The next day, the day after Ivan’s death.

A black ash rain fell in the sky.

It was as if the debris produced after something burned out, covering the entire sky.

[Black ash, the ash left after the death of the elf species, will burn the bare skin and is lethal. 】

Rick walks alone on the scarred land of war.

Originally, he wanted to act collectively, but due to the fall of the black ash rain, he had to come alone.

In such a dangerous climate, multiple people will attract the attention of other races.

After a long and arduous walk in the wind and snow, Rick finally reached his destination.

The capital city abandoned by Mori Sei.

Looking at the huge capital city in front of him, Rick recalled the intelligence he had obtained yesterday.

Yesterday, in the territory of the demon race, Rick discovered the intelligence that the dwarves were preparing to use a super destructive weapon, “myeloid explosion”.

The so-called myeloid explosion is to detonate the unactivated divine essence of the god level to achieve the effect of a god-level world-destroying weapon.

The gods of this world are all activated through the divine essence.

Every god has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth.

It is entirely conceivable what a catastrophe it is to detonate a “divine essence”.

The goblin species want to destroy other races with this weapon, leaving only the world of the goblin species, and the star cup will only belong to the goblin species.

God-level world-destroying weapon, this may be the way other superior races compete for the Star Cup.

But for human beings, once this weapon has worked, other races leave it alone, and human beings will never survive in the face of this world-destroying weapon.

Backward technology, no magical adaptability, no special strengths.

The only advantage is its own “insignificance”.

It is so small that it is not valued by other races, and even for high-level races, it is not even a living being.

Such a small human being, once involved in the “myeloid explosion” of the weapon of destruction….

Even if it is only the aftermath, it is completely impossible to survive even one person.

[Alan Jaeger: “Myeloid burst? Extinction, I know this. “】

[Nanayue: “This myeloid explosion should be more terrifying than Allen’s earth sound, after all, it is a god-level power that can trigger destruction. “】

[Saitama: “Well, I think it should at least be at the Star Extinguishing level. “】

[Sun Gohan: “There should be no existence among human beings that can resist this level of world-destroying weapons, if the myeloid explosion is really activated, the planet where Rick is located, I am afraid that human beings will cease to exist.” “】

[Dioblando: “It’s really pitiful weakness, once you can’t master the power, you can only let others take it at will, it’s really funny hahahaha.” “】

[Luffy: “You guy named Dio, I’ve been upset with you for a long time, feel free to mock the weakness of others, come and fight, I’m going to beat you up!” “】

[Dioblando: “What a guy who doesn’t know the height of the sky, noble I won’t fight with a fool like you who can only use fists and feet. “】

[Realm King God: “Don’t argue, in a different world, it’s not interesting to quarrel, it’s better to continue watching the next plot quietly. “】


“Time is running out.”

Looking at the huge capital of the Senjing seed, Rick did not hesitate and walked straight inside.

The capital city of Mori Seiju is coiled with huge vines.

Oversized vines, several meters thick, occupy half of the capital.

In the middle of the capital, there is a pit of hundreds of meters, and several giant pillars lie across it, like an abyss.

“The handwriting of the Sky Wing Seed?”

Rick went deeper, and deeper there were pink flowers on the ground.

Suddenly, a strange wind blew through.

Rick only blinked an eye when he found a young girl in mechanical armor standing in front of him.

The girl has an extremely cute face, and anyone who just sees it can’t help but look at it more.

But Rick froze, and great fear engulfed his mind.

“The superior race……. Machine Kai species. ”

[Machine Kai species, a race with machinery as the core, has a linkage body, can share information anytime, anywhere, mechanical species. 】

“Check, sort out the intelligence.”

The mechanical girl’s mouth spat out a voice without any emotion.

Rick didn’t dare to move at all, for the machine species, killing a human like him was no different from killing an ant.

“Moreover, the machine kai species has the ability to share intelligence, and if it encounters danger, it will attract the siege of all the nearby machine kai species.”

