As the protagonist, Anzulgong is rewarded at the same time, it also means the end of the TOP6.

After the reward was distributed, everyone watched Ainziurgong can’t hide his excitement to contact his teammates, and the picture is interrupted.

【Top6 video playback, next will play top5 video】

[TOP5 video starts playing, these are our two protagonists]

[They are legends of undefeated, traversing all kinds of games without tasting defeat, even in the face of the chess game of the gods]

【Blank is never defeated】

【Undefeated Urban Legend】

【TOP5: Empty, White Debut】

JOJO World.

Dioblando held up the red wine glass, frowned after reading the introduction of the TOP5 protagonist, and crushed the wine glass in his hand.

Fragments and red wine spilled on the ground.

“Never lost the chess game against the gods?”

“That’s fun!”

Dioblandu’s status today is very significant, but he still does not dare to say that he has not failed in his life.

It is impossible, as long as it is a person, there will be a experience of failure.

And his failure experience naturally came from the old enemy of the year.

At this time, two guys suddenly appeared who had never failed in their lives, and even the opponent was still a god.

This is simply provoking him!

But it did pique his interest.

Genshin World.

“Can even the gods be defeated?”

“But it doesn’t seem to be a big deal.”

Ying looked at the introduction in the picture, and then looked at Old Master Zhong, who was sitting on the opposite side of the chess game.

Zhong Li gracefully held his chin, looked at the chess situation between them, pondered for a long time, and finally said: “This chess game, I am slightly inferior to three points.” ”

Ying: “.” Eight seven three “……..”

See, this is God, and it will fail.

Zhong Li said, “The gods of their world should be different from our seven gods. ”

“All things in the world must not be judged.”

Ying also nodded: “Moreover, it is indeed a bit of an exaggeration to never fail.” ”

Dragon Ball World.

After watching the video, Frieza was a little looking forward to the appearance of the next two protagonists.

He has not been defeated in his life, at least not so far.

Now he is about to prepare to conquer a place called Earth.

It seems to be a simple trip too.

He admires these two protagonists, and the two people who have never failed should be people like him.

“It’s a pity, probably not in the same plane, I really want to take these two people as subordinates.”

This is probably sympathy for the invincible?

Or a strong mentality that is eager to conquer the other party.

Game the earth of the world of life.

“Brother, are the two protagonists mentioned in the video us?”

Eleven-year-old Shiro pulled his empty sleeves.

“Blank? Is it us? There should be quite a few names in the world. ”

Eighteen-year-old Sora instructed while sucking on ramen, “Shiro, you should learn to tell these apart. ”

“Also, no matter who he is, if you finish eating, the amount of milk you control will not be able to keep up, we are now four people fighting a thousand people, don’t be so idle ah!”

“Empty, you’re right, but you don’t seem to be worse than me while watching videos while fighting team battles~”


Hokage World, Pirate World, etc., many people in the Heavens and Heavens have been interested by this video introduction.

The video of Anzulgong in front is exciting enough, and how wonderful the next top5 will be, it is really exciting!

As soon as the picture turned, everyone looked at the picture.

【Video starts playing】

A fantasy-style arena lined with strangely dressed figures.

They have various classes, warrior, mage, priest and even open and hang cheatgun fighter, etc.

A lineup of more than a thousand people surrounded the four characters in the middle.

For a while, the silence was terrible.

After a short silence, countless attacks came like a sea of attacks, attacking the four people who were surrounded in the middle.

Guns, flame explosions, forbidden techniques, bows with flames, all kinds of attacks all greeted the past.

In just the blink of an eye, a huge explosion was triggered.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and flames rose tens of meters with the explosion.

Such a posture, even if it is a powerful existence, it is difficult to resist.

