Allan. Yeager was born!

Watching the birth of his second son, Grisha. Jaeger went to great lengths to make the baby happy.

On the side, Alan’s mother also looked at their father and son with love.

This scene looks very happy.

But Jik . Jaeger disagreed.

“Obviously they all pushed their companions and former family members to hell and survived on their own.”

Such a guy is definitely someone who can take advantage of anything.

“What do you want to do?”

Eren asked expressionlessly.

“I’m going to keep you watching, Grisha. How Jaeger brainwashed his son and implanted nationalist ideas in you. ”

“See you understand.”

Jik understands, Grisha. Jaeger, the bastard father, will definitely brainwash Allen into his own will.

What words to revive the future of the Eldians….


Godless World.

Bube Seito looked at Jike’s father in his impression and felt the same way.

All blame his father, who has suffered inhuman treatment since he was a child.

On the last day of the crossing, he was thrown to the bottom of the sea by order of his father.

“It’s impossible to communicate with the nonsense of soaking in the bottom of the sea for three days and then transcending death to become the new leader of the Order…”

The little imperial spirit on the side rode on the head of the zhengren and swayed left and right.

“Well… Recruit, in the end, it’s not that you don’t believe your father’s words and don’t pray, otherwise I would have rescued you long ago. ”

Bubu Zhengren’s fucking expression, the devil knows, his father believes in the real god!


JOJO World.


Dior. Brando rarely remembers his scumbag father, Dalio Brando.

In terms of the degree of confusion, his father can definitely be said to be at the top.

So he poisoned his father and spat at Dalio’s grave.

Such a guy is not worthy of being his father at all!


The world of retreating dwarves.

Marais Empire.

Generalissimo Calvi looked at the scene in front of him with a solemn face.

The revival faction of the Eldian people actually holds the power of the ancestor giant in their hands!

And their trusted Eldia soldier Commander Jik was, obviously, a traitor.

Although Jack’s euthanasia plan, he very much agrees.

But he always had a hunch that Jick’s plan would not succeed…

Paradis Island.

104th Training Corps.

Reiner and Bertot looked at each other, both feeling endless confusion.

What should they do next?

is to continue to capture Alan. Jaeger’s Giant Power?

Or back to the Malais Empire?

Survey Corps Command.

The regiment leader Alvin looked at the scene in front of him with interest.

The truth of the world giant has been exposed to him.

Obviously, Alan . Jaeger is their trump card!

As for Jik . Jaeger, presumably he should have sneaked into Paradis Island himself.

So now……..

Commander Alvin did not hesitate in the slightest and immediately gave the order.

“Levi, you immediately take someone to the 104th training corps and put Allen. Yeager was brought safely to the front. ”


Commander Levi also understood the importance of the matter, and even though he was in action.


[The video screen continues to play.] 】

Jack complained to his father with a tone of dissatisfaction and resentment.

In the path of memory, his words Grisha cannot be heard and cannot interfere with the changes in the past.

“Doing well…. Grisha. ”

“You can forget the first family here and enjoy happiness.”

“No one will blame you yet.”

“You can forget all your former sons.”

Then he opened the door again and motioned for Eren to follow.

[Switch to the next memory scene.] 】

Little Alan ran happily after the butterfly, and Grisha picked him up.

This happy and happy scene is very different from what Jack thought.

However, he believes that sooner or later Grisha will reveal his true nature and true colors.

[Switched to the next memory scene.] 】

Grisha is using his knowledge from outside the walls to heal those in power inside the walls.

Jick spoke slowly.

“Look, Alan, that’s who he really is.”

“He began to use his status as a doctor to climb the ranks of those in power.”

“In order to find the king of the wall, snatch the ancestor giant.”

“Once he misses it, of course, his wife and children will also be affected.”

“But he’s still desperate, do you know why?”

Eren said coldly with a look of disappointment.

“This bastard dad is for Eldia’s restoration.”

“If you don’t hesitate to throw your wife and children into the garbage heap, it’s a mess.”

“I was disillusioned, I was wrong, we should not have been born.”

“The brainwashing is lifted.”

Allen looked at Jick, but such perfunctory acting obviously did not satisfy Jick.

“We have unlimited time, don’t rush.”



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