See here for the video outside the Jick. Jaeger was stunned.

It turned out that it was not Eren who was brainwashed by his father, but his father who was brainwashed by Eren under the ability of Jinju!

If it weren’t for the exposure of this video, he really wouldn’t have dreamed that it was Allen’s flickering Grisha.

Jack: Alan, we’ve all been lied to by our fathers! (crossed out).

Jack: Father, we’ve all been lied to by Alan! (correct).

The audience of the heavens and realms also never expected that there was such an operation, which was really too tumultuous!


Hokage World.

Hidden in the shadows to guard Konoha’s root organization, Shimura Danzo couldn’t help but sigh.

“What a terrifying ability… Invisibly influencing and brainwashing others, it is a hundred million points worse than the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of stopping water, right? ”

Konoha Annihilation Uchiha thought that if only he could influence brainwashing Uchiha Sasuke like this to be loyal to Konoha.

Although he loves his brother very much, in Itachi’s heart, Konoha is greater than Oudoudou.


Bleach Note World.

The witty Night God Moon and L were not too shocked.

The intelligence revealed earlier in the video made them guess this result long ago.

“So that’s how it is, the freest teenager and the least free teenager

“While influencing the past and future, all your choices are predestined!”

Night God Moon laughed softly, and at the same time fed another apple to the Shinigami Thick next to him.


Detective Conan World, Death World, Game Life World, World Only God Knows, etc…

Conan, Blue Dye, Sora and Shiro, God-sama Katsuragi Guima, and other clever people also thought of this result.


[The video screen continues to play.] 】

[Allen whispered like a demon, straight to the point, knife crit real damage. ] 】

[Grisha finally made up his mind to seize the power of the ancestor giant, and brutally killed the royal bloodline family, even the children did not let go. 】

[Jik looked at Eren in shock, unable to speak, and Eren just silently watched the bloody scene in front of him. 】

After successfully dissolving the giantization, Grisha dressed and walked home with a lost soul.

His steps limped, swaying left and right madly.

“I killed them!”

“And killed such a young child…”

“With this hand…..!”

By this time, Grisha had collapsed and was on the verge of going crazy.

He fell to his knees and cried out in a broken voice.


“I killed all the Reis family, except for their father!”

“Is that all right?”

“Is that all right?”

“Will this really save Eldia?”

Grisha was in tears, he was like a manipulated puppet, everything was going according to Alan’s plan.

“Why don’t you show me all, I don’t know that the walls will be destroyed, I don’t know the day when they will be destroyed.”

“I don’t know about Karula’s safety…”

“Is there really only one way to go?”

Grisha buried her head in pain and said suddenly.

“Here you are, Jick.”

Jick’s pupils trembled, he had been fooled by Allen’s series of plans.

“In the future, your wish will not be fulfilled.”

“It will come true, it is Alan’s wish.”

“I saw Alan’s future memories, but I didn’t expect something so horrible to happen.”

Speaking of this, Grisha suddenly constricted his pupils, and he saw it!

“Jick, is that you?”

“They’ve grown so big…”

“I’m sorry, I’m a bad father who keeps you living in pain.”

Grisha embraces Jik in her arms and retransmits her long-overdue affection.

“Jick, I love you.”

“If only I could play with you more.”

Jik was touched by Grisha’s sincerity and shed tears of relief.


Grisha pleaded with tears in her tears.

“Jick…. Stop Alan. ”

At this moment, Eren angrily ejected Jik from the memory path.

Jik fell to the ground, while Eren looked at Jik with his hands flat and said lightly.

“I haven’t seen where my dad was eaten by me.”

Hearing this, Jik did not respond, he had given up reforming Alan, but said in disbelief.

“It’s you…. It was you who made dad and the king of the wall …. and the world to fight …. Is it? ”

“If Attack Force really has the ability to cross time, it can only allow Grisha to see specific memories and thus influence the past.”

“Dad…. Grisha hesitated to carry out the Restorationist mission. ”

“From your memory, it’s because he knew that even if he took away the Ancestor Giant, he wouldn’t be able to use its power.”

“But he still took away the power of the ancestor giant and entrusted it to you, because he saw a longer future.”

“You see something in the future, you show him.”

Eren said expressionlessly.

“I thank you, brother.”

“Because you brought me into my father’s memory, I have where I am now.”

“It is not my wish that will come true, but your wish, he just said!”

As if suddenly realizing something, Jack gritted his teeth and shouted.

“Ancestor Yumir, immediately take away the reproductive ability of all Yumir’s people!”

Ancestor Yumir slowly turned his head and walked towards the coordinates.

Seeing this scene, Eren was so anxious to break free of his chains.

Jick said slowly.

“Grisha told me to stop you, and he regretted following your instructions.”

“Although I don’t know, what kind of future do you see in your father’s memory.”

“But you don’t see everything, for example, you don’t know that you can’t use the power of the Ancestor Giant here.”

“You…. Still powerless…”

At this time, Eren is frantically trying to break free of the chains.

Even though his hands were bleeding from pain, he didn’t give up.


Finally, Eren managed to break free from his chains, and he began to chase the ancestor Yumir.

Jack didn’t stop Allen’s actions, just stating the facts.

“It’s useless, Alan.”

“Once Yumir starts moving, nothing can stop her.”

However, what Ringjik did not expect was.

Eren rushed forward and hugged Ancestor Yumir, and his angry feelings came from the bottom of his heart.

“You are not a slave or a god, you are just an ordinary person!”

“You don’t need to be subordinate to anyone, you can make your own decisions.”

“You decide, you choose!”

“Do you stay here forever or end it all!!!



ps: Why does it always feel that the writing is wrong….. It’s my delusion…. Or am I really writing it off? emmmm, if I cut it, someone will scold me…

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