[Moe King Limulu: “Isn’t it! There must be a limit to how much bullying there is, bastard, and it is too much for more than a thousand people to deal with four people! “】

[Naruto Uzumaki: “That’s so despicable! I agree with Limulu’s idea, a ninja must be a decent game, what is it to bully more?! “】

[Gogen Ruri: “Although you are right, they don’t seem to be ninjas, right?] “】

[Nanagetsu: “I always have a familiar feeling in this scene, as if I have experienced it? Well, probably more than once. “】

[Kaneki Ken: “It hurts, it hurts so much. “】

The blank siblings who watched the video with three minds also noticed the content in the video.

Bai’s little mouth opened slightly, and he was surprised: “Empty, you see, it’s really the character we control.” ”

“Shiro, I noticed it too.”

Sora was a little embarrassed, just now he was still educating his sister.

However, the picture shown in the video is the team battle they are doing at the moment, which means that the next content in the video will be their future?

“Shiro, let’s end the team battle first, I want to see what we will be like in the future.”

Sora who was obviously holding a playful mentality also became serious.

“Okay pinch, brother.”

The picture in the screen of the two people corresponds to the picture in the video.

The four people besieged by more than a thousand people in the picture are the four characters controlled by the blank brothers and sisters.

Both brothers and sisters are single-minded, controlling two characters.

Not only that, but its operation is also top-notch.

And just when many people in the heavens and realms thought that four of the characters would die, four figures rushed out from the smoke.

Their appearance sparked more shock.

Such an attack did not die, how powerful a defense must this be?

However, the video suddenly played back.

[The following is a replay of the attack]

I saw that the video was played back to the time when the four people were attacked.

Countless attacks were like bullets, and spells came one after another.

However, each of the four characters miraculously dodged every attack.

Even if there are bullets that can claim the enemy by themselves, they are all offset by the opponent’s attack with the same bullet.

This is not a defense power at all, but the most top-notch technology and strength!

Team battles are in full swing.

However, this is a team battle of “four against thousand”.

The four people, who everyone thought were overwhelmingly inferior, suddenly rushed out of the battlefield.

A battle began between each other that could be called a feast for the eyes.

The seamless cooperation between each other caused a one-sided crushing………

[As a result, the battle ended in the victory of four people]

[However, there are only two people behind them]

As soon as the picture turned, the bedroom where Kong and Bai were located appeared on the video, and the figures of the two appeared in it.

[Kazuto Kiritani: “The wonderful battle that just appeared is a game? It’s amazing that someone can cooperate to this extent, as if the four people were born for each other. “】

[Nanagetsu: “Oh my God! They can use it for two purposes, and they almost do it almost perfectly! (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Moe King Limulu: “I understand too well what this operation means! That’s awesome! That’s awesome! 】

[Luffy: “I don’t know what the game means, but it’s strong! “】

Immediately afterwards, the screen continued to play, playing all the victories in the blank life one by one, causing the barrage to marvel one after another.

People in the heavens and realms, some people who understand what the game is, can see how outrageous some of the operations of the blank brothers and sisters can be.

Kong and Bai had already ended the team battle, and the two brothers and sisters watched their original achievements being revealed, and looked at each other, rarely feeling a little embarrassed.

The barrage has both agreed and doubted, such as:

[Kasumigaoka Shiyu: “The operation of the blank brother and sister is indeed powerful, but for the previous top protagonists, I am afraid that it is more than these degrees! ] “】

[Frieza: “Just such invincibility? Hahaha, it really makes people laugh off their big teeth, and King Ben can do it by sending a subordinate at will! “】

[Jiraiya: “Frieza, huh?”] I don’t know what level of creatures you are, but they won with miracles made by the limits of their abilities, and you won’t compare it to your behavior of crushing an ant casually, right? “】

[Frieza: “You’re looking for death, maggots!”] “】

[Kazuto Kiritani: “I think Jiraiya is right, they always win with their own limits!” 】

The invincibility of the blank brothers and sisters is naturally unquestionable.

But the barrage has formed two polar views, some that recognize the quality of the top5 protagonists, and some who do not.

The main reason is that the initial video described the concept of “invincible” too much, and everyone thought it was a victory against the whole world.

