“It’s coming, the feature film begins!”

“I can finally understand Uncle 682!”

“I never expected that I didn’t see 682 from the inventory, but I learned about it from other containment objects in the inventory!”

“Hehe, you may have thought too much, in my opinion, 035 may not be able to know Uncle 682!”

“How could you not know? There was a test appendix before, in it, that 035 was very interested in Uncle 682, that is, he must know Uncle 682! ”

“I feel that this kid wants to take away Uncle 682!”

“Takeaway? Hehe, who took away who is not certain, if according to his words, the characteristics of the containment have a level, then I feel that Uncle 682 can definitely crush this kid! ”

Countless netizens discussed excitedly, and they finally saw the feature film appear.

They watched intently.

Finally, at this moment, 035 spoke: “682 ah, you said that monster, to be honest, I don’t know very well, I only know that he is strong, well, strong outrageous, but I am very interested in making him my host!” ”

This seems to say something, but in fact it is equivalent to not saying it.

The two researchers agreed that this thing, maybe you don’t know about 682 at all!

Countless netizens are also pouting, this old boy is either fooling people, or he doesn’t know 682 at all.

What is the use of saying this that everyone knows?

The two researchers looked at each other, and then researcher A asked again: “Then how much do you know about the strange object-500?” ”

“I don’t know!” This time, 035 is straightforward.

However, at this time, countless netizens were dissatisfied.

“I don’t know, this kid doesn’t know anything, right?”

“Huh, what clever? What two thousand years? It’s all, I suspect he’s just making up stories, it’s all fake! ”

“This thing is useless, hurry up and throw it into the parallel world.”

“By the way, isn’t there a 4715 that is comparable to 682? This thing is also very scary, hurry up and ask, maybe, he will know! ”

At this moment, countless barrages appeared.

Countless people in the 749 innings watched.

But obviously, they did not ask questions according to the ideas given by those netizens.

They just followed the original plan and continued to inquire…

At this time, I saw researcher A continue to speak: “Then excuse me, how did you get born?” ”

“I am a congenital being, a legendary god, a supreme, eternal being, the beginning of everything, the beginning of cosmic chaos, and they, calling my name, the beginning!” At this moment, when asked about his existence, 035 spoke extremely seriously, his eyes solemn and solemn.

The corners of countless netizens’ mouths twitched.

Obviously, this guy either doesn’t want to mention anything related to himself, or even he doesn’t know how he came from!

Soon, the researchers began to ask new questions.

However, these are all questions about 035 itself.

He bluntly asked what characteristics the 035 had.

However, 035 said that he did not want to pay attention to them and did not disclose his characteristics.

This guy is very smart, whether it is a straightforward inquiry, a guided inquiry, or a roundabout inquiry, he has not been able to get the desired result.

Finally, researcher A threw out a new question: “So now may I ask, what kind of containment do you know?” ”

“Containment? Then I know a lot! ”

At this moment, 035 spoke enthusiastically, and then, as Shujiazhen said, the number of some strange objects: “For example, strange objects-001, for example, strange objects-017, strange objects-1699, strange objects-096, strange objects-173!” ”

Researcher N’s rapid recording, and the hands began to appear afterimages!

At this moment, countless netizens were excited, although they could not learn about the relevant deeds of Uncle 682 from 035!

However, five more containments popped out of this guy’s mouth.

That’s great!

They are waiting for the present, waiting for this moment.

Even, countless netizens have begun to take small books, ready to write down these strange things, and then, so as to send a resolution video as soon as possible, just a wave of money!

The most important thing is that weird object-001.

It turned out to be named after 001, and this thing must be very important.

Sure enough, researcher A’s heart moved, and he immediately asked: “Then what characteristics do you know about this strange object-001?” Can you describe it in detail? ”

“Of course, my friend!”

035’s tone at this moment became extremely gentlemanly, and then, his voice was low and full of magnetism: “It is not an individual, nor an object, it is an invisible substance, it is omnipresent, it is everything, it is also the end, it is all the collection, it is all the yearning!” ”

At this time, with the sound of 035’s voice full of divine sticks, at first, countless netizens were still interested, but the more they listened, the more they felt wrong…

This is special…

What the hell is this?

