
Luffy retracted his neck and finally put his head back.

“It’s like a comic strip coming out of a character.”

Kaido couldn’t help but complain.

“It hurts.” Luffy cried out as he clutched the large bag on his head.

“You can’t beat me.”

“But you’ve reached your limit.”

“I have to admit, it’s a great show.”

“Shut up.”

“Whose limit do you say has reached.”

Halfway through, the white hair on Luffy’s head faded and turned dark again.

His face was also aging and wrinkled.

“I’m going to die of exhaustion.” Luffy complained.

“What kind of plane are you doing?” Kaido was also dumbfounded.

How come a good young man suddenly got a lot older?

After a while, he reacted and continued: “Die with peace of mind, your story will be sung by posterity.” ”

“This trick is too consuming, it was hit by you, and I am going to die.”

“Phew, phew, whoever it is, dead, all that remains is a pile of white bones.”


Luffy emitted a large amount of white smoke all over his body, and his hair turned snow-white again.

Fifth gear, turn on again.

“It’s not over yet.”


“Rollo, Luo.”

“You’re looking for your own death.”

Hokage World.

Originally, he was thinking of catching Luffy and studying the big snake pill, but suddenly lost this thought.

He could see that Luffy’s fifth gear was consuming life force.

The previous four gears, forcibly filling the body with air, most of them will also affect their own life.

This is a typical Krypton life becomes stronger.

Whether Luffy can live to be forty years old or not, I’m afraid it’s not good to say.

This is something that the Great Snake Pill who pursues immortality cannot accept.

Elven World.

Ash’s eyes were about to pop out.

Take a dragon as a jump rope?

Maybe it’s a bit outrageous.

You must know that in their world, dragon elves are very strong.

Some of the top dragon elves can even be compared to some weaker divine beasts.

So in the face of the dragon elf, Ash is also full of awe.

When he sees Luffy grabbing Kaido’s green dragon as a jump rope, his worldview is about to collapse.

Ghost Slayer Blade World.

There was a thick color of greed in Wu Miao’s eyes.

Although his resilience is strong.

Even if the arm is cut off, it can be healed in just a few seconds.

But it will take time after all.

However, as long as he eats Luffy and has this ability to be almost immune to physical attacks, he is truly invincible.

Except for that rose bomb.

Hardly any attack could kill him.

The video continues.

“Just in time.”

Kaido smashed down with a stick, right in the middle of Luffy.

But the next moment he was dumbfounded.

Luffy’s head turned into a mace, which looked very funny.

“It hurts.” Luffy exclaimed bitterly.


Kaido knocked it off again, this time turning Luffy into a meatloaf.


But the next moment, with a soft sound, the meatloaf changed back to Luffy’s appearance.

Then Luffy punched and punched Kaido’s head.

Pirate World.

Nami, Choba, and Usopp all had their eyes about to pop out.

Is this killing Kaido?

Lying groove, doesn’t that mean that Luffy will be the Four Emperors after that.

They are the crew of the Four Emperors’ ships?


Luffy, always dripping God.

Solon and Yamaji on the side were both a little embarrassed.

They all knew very well that Luffy’s blow did not kill Kaido.

The ability of the fifth gear Luffy is indeed very heaven-defying, allowing everything it touches to have rubber properties.

This makes the fifth gear Luffy extremely resistant and almost impossible to die.

But in the same way, Luffy’s attacks are also difficult to kill the other party.

This punch pierced Kaido’s head, which looked very violent, but the damage caused was only very limited.

A double-edged sword.

Spirit Cage World.

Little Loli Xia Dou jumped and was excited, “What a powerful ability.” ”

If only I had the ability to do so.

She can turn into a giant and kick a polar eater.

Even if the Monarch Devouring Beast came over, he didn’t panic at all.

After all, the rubber man is very strong in resistance to blows, and it is almost an immortal existence.

Even if you stand still and let the Monarch Devouring Beast attack, you can exhaust the other party alive.

On the lighthouse.

Mark, Ran Bing and the others were already dumbfounded.

This ability, although I know the principle, but I see it with my own eyes, I still think it is too exaggerated.

Just like cartoon characters.

Charles touched his chin and a thought popped into his mind.

Their church believes in the god of light and shadow.

Since Luffy is the sun god, can he barely be regarded as the bright side of the gods.

Having a living deity to worship strengthens the cohesion within the church.

However, Luffy also seemed to be too out of tune.

There is no divine force at all.

Don’t wait any longer.

In the later video, perhaps real gods will appear.

The video continues.

The two fought and Lu flew up the clouds and grabbed a huge thunderbolt.

“Rubber, rubber.”



Luffy threw the lightning bolt in his hand at Kaido, but was sideways by the other party.

“Haha, you can fool around as much as you can.”


Kaido whipped Luffy away with a stick and yelled, “By fruit ability.” ”

“The world cannot be conquered.”


Kaido slammed down another stick, interrupting Luffy’s move.

“Like Roger who is not a capable person but has made a mark in this world.”

“Only domineering can be above everything.”

Kaido slammed down with another blow, knocking Luffy into the ground.

The ground suddenly dented and bounced Luffy back.

“Thunderous gossip.”

Kaido struck another blow and pumped Luffy again, causing him to fly upside down into the clouds.


One of Luffy’s arms poked out of the clouds and grabbed Kaido’s shoulder.

“Let go of me.”

“This will only expose your location.”

“Your weaknesses should not change.”

“Slashes can cause you fatal damage.”

“Bad wind.”

Kaido opened his mouth and spewed out a large number of wind blades.


Luffy spat out a mouthful of blood, covered in blood.

“I’m going to put an end to this.”

A pitch-black Optimus Giant Fist poked out from the clouds and aimed at Kaido.

“Very good, I will catch your attack head-on.”

“Straw Hat, you hear me.”

“A hero of this country.”

“Burned alive by fire.”

“Twenty years ago.”

Kaido’s whole body turned crimson, exuding an astonishing high temperature, “They have been waiting for a savior like you to appear. ”

“It’s so hot.”

Luffy only felt a tingling pain in his palm, and quickly took it back.

“It’s okay, you just let go, I won’t hide.”

“Your right hand won’t fall off.”

“I’ll let it go up in smoke.”

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