[Emiya Kiriji: “In the face of this kind of tram problem, the cost of avoiding the choice will only be greater, and you can obviously save someone. “】

[Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya: “Not necessarily, maybe the gecko threw this choice to play with him, even if he made a choice, it may be a total annihilation ending. “】

[Kayar: “No, I understand psychopathic thinking too well, if Kaneki Ken really made a choice, Gecko would definitely release that person.] “】

[Kayar: “Then Kaneki Ken’s spirit will be intoxicated with this guilt of killing people, and finally it will be completely crushed and destroyed!” “】

[Sakura Mitsuki: “Ordinary people can’t make this choice, let alone this kind of gentle teenager who would rather get hurt himself?”] “】

[Kaneki Ken: “Don’t wash it, don’t wash it, it’s all my fault! “】

[Cai Yueang: “Alas, brother, I understand you!!! “】


Kaneki Ken outside the video is not comfortable.

He knew that he had killed both of them.

The last glance of the man before he died must be blaming him for why he didn’t make his choice earlier, right?

[Inside the video screen.] 】

Watching the death of the two benefactors, Kaneki Ken was so desperate that he completely collapsed.

He…. Nothing can be done.

What the…. It didn’t protect it.

Unfortunately, the password is correct and the account number is wrong.

Pure white within the spiritual world.

Kaneki lowered his head and looked at the endless nothingness around him, and his heartbreaking crying voice trembled and spoke.

“Nope…. It’s not my fault. ”

“No, it’s all me, it’s all my fault.”

Shen Daili Shi sat on the side, slightly speechless.

“You’re still saying the obvious.”

“You blame yourself like this, constantly blame yourself.”

“Just blindly blaming yourself, and the result has not changed at all.”

“I didn’t even try to change.”

“It’s all your fault, and it must be a matter of course.”

Godelise’s is still fanning the flames.

“The situation that fell like this is not an accident, not an accident, nor a luck.”

“It’s your choice.”

“All the disadvantages in the world are due to the lack of competence of the parties, and this is the case.”

Kaneki Ken already understood.

The reason why such a thing happened is that he is not enough of his own ability!

If he hadn’t been deceived by Leworld, if he hadn’t been transplanted by a doctor.

If you are strong enough, you can kill the gecko.

Then, the tragedy of oneself and others will not happen.

If he had enough strength, he wouldn’t just be helpless to watch Ryoko being killed!

This has been true in the past, and it will be so in the future.

If you can’t become stronger.

Then everything he cherishes, including his little friend Ying, will be brutally murdered in front of his eyes.

Thinking of this, Kaneki Ken collapsed into a wail and cry, his voice full of hysterical despair.


Shen Daili Shi said with a bit of playful puzzlement.

“Why cry, why scream?”

“Instead of hurting others, you choose to be the one who gets hurt, don’t you?”

“Both gentle and beautiful, it seems that you have chosen both, but in fact you have lost both.”

Shindai Lisei squatted next to Kaneki Ken again, and continued with a bit of demagoguery in his tone.

“The same is true of your mother, if she could refuse that annoying sister’s request, she would not die of overwork.”

“What a stupid mother, if she really loves you, she should get rid of her stupid sister.”

“You actually want her to do that, right?”

[Jotaro Kujo: “Oh yes daza, what this woman said does make sense. “】

[Yuri Sona: “It’s funny enough to help others when my own family is almost overwhelmed.”] “】

[Kotoko Iwanaga: “Heroes see the same thing, and they have to do what they can, not to mention that even their own family is so difficult? “】

[Naofumi Iwatani: “It is said that a mother’s love is the greatest force in the whole world, but there are still a small number of mothers who are not qualified mothers, just like Kaneki’s mother. “】

[Naruto Uzumaki: “Mom….. I don’t know what my mom will be like again. “】

[Setti: “Anyway, my mother, the best under the sun, I love it the most!”] “】


Kaneki begged God to stop talking.

But it was clear that he had been shaken.

For he treats the whole world with tenderness, and the world rewards him with the cruelest darkness.

But do good people deserve to be pointed at by bad people with guns?

Good people are not rewarded, and bad people are not sinned.

What kind of world-breaking, world-breaking, world-breaking way is this?!!

Can….. What is the demagoguery of the world?

These are just thoughts buried in his heart.

Kaneki cried out in tears with a broken heart, and cried out in pain.


“Why, why leave me alone…”

“I’m so lonely.”

“I don’t want to be alone.”