They want to hit someone.

This 035 is really unreliable, and you have to make up a decent one, right?

You describe it this way, what has become of this thing? It’s become a heavenly way, right?

Or, in other words, the feature itself, right?


Countless people were speechless.

Even the two researchers were about to be completely broken.

Finally, after 035 described a long paragraph, he finally got to the point: “Actually, Alien-001 is a collection of more than thirty proposals, each proposal can be called 001, there is no uniqueness!” ”

“What about these proposals…” asked researcher A subconsciously.

“Oh, are you special when I’m 343? Do you have questions, go and ask 343? What are you looking for me for? I am not an all-knowing and all-powerful being! Do you really know everything when I do? Can I know that 001 is a number consisting of more than thirty proposals, which is already the limit! 035 sneered twice and pouted secretly.

Although he wore a mask, everyone felt that they could see the boy’s lively expression.

“Vozh, am I despised by a strange object?”

“I can’t think of it, I never expected that this guy wearing a mask can have such a rich expression language, I feel that I have some myocardial infarction!”

“Hehe, this kid, let’s talk about it, it’s still a word, I don’t know, what is the use of him?”

“By the way, what is the so-called 343 in his mouth?”

“343? According to what he meant, he did not have omniscience and omnipotence, but this 343 has? Hey, what the hell is this 343? God? Or what? ”

“Omniscient and Almighty!!! I grass, although he didn’t say anything, he seems to say everything again? ”

“Vozh, what should I do if I look forward to it more and more? Damn, if I can’t figure this out, I can’t sleep! ”

Countless netizens exclaimed, as if they had discovered a new continent.

And at this moment, researcher A did not expect that just asking 001, there was a new receipt.

Therefore, he did not think to ask further, and asked directly: “What is the so-called 343 in your mouth?” God? Omniscient and omnipotent? Is it also a characteristic of containment? ”

“Oh, he knows everything and is all-powerful, some people call him God, gone!”

035 said, and then, mockingly: “What God? It’s just a false god, not a real god at all, compared with me, it’s still too far behind! ”

The researchers automatically ignored the words that followed 035.

It’s just that at this moment, everyone was in a trance.

How strong is this anomaly shelter?

How could he have even contained the all-knowing and all-powerful God?

Simply terrible!

Countless netizens even said that their scalp was numb, goosebumps rose, and they were terrified to think about it!

Although 035 doesn’t say much, what does an omniscient and all-powerful mean? And what does God represent?

These two labels alone can already let people know his horror.

At this moment, the whole 749 game was up and down, and everyone felt a little pressured.

It’s so terrifying, there is such a strange thing in this world?

Omniscient and omnipotent? Oh, God?

Did 035 make it up himself, or is there really such a strange thing?

Everyone was thinking, in a trance…

Even the two researchers who asked the question were a little agitated, and they fell into a trance and fell into the abyss of consciousness.

However, it was also at this time…

“Squeak!” The door of the room was opened in an instant, and in an instant, armed men with headsets quickly entered and took the two researchers away.

Soon, two new fellows entered.

These are two female researchers, one looks to be in her thirties, named S Researcher, the goddess is full of fan, wearing the white coat of the researcher, and she can’t hide her proud figure!

One looked twenty-one or twelve, very young, youthful and active, and a V researcher.

“I grass, brothers, I find out that I am in love again!”

“Shhh, this is the perfect goddess!”

“I even want to figure out what the child is called!”

“Hey, doesn’t anyone think that researcher V is young and beautiful, making people’s eyes shine? I still like this type! ”

“Wow, I never expected that there would be such an eye-catching existence, love love!”

“I can know new weird objects again, and I can look good for my eyes, this video, I completely fanned!”

“Only now fan? You fake fan! ”

“In other words, were the two researchers affected earlier? Almost seduced, right? Fortunately, the substitution is fast, otherwise, in a while, they will completely fall! ”

“It’s terrible, obviously I didn’t say anything, but it just makes people feel convincing.”

