One Piece World.

Karp, Sengoku, and Red Dog all frowned.

This ant king is also too cruel.

For their own subordinates, they all say kill and kill.

Not to mention ordinary people.

There is not the slightest reverence for life.

In contrast, even the most vicious pirates look a lot cuter.

Nami, Joba, and Usopp hugged together, trembling with fear.

Good horror.

This is not a creature of their world.

Otherwise, if you touch the other person, you will feel that you will be eaten.

Yamaji smoked his cigarette silently, Sauron grabbed the hilt of the knife with one hand, and Luffy clenched his fist together.

For the three of them, they simply didn’t know what fear was.

The brutal ant king provoked their anger.

Even want to crusade it.

Robin, who had just boarded the ship, nodded involuntarily.

Sure enough, she didn’t look at the wrong person.

Although Luffy is a little reckless, there is something he really does.

For the crew, it is undoubtedly a very fortunate thing to have such a captain.

On the ship, Frieza was already stunned.

Saab wiped his eyes, looked at the screen, and then at Frieza, finally making sure he wasn’t mistaken.

This ant king and Lord Frieza cannot be said to look exactly the same, at least eighty or ninety percent similar.

It’s almost like King Frieza’s brother.

“Hmm, an inferior creature.”

“It just so happens that he looks similar to me.”

Frieza’s tail snapped to the ground, somewhat unpleasant.

It was decided that when he found the planet where the ant king lived, he would blow it up.

He would never allow such a weak creature to tarnish his image.

2077 World.

Johnny Silver shook his legs and smoked a cigarette, with a lively expression.

“You don’t feel terrible at all.”

“This ant king is very cruel.”

V couldn’t help but say.

“Cut, what is this?”

“The cruelty of the ant king is only superficial.”

“Look at the shady stuff of the Wasteboard Corporation.”

“Human cruelty, but far above the ant king.”

The video continues.

In the palace, the ant king began to play chess in order to pass the time.

For humans who lose in chess, he kills them all.

Until he met a girl named Wheat.

With thick eyebrows and a runny nose, she looked at the somewhat scruffy blind girl Wheat, and bowed very nervously.

“Please forgive me for my unreasonableness.”

“I really don’t know about current affairs in society, I don’t know that you have become king.”

“Shut up, watch out for me killing you.”

The ant king looked at the rules of the military ceremony and chess while coldly saying.

Wheat immediately closed his mouth, and as a result, because his nostrils were blocked and he could not open his mouth, he almost fainted.

Full-time Hunter World.

Xiao Jie and Qi Li were already stunned.

It seems to be a matter of their world.

That wheat, it didn’t look very smart.

Damn, another innocent person is going to be poisoned by the Ant King.

The video continues.

To everyone’s surprise, Wheat was very talented in the military flag and soon won the Ant King.

This undoubtedly made the ant king feel the taste of defeat for the first time.

He made a pact with Wheat that he would lay down the military flag every day from now on, and that if Wheat lost, he would kill the other side.

In this regard, Wheat said that she was just blind, not valued by her family, and if she lost the military flag, it would be no different from death.

Her words caused a great shock to the Ant King.

For the first time, the ant king found that the determination of human beings did not seem to be weaker than that of ants.

As the two often play chess, they also develop a feeling of mentorship and friendship between them.

But that calm day soon came to an end.

In response to the Ant King’s invasion, the humans sent the president of the Hunters’ Union, Nitero, to fight it.

He raised his hand and shot out a golden dragon, smashing it into countless light arrows and falling towards the palace.

An angry Catwoman rushed over, but was slapped and flew out.

When the president invaded the palace, he saw an incredible scene.

The ant king held the wounded wheat, seemingly unaware of his intrusion.

It wasn’t until he saw Catwoman coming that the ant king asked Catwoman to cure the wheat as soon as possible.

Catwoman naturally agreed immediately and took the wheat.

To thank the president, Nitro, for not taking the opportunity, the Ant King agrees to go out with him to fight.

The two came to a wasteland, but the ant king had some doubts.

“Why fight.”

“Against me, you have no chance of winning.”

“You don’t need to rush to death.”

“If you don’t fight first, how will you know?” Nitero scratched his ears, “Don’t judge people too much.” ”

“Otherwise, it will be you who will suffer.”

Then, the ant king said that in the process of contact with humans, his thinking has also changed, and he has found that humans are not useless.

Instead of annihilating humanity, he will set up a special zone to allow a subset of humanity to survive.

Nitro ignored it, but folded his hands and assumed a fighting posture.

In Naruto’s world, Naruto clasped his hands behind his head, and his face was a little shocked, “It’s so powerful. ”

“You can shoot arrows of light in the sky.”

“This kind of range strike can wipe out an army.”

“Is this ninjutsu?”

“I’ve never seen it.”

“Who is this old grandfather, I feel no weaker than the three generations of grandfathers.”

Kakashi’s face was a little solemn.

He could naturally see that the fighting spirit in Nitero had been tempered by a thousand hammers, and he must have experienced countless battles when he was young.

The most terrifying thing is that the other party is old.

There must be a decline in strength.

It’s hard to imagine how strong this guy was when he was young.

Inside the office building.

The three generations of Naruto are also looking forward to it.

Can fight with the ant king on the video inventory, this Nitero should not be weak.

And the other party seems to be the leader of an organization as well.

Equally dying.

It feels very similar to yourself.

I don’t know who is stronger.

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