Looking at the petite girl who was only up to his chest, Rick maintained a frozen posture.

[Butterfly Shinobu: “Oh, this mechanical girl seems to be Bai E, did the husband and wife finally meet? Ah Laala, I already feel sweet. “】

[Esders: “The Superior Race and Human Feelings? Although it seems that it is not recognized by the world, I do not seem to hate such emotions. “】

[Dong Xiang: “Didn’t you find that Ji Kai didn’t have feelings? Maybe Bai’s past life will kill Rick in the next moment. “】

[Tornado: “I also tend to think that the machine species will kill Rick, although the introduction says that it is a husband and wife, but how can the superior race fall in love with a human who is regarded as an ant. “】


Rick froze, and a thousand fears welled up in his heart.

However, what scares him is not the identity of the machine itself.

It’s what this machine looks like.

He had seen this machine when he was a child.

It’s just that after the tribe he lived in was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle with the mekai, he saw the mekai species that came to check the aftermath of the battle.

“That’s her…”

Childhood images flashed by.

The aftermath of the battle destroyed the entire tribe in which Rick lived.

At that time, only a few people such as him and his sister survived in the entire tribe.

Even his parents were burned to char to protect him.

In an instant, extremely complex emotions surged in Rick’s heart, but more than that, it was not hatred, but fear.

What does the arrival of the machine breed mean?

Will his current race be destroyed by the mechai species as it was when he was a child?

What will happen to my sister?

What will happen to Nonna?

What will happen to others?

“Calm down, if you resist her at this time, you are making enemies with all the machines.”

“Once identified as a threat, the mechai species will purge all humans.”

“Calm down!”

“Don’t resist!”

Rick remained deadlocked.

Shiro approached step by step, and Rick felt that the biggest crisis of his life was imminent.

“Brother, I can’t help it, treat me like a woman.”

“Proposals, how you want to spoil this machine is no problem.”

“Although I don’t have a hole . .”


Rick has even accepted the fate of impending death and waits for death to come.

In order not to be considered a threat by the machine species, he was ready to die silently.

But Ji Kai’s words made his mind a little unable to turn for a while.

Even he, who is as smart as a human leader, can hardly hear this sentence in the midst of this crisis.

And Ji Kai Chong Bai’s next behavior not only made him strained, but also made all the audience strained.

After saying this, Ji Kai directly removed Rick’s veil to protect himself, straight ball…….

Kissed it.

Rick who was kissed: “??? ”

Audience of the heavens: “??? ”

Full screen of “??? “The barrage floated through the video.

It’s clear.

People who saw this scene were almost stunned.

[Nami the little tanuki: “Ah??? “】

[Hall Master Hu Tao: “Ah??? “】

[Moe King Limulu: “Ah??? “】

[Others: “??? “】

A neat barrage of question marks floats above the video.

The audience of the heavens finally couldn’t help but complain.

[Bijiya Hachiman: “Hey, hey, what kind of god operation is this, it’s so enviable! (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[An Yilun also: “Abominable, why reward him, hateful! “】

[Shoko Makinohara: “Wow, what a brave girl, I’ve already slammed this pair hard.] “】

[Chitanda Airu: “It turned out to be such a development, I am very curious now about what the plot will be like later, I am very curious! ] “】

[Empty: “I rely on, how can there be such a development?”] Although Shiro and I are not brothers and sisters, although Shiro is indeed cute, although….. Aaaah! “】

[White: “Emptiness is perverted.”] “】

[Kasumigaoka Shiwa: “Agree. “】

[Yukino Kasumi: “Agree.”] “】


In the video, in the space covered with flowers, Rick, who was kissed, had a blank time in his mind.

He never expected such a development.

“Question: I can’t understand.”

After completing this behavior that made everyone unbearable, the girl fell into a long doubt.

“I can’t understand it, right?”

