Bacht, slowly walked to a mountain, he sneered, and then threw the book in his hand into the air…


He raised the Wuming sword in his hand and slashed into nothingness, the book opened, and a terrifying dark red vortex suddenly appeared in the sky above the fantasy world.

Majestic energy, gushing out of the whirlpool, and began to slowly ~ devour the fantasy world!!

And there are also densely packed monsters in the book, and Megiddo gushes out of the whirlpool!!

The Megiddos are like locusts crossing the border, covering the sky!

“Everything came to naught…”

Bacht said coldly.

At this time, the tassels who first entered the fantasy world and remained to guard had a solemn face and an extremely frightened face!

“Not good!!”

“Bacht opened that book of destruction!”

“Bacht is a dangerous undead swordsman, shouldn’t he be sealed in books!!”

“If it goes on like this, the fantasy world will disappear, which means… The real world will disappear too!! ”

Hearing the words of the tassel, countless viewers were completely shocked!!

They all felt a chill rush to their hearts.

Just throw a book like this, and with a sword slash, you can destroy the fantasy world and the real world??

This treadmill…

It’s a bit too scary, isn’t it!!!

“Tell me… Did I hear you right?? This parallel world body of Eagle Mountain Ren destroys two worlds with one action??? This horse is crazy!! – Flying electricity or people! ”

“I also hope I heard it wrong, but I can hear clearly, what a terrifying power is this? – Keitaro Kikuchi! ”

“Brother Ren’s parallel world body, the combat power is so top?? Raise your hands and it will be the disaster of the two worlds!! – Yu Mizusawa! ”

“I’m not afraid that the villain is bad, I’m afraid that the villain is bad and strong, and I don’t grind, and the picture will destroy the world at the beginning!” – Eiji Honno! ”

“I’m Nima, did the opening game explode like this!! – Kunzhong ! ”

“What the hell is this? The story has just begun, and you tell me that the world is going to be gone? And are they two together? – Wu Gang! ”


The vortex appeared not only in the fantasy world, but also in the real world, and began to frantically devour everything in the city!

For a time, the world fell into unprecedented chaos.

Human civilization is constantly dissipating!!

Everywhere, it was filled with people fleeing, as if the end of the world had come…

“Urgent news, a sudden vision in the world, regions are being erased, and if this situation continues, in a few hours, the first Sakura Country will disappear…”

“The whole world will be spared.”

And the culprit of all this, Bacht was smiling at this time.

“Soon, everything will disappear, and the world will soon come to an end.”

During the escape, a young boy fell to the ground and happened to be picked up by the enthusiastic Sudo Yai.

She tells the little boy that although it is scary, it will be fine, Toma (Hiba Jin) they will save the world!!

The audience was stunned for a moment…

This girl is very beautiful, but I feel that my brain is a little uncomfortable.

Who knows Toma in your mouth?

If it weren’t for the short introduction of the world and the characters on the light curtain before the picture began, they wouldn’t have known Hibiha.

Shouldn’t others be allowed to flee first at this time?

Just when Sudo is promoting Kamiyama Hibiha Shin.

In the picture.

Suddenly, six men with long swords appeared, and the queue of six people was uniform.

A gangster breath rushed to the face!

Several people are the organization that guards the real world, the swordsman of the Sword of Truth!

Seeing the appearance of several Kamen Riders, the audience was a little worried, can these guys stop that terrifying Bacht? ?

“It looks like the world is really going to end!!” Kamen Rider Buster Megalobe, the shapeshifter of the Great Sword, Ryo Ogami said with a worried look.

At this time, the Great Qin Temple Tetsuo on the side also said with a solemn face:

“I can hear both worlds crying out for help, both crying for help!!!”

“It is our responsibility to maintain the balance of the world!!” Shindo Rentaro, who has a sense of mission, spoke.

“Win for everyone to see, strength is justice!”

“My faith will not be cut off like this!”

Scarlet Daolian and Fujia Palace Sage also spoke one after another.

“Everyone, we have made an appointment to save these two worlds, and we will both come back alive…”

Kamiyama Hibiha really agreed on a wave again.

At the same time, the major swordsmen in the Holy Blade World were very satisfied with their appearance.

Finally, it was their turn to be the sword of truth, and they played a wave of handsomeness on the light curtain.

The audience also looked stupid, one person and one commotion, really can play.

