of terminal illness…

Only his kind!

The current technology of human beings can not cure this terminal disease at all!

This made Lion Shenhao’s eyes change slightly, who is the guy like him?

The screen turns.

It was early the next morning.

Watanabe Shiyin got up early, looked at the face of the sleeping lion Shenhao, and then said:

“Sure enough, it’s all human…”

After speaking, Watanabe Shiyin looked at the lion god Hao quietly for a while, then got up and took a glass of water to drink…

But Watanabe is adapting to turning on the light…

She suddenly found that her home didn’t know when, and it was already full of densely packed SWAT!

At this time, the lion Shenhao also woke up!

“Run! Lion God classmate! Watanabe shouted!

But the lion Shenhao did not run, but threw Watanabe Shiyin to the ground…

Next second.

The originally peaceful house was instantly full of gunfire!


Rounds of bullets were fired towards Lion Shenhao and Watanabe Shiin, and after a round of strafing…

The whole house, full of densely packed bullet holes…

And next…

A scene that terrified countless audiences also happened!


Now it’s all over!

When the strafing was over, Watanabe Shiyin’s body had several bloody gunholes…

This moment completely released the killing intent in the heart of Lion Shenhao!

“I will kill everyone in this country!”

This sentence made the audience outside the light screen get goosebumps!

Hunting Moment!


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