Rick couldn’t understand why the machine in front of him would behave like this.

This is completely beyond his understanding of all the superior races since birth.

As far as humans are concerned, all superior races are butchers.

But Rick himself was kissed by such a machine that he couldn’t understand.

“Speculation: Insufficient preparation to fit the scene.”

The girl tilted her head cutely and made her own speculation.

“Nonsense, I’m not the kind of pervert who can get excited after being observed by you.”

Rick got up from the ground.

He had already discovered that this machine did not want to kill him.

“Question: Who do you mean?”

“Don’t play the fool, you all act together.”

Rick continued, “Isn’t it that whenever you are in danger, your nearby companions will rush to support? ”

Faced with Rick’s answer, the girl tilted her head and denied:

“Negative: The unit has been disconnected by a linkage.”

“.. Unconnect? ”

Rick was stunned.

The so-called connectome of the machine species is like the human brain, and the machine kai species can upload its own information to a “main brain”, and the “main brain” will make judgments.

And the machine girl was disconnected, which means that she is out of the group?

“That is, you are left behind?”

“Answer: Yes.”

“And then, what is the reason why you hesitant machine species is looking for me, a human being?”

After Rick said this, afraid to provoke this machine Kai, he added: “May I ask?” ”

“Answer, parse the unique language of human communication.”

“It is the unique language called the heart.”

The girl replied.


Rick was very puzzled, what is there to analyze in his heart?

Are these superior races all fed and idle?

“Answer: This machine is investigating the existence of the mind.”

The girl replied, “When parsing the heart, a large number of logic errors occurred in this machine, and in order not to endanger the main linkage, it was abandoned. ”

“After that, the observation activities continued alone.”

Observations? Do you plan to use yourself to analyze the mind and then connect back to the main connectus?

Rick knew what the machine was going to do.

“This machine speculates that the unique language of communication through skin affinity and contact with skin tissue.”

“So this native wants to engage in human reproductive behavior with you…”

“I refuse!”

Rick looked at Ji Kai, who was getting closer and closer, and made a stern refusal.


“Don’t say it, I refuse.”

Rick found that the otherwise serious scene had been taken in a strange direction.

The machine in front of him, a mechanical being, actually wanted to understand the human definition of “feelings”.

It seems that this is an experiment of the machine kai.

For the results of this experiment, this machine is even willing to make great sacrifices physically.

But how could Rick agree.

Although on the surface it seems to be a profitable transaction, after it is used, the fate of the future (Wang’s) is uncertain.

The girl saw that Rick did not agree to this matter anyway, and she was very puzzled.

Then, taking two steps back, the tail of the release spell suddenly released a light.

“Magic: Diankai”

“Game 001: Chess.”

A huge curtain of light shrouded Rick and the Jikai girl, shrouding the place where they were in a blue space.

Two chess pieces generated by light and shadow float in front of each other.

“Tournament: Apply to play the game.”

The girl applied for a chess tournament and put forward her own conditions.

“Conditions: If the native wins, bring the native back to carry out the human reproductive behavior.”

“Conditions: If the native fails, bring the native back for human reproductive behavior.”

“Hey, the conditions for victory and defeat are the same!”

Rick was very speechless, looking at the chess pieces in front of him, he gently held the pieces.

“It’s chess.”

“In front of the mechanical race machine that is good at calculating, the chance of winning is almost zero.”

“But……. I accepted the yell. ”

“However, the conditions for my victory require some minor changes.”

Rick’s eyes were burning with a desire to win, even if it was only a one in ten thousand chance, in terms of the current state of humanity, it was worth gambling, wasn’t it?

“If I win, you have to tell me all the information I want to know!”

The mechanical eyes of the machine girl looked at Rick indifferently, and at this moment she felt Rick’s vigorous emotions, which were the desire for victory that she could not understand.

Is this emotion?

“Conclusion: Implement eligible games.” ……..。

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