“I….. I wish you could choose me…”

“I hope you can live for me!”

His thoughts also changed completely at this moment.

God’s voice came out again.

Like an angel, like a devil.

“Even if you don’t save your aunt?”

Kaneki Ken has completely abandoned his former gentle self.

Gentle, nothing can be guarded!

It will only allow everything that he cherishes to be taken away.


“I want to see death and not save !!!”

Kaneki Ken roared hysterically.

“Even if you want to hurt others?”

“I’m going to hurt others too!!!”

“Even if it’s to take a life?”

“I’m going to take my life too!!!

Everyone has a moment when they have to give up one side in order to protect something important.

Human nature is always egoistic, and no one thinks of being hurt forever.

He doesn’t want to be on the side that gets hurt.

He wants to protect those around him who cherish him.

For this reason, even if he gives up tenderness, sees death without saving it, hurts others, and takes away his life, he must do it!!!

Looking at Kaneki Ken, whose mentality was changed, many figures in the heavens and realms were full of emotion.

Good people will always suffer only losses.

The world has never been fair.

No one felt that Kaneki Ken’s choice at the moment was wrong.

Even the people who are even the Virgin think that Kaneki should be blackened.

He deserves these words himself!

He is also qualified to blacken!

Not the diseaseless moans of schoolchildren, and even less the excuses that losers make for themselves.

But the rebirth of a gentle teenager who has truly experienced despair and collapse in body and soul!

Rebirth from a butterfly!

The blood in Kaneki Ken’s pupils skyrocketed, shedding tears of remorse.

“Can’t…. Unforgivable! ”

The words came from between his clenched teeth, from the volcano-like anger in the depths of his soul.

He couldn’t forgive people like geckos at all!

If the bronze tree keeps growing, it will one day bring disaster to District 20 as well.

Kaneki wants to stop everything.

Those who take away his place cannot be forgiven!!!

In his spiritual world, manju sava, which symbolizes the flowers on the other side, bloom one after another.

[Onmyoji flowers: “The sea of flowers is blooming, turn this place into my flower sea!” “】

[Stick Yong Kayar: “I will witness the whole process of blackening a person as gentle and kind as me!”] “】

[Stick Yong Kayar: “Double the return of the gecko, just like me, do it!”] “】

[Minoru Kageno: “All the unfavorable factors in the world are due to the lack of ability of the parties, this is really a wise saying, just add my pretend lines! “】

[Anzulgong: “Good guy, God specially added the pretend line, I will also add one that may be able to be used, hahahahaha! ] “】

[Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya: “In order to avoid the occurrence of adverse factors, I have to be cautious and careful to the extreme. “】

[Ryugu Courtyard Shengya: “If you don’t have the consequences, it may be a consequence that you can never bear…”

[Noragami Yoto: “Alas, they are all people with stories…”



Shen Daili Shi asked with a bit of demagoguery.

“Do you have the power to do it?”

Kaneki lowered his head and replied lightly.

“I have…”

Shindaili smiled, and she said with a charming smile.

“So are you going to accept me?”

In the next instant, Godelise’s hands and feet were cuffed in chains.

Plants of manju sava are in full bloom.

This is Kaneki Ken’s spiritual world, and he has the greatest authority.

Kaneki threw Shindai to the ground and said calmly.

“That’s not right…. It’s not like that, what I want is power beyond you! ”

He no longer suppresses the desires in his heart, no longer restricts himself.

Complete the complete change of mentality.

The pure white spiritual world was finally dyed the color of blood red.

The restrained Shen Daili Shi did not have the slightest panic and fear, but asked lightly.

“Even if it’s the wrong choice, is it okay?”

Kaneki Ken’s pupils turned red, shed painful blood and tears, and replied lightly.

“It’s not me who is wrong.”

“The mistake is….. This world! ”


Kaneki Ken gnawed the flesh and blood of Godayoshi, and he wanted to devour it all.

And Shen Daili Shi obviously looked like she was being eaten, but she showed an expression that was more satisfied than anyone else.

“Yes, that’s fine.”

“Kaneki, the so-called survival is to devour others.”

“Eat it, put me….. Eat it thoroughly! ”

After that, she even touched Kaneki Ken’s face with her own hand.

That’s right, that’s it!

After eating the gods, Kaneki Ken also completely completed the drastic transformation from a human to a species!

“I am….. Wow! ”

The originally dark hair quickly turned pale.

A one-eyed eye of the species is revealed.

Kaneki Ken completely blackened.