Bacht, who was in the fantasy world, saw the swordsmen who rushed to the scene and sneered:

“Ignorant swordsmen, it’s a pity that you can’t stop the destruction of the world!”

After speaking, he took out the Eternal Immortal Bird Fantasy Drive Book, pulled out his long sword, and laughed maniacally: “Transform!” ”


An immortal bird covered in flames fused with Bacht to form a set of armor, and the legendary unknown swordsman appeared!!

At this time, several swordsmen in the real world also quickly took out the fantasy drive book to transform.

For a time, the brilliant energy reflected the entire sky into a colorful color!!

After the six people transformed, they immediately rushed into the fantasy world, and they were greeted by a densely packed Megiddo who could not see the end at a glance.

Several people immediately started a fierce battle with the endless Megiddo!

A variety of gorgeous skills explode in the Megiddo pile, frantically harvesting the lives of Megiddo.

“At this time, give Scarlet Village Kenshin a drive, he can use the Flying Imperial Sword Flow to brush this group of monsters, right? – Peacharas! ”

“I think at this time, I should let Kageyama get big and step on a lot of death… – Kaga Mishin!”

“This parallel world body of Yingshan Ren is a pervert of a real horse! – Daiko Kiryu! ”

“These swordsmen are also quite strong…——Wanzhang Dragon I!”

When Kamiyama Hibiha and a few teammates were frantically brushing monsters.


Above the sky, there was a scream of a bird of prey!!


In the next second, a fiery red immortal bird descended from the sky and directly threw the sacred mountain flying feather to the ground!!

Bacht personally shot!!

“Why are you doing this!!” Kamishan Feiyu shouted angrily at Bacht.

And Bacht just said coldly to the sacred mountain flying feathers:

“The strife will not stop!”

“Why do people fight?”

Bacht raised the nameless sword in his hand to nothingness, “Because of power, power is the source of strife!” ”

“We will eliminate the strife!” Shenshan Feiyu Zhen raised the Fire Sword Flame in his hand and said innocently.

Immediately after that, the two drew their swords and started fighting!!

Ring the bell!!

The two long swords clashed and exploded a large area of sparks!!

During the battle, Bacht asked Kamiyama Hibiyujin:

“Then you say, what are we doing now?”

“Because there are human beings, because there is the world, because there is power, there is strife!!”

“Not like this!!” Kamiyama Hibiha really shouted.

But the next moment, he was slashed by Bacht’s sword and fell to the ground!

“This is the history of mankind, and mankind can’t go on!!”

“The truth of existence is nothingness, and everything in the world is born from nothingness, so I want to let everything return to nothingness!”

Bacht, who has a firm conviction, completely hangs the sacred mountain flying feathers and beats them.

Seeing that he couldn’t use the initial form of the Dragon of Courage to kill Bacht, Kamiyama Flying Feather Zhen immediately used the three volumes of Agni.

The real world.

Through a book that stood in the middle of the city, the people in the city saw the battle between Kamiyama Hibiwa and the others.

“Who are they?”

“They are swordsmen who silently fight to protect the world, Kamen Rider!”

“When you play in the streets, Kamen Riders may fight, and every tomorrow they have fought for.”

Sudo replied, explaining to the people the identities of Kamiyama Hiba and the others.

“Destruction is fate, now it’s just a little ahead, this is all predestined for a long time!!” Bacht fought again and again, and conveyed his thoughts to Kamiyama Hibiha.

“Destiny? It sounds bluffing, but I don’t believe these nonsense, fate is in my own hands! ”

“The process of everyone’s efforts for this is their own story, and finally converges into history!!”

Kamiyama Feiyu Zhen was not only not brainwashed, but also exported a wave of thoughts in reverse. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And the audience is also numb, people in this world, are there so many commotions?

Speaking of the big reason, it’s really an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another!!

Bacht put the Immortal Bird Drive Book on the Infinity Sword Void and read it, and cast a sword technique, an infinite burst!

A crossed sword qi burning with raging flames was chopped out!


The terrifying sword qi slashed at the body of the sacred mountain flying feather, and directly chopped the sacred mountain flying feather really upside down.

Kamiyama Feiyu really got up from the ground with difficulty, and the commotion on his mouth still did not stop.

Words about saving others, the final ending of the story are defined by each person, and so on, once again kill Bacht.


A tornado of flame instantly appeared from under Bacht’s feet, sweeping it into the air.

