After Saitama's videos were frequently exposed, the monsters in the One Punch Man world were trembling all day long, cowering in the corners and not daring to show their heads.

Especially Sykes, the Monster Association she created is simply a joke.

As long as Saitama comes here, he can kill these monsters in minutes.

The best choice now is to go back to their own homes and find their own mothers!

However, there are still some demon-level and dragon-level monsters who choose to wait and see for a while. Unless Saitama shows his absolutely invincible strength, they will hide in shame.

At this time, the video about Saitama was played again....

In the picture,

Spring Beard and Golden Ball came to Saitama's house to look for the trace of the monster. Under the attack of the Kelp Monster, the two were knocked to the ground and lost consciousness.

【Atomic Samurai: Being able to defeat Springbeard so easily, it seems that this kelp monster is at least at the demon level!】

【Iai-an: Master, even if I go there, I'm afraid I won't be a match for him! 】

After defeating the two, the Kelp Monster said with a bored look on his face:"Ah, boring, so boring. I finally killed a hero, but he didn't even scream!"

However, just as he was about to leave, he found Saitama carrying vegetables home.


"Ordinary people? There are actually civilians here!"

The next second, the kelp monster directly controlled a large amount of kelp to kill Saitama.

Seeing this,

Saitama said blankly:"Wow, I forgot to buy kelp sauce."

Then, with just one punch, Saitama directly blew up the kelp monster, and then took it home to cook.

In the kitchen,

Genos asked curiously:"Teacher, there are a lot of kelp outside the door."

Saitama explained awkwardly:"Ah, that was a chance, a cheap thing I got by chance!"

Genos:"I heard that kelp is indeed better for hair, but in fact there is no medical basis, and its hair growth effect has not been confirmed. I checked it, it should be correct, teacher."

Hearing this,

Saitama was numb all over, and replied aggrievedly:"I didn't say anything!".....


After watching this video, the audience almost died of laughter.

Genos is really a chat genius, and the way he accurately finishes off the enemy is so funny.


Saitama can't do anything to him, after all, this is his apprentice....

【Garou: Is the real secret to Saitama becoming stronger by eating monsters’ bodies?】

【Sonic: I think I discovered a new world!】

【KING: I think you may have misunderstood. He is simply poor and cannot afford high-quality kelp.】

【Saitama: It hurts, my friend!】......

In the picture, a huge meteorite will fall into Z city in 35 minutes. The disaster level is dragon, so all the citizens of Z city are in chaos.

Faced with such a disaster,

Genos did not follow Bang's advice to take his family away, but put on new equipment and flew into the air.

"I will release all the energy of my burning cannon and hit the meteorite as hard as possible."

"The teacher also lives in this town, I can’t run away alone!"

【Wu Geng: Genos: Handsome!】

【Li Xingyun: And you, my friend, Genos, you are the real hero!】

【Zhang Chulan: Everyone is mortal since ancient times, but I will leave my loyalty to history! Genos, I give you a thumbs up!】

【Naruto: Genos is actually trying to stop a meteorite? This is too amazing. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it in my lifetime!】

【Sasuke: Can we really stop meteorites with human power?】

【Ohnoki: This guy must be crazy!】

【Gaara: I admire you!

Just as Genos was about to make his move, the seventh-ranked Metal Knight from the S-class also flew over.

However, he was there to test his weapons, not to stop the meteorite.

""Launch the missiles!"


Countless missiles fell directly under the meteorite, but the force of the explosion did not stop the meteorite for a moment.

Seeing this,

Genos estimated that there were 33 seconds left before the meteorite landed, and immediately decided to attack with a full-power combustion cannon, which would take five seconds to recharge inside the body.

However, the target was already in sight, and even if the attack hit, the rupture of the meteorite would cause a greater tragedy.

At this moment,

Bang walked behind him and said,"Calm down, I've noticed that you're confused. You're still young, don't always be afraid of failure, and you should be more casual just because it's the time to be locked up, because the result will not change."

Hearing this,

Genos thoughtfully tore off his clothes and took out the core device in his body.


"If the result doesn't change, and I haven't tried my best, then what's the best!" He pressed the energy core device on his left arm, intending to self-destruct and smash all the meteorites.

"I don't want any failure or any secondary disaster. I want to gather my present and everything I have into this one strike!"

【Panda: This guy is really cruel, he wants to self-destruct at any time!】

【Maki: This shows how determined he is to protect ordinary people!】

【Garp: He is a true pacifist!】

【Sengoku: Although his strength is not as good as Saitama's, his spirit is worth learning!】

【Child Emperor: Genos-kun, you are my Superman!】

【Drive Knight: Metal Knight, the sixth guy, was actually thinking about experimenting with weapons at the critical moment of life and death. It's really obvious who is better!】

【Metal Knight: Oh, at least I'm there, what about you?