It seems to be bleaching.

[Sakita Azusagawa: “Madman’s diary of me can become stronger by eating people?”] “】

[Lelouch: “It’s not me who is wrong, it’s the world?” “】

[Sakata Gintoki: “Lying groove, black…. Albinism! “】

[Kirishima Dongka: “Ken Kaneki, you will be our partner…”


[God: “Ah, I was eaten.”] “】

[Otosaka Yuu: “I have a hunch that it may be about to open up next! “】

[Kayar: “Kaneki Ken, is it good for yourself?”] Take a brutal vengeon against the gecko! “】


At this time, in the real world.

The gecko was holding the pincers and waiting to feed, slowly walking towards Kaneki Ken.

“Kaneki, the rare happy time is coming to an end.”

“The white plover has already attacked here.”

“Let me plunder!”

“Finally let me….. Eat you all! ”

And at this moment, he found that the harmless sheep of humans and animals in front of him seemed to appear the shadow of God.

“It’s ridiculous.”

It was as if God was mocking him in this way.

“You’re such a ….. Uninteresting man. ”

Kaneki slowly raised his head and said the same words as Shendai Lishi.

This couldn’t help but make the gecko even more excited.

The prey is still hard in the mouth and still in the death throes of death.

It’s fantastic, it’s fantastic!!!

“Hahahahaha, it’s really your best.”

“Just let me plunder everything you have!”

The gecko showed his scales and was about to strike.

Kaneki Ken suddenly broke free of the chain and buckled it around the gecko’s neck.

Directly came a strongman lock man.

Kaneki Ken said behind his back very playfully.

“Then you will try to eat me!”

At this point, the most classic BGM sounds.

I wash kelp, I wash kelp…

Kaneki Ken jumped again, wiped his mouth and said.

“It’s really unpalatable…”

The gecko also noticed something was wrong, and he said in disbelief.

“You…. You actually …. Ate me!? ”

Now, who are the hunters? Who is the prey?

It’s still unknown.

Kaneki Ken even mockingly spat on the meat on the gecko.

“It’s like the guts of a dead fish about to rot.”

Gecko took advantage of this opportunity to manipulate his own Heko to attack Kaneki.

And Kaneki spins and jumps, full of flexibility.

Easily dodged the gecko’s Hezi attack.

Later, he kicked the gecko directly in the head.

But this kick was also caught by the gecko with both hands.

“I won’t let you go.”

The gecko twisted the foot it had grasped into twists, and the bones and flesh and blood were distorted.

I thought that Kaneki should be affected by this huge pain.

But unexpectedly, Kaneki Ken was completely unaffected, and kicked him out more than ten meters away with his other foot.

And the injured right leg also recovered instantly at this moment.

Kaneki raised his head to look at the gecko and said coldly.

“You think it’s gotten to this point, this level of hurt.”

“Can I still feel pain?”

After being tortured for so long, he could no longer feel the pain at all.

The smoke and dust cleared, and the gecko had wrapped its body in Hezi and became a half-Het.

This is the power that has mutated over the years of eating a large number of the same kind.

The gecko broke his fingers, made a sound, and shouted furiously.

“Kill you, kill you, I’m going to kill you!”

“Eat you! I’m going to eat you alive! ”

“Kaneki !!!!”

He pounced on Kaneki Ken like a hideous beast.

But he couldn’t touch anyone no matter how he hit, and he was teased by Kaneki Ken like a fool.

Kaneki Ken found the opportunity and punched the center nest with all his strength.

The gecko, on the other hand, was unaffected as if he were a nobody.

Instead, he finally seized the opportunity and grabbed Kaneki with Heko and wrapped it up.

After shaking left and right, he used his greatest strength to directly throw it heavily and throw Kaneki a hundred meters away.

Until he smashed into the wall.

This terrifying force, in exchange for ordinary people is absolutely dead, it is impossible to die again, it is estimated that it will directly become minced meat.

At the wall, endless smoke and dust spread.

The gecko gulped and kicked his breath, and in this form he consumed a lot.

“It should have been killed, right?”

The gecko slowly showed a smug smile of the victor.

But the smoke cleared.

Kaneki Ken slowly walked out of it, and it seemed that he didn’t even have any injuries.

Behind him, four beautiful and enchanting sharp beams quickly unfolded.

Four-tailed man pillar force, limited time encore!

Kaneki Ken outlined a weird smile on his face, and said very evilly.

“Next, it’s my turn, right?”

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