Kamiyama Flying Feather really took advantage of the situation to perform a special move, flew into the air, and slashed Bacht ten swords in a row, and smashed it to the ground with the last blow.

And forcibly lifted the transformation.

The audience was stunned, such a powerful Bacht, was blown up by someone while talking about a commotion??

Fake, right??

The results did not wait for the audience to be shocked.

Next second.

Bacht, who was exploded, was resurrected again and returned to his peak form.

Seeing this, the audience’s hearts jumped wildly, this Nima…

What’s the difference with hanging on!!

Immortal and immortal, this must not be done as you want ??

After being resurrected, Bacht sneered:

“You tell stories?”

“Your end must be to succumb to me and then be engulfed in nothingness!”

After speaking, Bacht also launched a special move!

The terrifying flames, the Wuming Sword wrapped around his hand, was supreme!

Immediately afterwards, he slashed out an earth-shattering blow with a sword!!

A cross sword qi, burning the flames of the immortal bird, killed the sacred mountain flying feathers!

Immortal Bird Matchless!!


His sword caused the sacred mountain flying feathers to scream bitterly, and his body was like a cannonball, and he quickly flew out upside down!

At this time, whether it is the fantasy world or the vortex of the real world, it is expanding wildly!

“Flying feathers are really !!!”

The swordsmen who saw this scene, as well as the people in the city, were shouting madly!

Just when everyone thought that the sacred mountain flying feather was really going to kill the immortal bird Wushuang of Bacht…

The ground where the sacred mountain flying feather really fell suddenly cracked and gushed out billowing magma!!

Although the Divine Mountain Flying Feather had really been slashed and forcibly disarmed, the fiery sword fire in his hand was burning with an incomparably terrifying flame!

“I will never give up the future of this world and mankind!”

Kamiyama Flying Feather Shinichi slashed out, and the dragon of courage appeared.

The dragon went straight to the sky and crashed headlong into the Book of Destruction in the sky!!

Unexpectedly, in the Book of Destruction, two dragons appeared again.

Three dragons fused to form a new fantasy drive book, which fell into the hands of Kamiyama Feibea!

Without saying a word, Kamiyama Hibiha immediately transforms with the new fantasy drive book!!

In the raging fire, three dragons surround the sacred mountain flying feathers!

A terrifying sense of oppression that swept the whole world…

Kamiyama Flying Feather really transformed into the Emotional Flying Dragon form, and when his new form was unlocked, his combat power soared!

Two flame swords, facing each other in the night!!

In the end, Kamiyama Hibiha really took the lead in launching a special move!

The Love Dragon God broke !!!

I saw the sacred mountain flying feathers really leaping into the air, and three dragons hovered around him!!

He directly faced Bacht and performed Kamen Rider’s special move!

Knight Kick!!

“In vain!!”

Bacht roared angrily, once again performing a special move, and two pairs of flame wings were unfolded behind his back!!

Immortal Bird Matchless!!

Bacht and the Immortal Bird, with an incomparably terrifying sword qi, flew into the air!!


The two incomparably huge energies collided madly, and the explosive flames were like a round of great sun rising in the dark night!!

Shine the night like day!!

In the end, this confrontation is still Kamiyama Flying Feather really narrowly won!!

The immortal bird is unmatched, after all, it is a knight kick that is no match for the emotional flying dragon!!


The two dragons that emerged from the Book of Destruction roared, bit Bacht’s arms, and rushed towards the Book of Destruction with them.

“Destruction is coming!!”

“The day we see each other will come soon!!!”

After Bacht said this, he was taken into the Book of Destruction by two dragons.


The various blood-red vortices that appeared in the fantasy world and the real world also gradually dissipated with the disappearance of Bacht…

The dense Megiddo, all turned into golden particles of light, and dissipated in the air…

The war subsided!!!

Although Bacht has already been sealed …

But soon, he will also return again as an Immortal Bird Unknown Swordsman…

The audience at this time was shocked.


That’s the end of it???

Bacht’s appearance destroyed heaven and earth, and in the end, he himself was pushed back by two dragons flying out of the Book of Destruction???

What’s going on here???

Just when the audience was shocked that Bacht was a little sloppy, the light curtain had quickly switched the picture of the next scene…

After seeing the new screen.

Once again, the audience was completely numb…

Hitoshi Takayama this super ruthless man…


Or is it an Ultraman??? Wide?.

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