“Damn, I was affected by watching the video, what kind of weird containment is this?”

“The production team won’t hire a language master to edit the lines, will they?”

“As a graduate student in psychology, I said that these are actually countless hints at the psychological level, before, he said that he understood a lot of containments, but he did not say characteristics, did not say specifics, and when he said two more words, he could say that he could take two researchers to find these two containments, and then demagoguery, hehe, the two researchers even thought that they were looking for containments, and were doing the right thing for the shelter…”

“My grass, the big guy upstairs, you say so… Wow, this thing is scary to think about! ”

At this moment, countless people gasped, and finally knew what it meant to change people.

It’s not that the production team simply wants to change two beauties to increase ratings!

Purely because those two researchers continue to ask, they will really become puppets!

At this time, everyone saw that after Researcher S came in, he didn’t even talk nonsense, and asked directly: “Please tell me about the strange object-017!” ”

Her face was expressionless, her expression was cold, and she looked like a cold royal sister, goddess Fan.

Before everyone could admire the perfect face, he heard 035 pout: “What can be said about this?” Keter-level trash is just a small trash, I strongly condemn this kind of containment without a physical type! ”

Keter class!

Little trash?


Countless netizens were stunned and flustered, and some doubted life.

When did the Keter class become little garbage?

If Keter-level is all little garbage, then what are you?

You’re Keter too!

Countless people were speechless.

Researcher S didn’t ask much, didn’t even bother to chat with 035, and after making sure that 035 had nothing else to say, she asked again: “What about strange objects-1699?” ”

“Oh, this ah, this is a large containment, although there is a brain, but the brain is not big, just a fool, well, anyway, I say so, he can’t hit me, oh, he’s actually not terrible, it’s Safe, it’s a small garbage of small garbage!” He spoke in a relaxed tone, indifferently, and even said that this thing was just a decoration, and there was nothing to talk about at all.

At this time, countless netizens were full of emotion…

“Good guy, I finally saw the Safe level again, this thing turned out to be a Safe level, I think it shouldn’t be too threatening, right?” Since it represents security, it is not a big problem! ”

“I haven’t seen the Safe level for a long time, and I’m a little unused to it.”

“Safe? To be honest, I don’t want to see the Safe level anymore, I want to know now what the Keter level is, even, higher than the Keter level! ”

“Hehe, I really can’t figure it out, I’ve seen so many containments, and there are still people who think that this project is really a security classification? Safe is it really safe? This thing is really safe, there is a ghost, okay? Containments are not safe, they are extremely dangerous, and every containment is a life-threatening existence! ”

“Not bad, weird-1499 is safe, right? But there are countless monsters in this thing, can scared people to death, and is it safe? ”

“That’s it, that’s it, what’s more, this 035 also says that the strange thing-1699 has wisdom, a wise containment, or a large containment, can this be good?”

“Yes, this rating, either 035 is wrong, or the shelter is wrong!”

At this moment, countless netizens fell into heated discussions again.

As for what exactly this strange object-1699 is, 035 does not seem to intend to say.

In this regard, Researcher S nodded, and then, coldly, continued to speak: “What about strange matter-096?” ”

“Oh, beauty, don’t be so cold, you go find me a body, I’ll talk all night?” 035 looked at Researcher S and teased with a smile.

Researcher S ignored him, and his eyes looked at the dead man’s head so faintly.


035 pouted, and then, suddenly sneered, and said faintly: “096, I know too much, tell you, you better pray that you don’t touch him, otherwise, you all have to die!” ”

He said grimly, his expression was cold, and even the temperature of this room dropped by a few degrees.

And even more than that!

At this moment, he suddenly manipulated the manipulator’s head jumped, and then, sharply turned his head, staring straight at the picture, as if he could see the screen in front of him, the voice was deep, and the monster was laughing…

“And you, those of you who watch the video, you all have to die, all of you have to die, !!!”

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