The final sense of gap makes them feel that this TOP5 protagonist is ranked too high.

However, at this moment, it seems that the creators have long known that the barrage will form this contradiction, and the top5 protagonist video continues to play 0………

[This is invincible to them, but this is the result of their previous lives. 】

[In their previous lives, they were a couple, although they were very strong, but they never won. 】

[Because of this, now they are a pair of brothers and sisters, although they are very weak, they will never lose. ] 】

[Then in these last 251 seconds, bet on everything, we are the strongest in the world! ] 】

[Now, let’s start enjoying the story of the strongest couple, Rick and Hubie! 】

[The video screen starts playing again.] 】

In a dimly lit cave.

A man who looks almost identical to Sora and two companions is dodging the monster ready to hunt them.

[The man’s name is Rick, Empty Past Life, the leader of the human race]

Rick and his three companions wore black cloaks, all curled up and hid in a small corner.

They kept as quiet as possible, and even their breathing became unusually light.

The corner of the cave was accompanied by the sound of water droplets dripping, and there was an unusual silence.

But under this silence, there was a strange sound approaching.

Something was squirming, like a predator hunting its prey.

As soon as they heard this voice, the three of them shrank their pupils.

[Moe King Limulu: “Past life? That said, we saw it before, just the preface to the TOP5, right? It’s the same as reading a light novel, okay! “】

[Shiwa Kasumigaoka: “I didn’t expect that the creator actually started using flashbacks, which is really surprising! ] I’ll just say it’s not going to be that simple. “】

[Naruto Uzumaki: “Hey, hey, is it still important to discuss these now?] Didn’t you see that the three of them were in great danger? “】

[Commander Olga: “I don’t know why, I always feel that my blood is boiling, and I always feel that I should do something to dedicate myself…”]

[Iron Man Tasker: “It seems that these three people are ordinary people, as if they have to deal with particularly powerful monsters, what are they going to do next?”] “】

The video continues to play.

In his previous life, Rick was facing a life and death crisis.

The hole in which they are hiding is narrow, and it is also very difficult to escape.

[The hunter outside the cave is the tenth ranked demon species. 】

A giant demon worm.

In this world, humans are the lowest race.

In the eyes of the upper race, the lowest existence is inferior to the ants.

It can even be erased at will.

[Such a human being, to deal with a demon species equivalent to dozens of times their size, the probability of winning is almost zero. ] 】

The key points are explained in a timely manner in the video.

Everyone also figured out why the three of them almost did not dare to breathe.

Make a sound, be discovered, and pay with your life.

[The original Moe King Sakura: “But that demon species seems to know their approximate location, what are they going to do next, it’s so dangerous!”] I really want to help him 2.0 guys! “】

[Roroya Solon: “If it is discovered, it is probably the fate of death, this is the fate of the weak…”]

[Megumi Kato: “This is also too cruel! “】


Everyone was talking about it, but they all waited intently for Rick’s treatment.

As an invincible and unmanned past life, Rick managed to arouse everyone’s curiosity.

Everyone wondered what made Rick so good about being so good as the Night God Moon, as well as L’s mind, and his invincible ability.

In the video, the squirming sound of the demon species is getting closer and closer.

A huge crisis is approaching.

The demon species seemed to be able to obtain their approximate location through some means, and were searching for their traces in cave after cave.

The next thing to continue, it is just a matter of waiting, everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before it is discovered next.

While many barrages were discussing whether Rick was going to run away or fight to the death, Rick, as the protagonist of the video, said an amazing sentence.

“Iwan, this is an order…” Rick in the video appeared unusually cold, almost unsympathetic.

“Bury yourself here!”

Without a doubt, it was a decision that surprised everyone.

This meant that the companion named Ewan would be sacrificed here.

Everyone understood that this was to let this person use his life to lure away the demon species outside, in exchange for the survival of others.

However, under the gaze of the heavens, in the face of such an almost unreasonable request………

The companion named Ewan laughed.

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