In the scene,

Genos directly fired a blow that burned the energy core, and the terrifying incineration cannon directly blocked the meteorite that was about to fall.


"It still doesn’t work!

Banggu encouraged:"No, the meteorite seems to have been pushed back."


Bangu replied awkwardly:"Ah, no, I saw it wrong!"

""Damn old man!"

Genos gritted his teeth and tried his best but still couldn't stop the meteorite from falling.

"It seems that I am going to die here"

【Wu Geng: Huh? God, I must have seen it wrong!】

【Agatsuma Zenitsu: This old man has no moral principles and actually deceived the children!】

【Ah Fei: It’s really funny!】

【Deidara: Art! Hmm!

After a while,

Genos' energy was exhausted, and he fell heavily to the ground. He said helplessly:"Only seconds left, run away, Mr. Bang."

At this moment,

Saitama walked up to Genos in a cloak and shouted to Bang:"Old man, this guy is in your hands."

Bang asked in shock:"You, who are you?"

Saitama replied:"I am a hero."

Hearing this,

Genos seemed to have light in his eyes.

The next second,

Saitama launched directly, and the terrifying force collapsed the entire building.


Saitama flew into the sky and shouted to the meteorite:"Don't fall into the town where I live casually!"


The terrifying force instantly shattered the meteorite.

However, the countless fragments of the shattered meteorite still destroyed the town.......

Seeing a meteorite that could destroy a city being blown up so easily by Saitama, the audience was shocked. Is this guy still human?

You know,

Genos and Metal Knight's thermal weapons didn't stop the meteorite at all!

【Zhang Chulan: Whenever I see Teacher Saitama, I know it’s safe!】

【Feng Baobao: Teacher Saitama, you are my god!】

【Zoro: Saitama, you still said you can't fly?】

【Sanji: No, it was just a jump....】

【Fujitora: It seems that my gravity fruit will be vulnerable in front of Saitama!】

【Nagato: Chibaku Tensei is just a joke in front of Saitama!】

【Yuji Itadori: Saitama saved the lives of everyone in City Z with this punch. It is truly a great deed with immeasurable merit!】

【Megumi Fushiguro: I think it’s not an exaggeration to praise Saitama as a brave man who will be praised forever!】

【Wild Rose: With just this one punch, it's only natural that Saitama is ranked number one in S-Class!】

【Maki: I really want to know where Saitama will rank after this contribution!】


Under the gaze of everyone's expectation, a new video about Saitama was played again.

In the video,

Saitama asked Genos:"By the way, has our ranking improved again?"

"Yes, I was promoted. I was promoted from S-rank 17 to rank 16. Metal Knight was promoted from S-rank 7 to rank 6, and the teacher was promoted from C-rank 342 to C-rank 5 in one go!"

Hearing this,

Saitama asked in shock:"What's the situation of jumping from rank 342 to rank 5 in one go? This is too weird!"

"Even if it jumps from A-level to S-level in one go, it is not surprising, because the level of this disaster is Dragon"

"If there is no damage, it may be possible to upgrade to S-rank 5"

"Just destroying the meteorite is enough to get an A-rank! I'm afraid the Hero Association has taken it upon themselves to give Metal Knight and I more credit."

【Naruto: No, why? It's all Saitama's credit, at most a little bit goes to Genos, so does this Metal Knight deserve the credit?】

【Sakura: That's really not fair!】

【Ichigo: Logically speaking, Saitama should be promoted directly to the fifth place in S-class!】

【Yasutora Chadwick: All the credit for Saitama has been taken away, otherwise the giant brother and vaccine man he killed before would be enough for him to be promoted to S-rank!】

·· ··Request flowers·· 0

【Luffy: Who is the shameless person who keeps stealing the credit from Saitama?】

【Usopp: I think the lower the level, the better, just like the bounty, the less the better, so that it won't attract too much attention!】

【Sanji: I don’t care, as long as the bounty is higher than that of Green Algae Head!】

【Zoro: Haha, you are someone who only knows how to steal my credit, how can you be worthy of a higher bounty than mine? 】

On the street,

Saitama looked at the surroundings and sighed:"The damage is so serious, the supermarket I often go to is also paralyzed."

At this time,

Vest Tiger stood behind him and accused:"Hey, you cheating guy!"

Saitama was full of question marks:"Who are you?"

The next second,

Vest Tiger Black Hole also stood up and accused:"Is it you, a cheating guy who picked up the leftovers of S-class heroes and took the opportunity to get promoted!"

"What does that mean? Saitama was a little confused.

"To rise to the fifth place in such a short time, it must be cheating!" The vest tiger shouted loudly.

""Huh? What do you want to do?" Saitama asked blankly.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course I'm going to beat you up so badly that you can't move anymore."The tiger in the vest roared.

""Brother, wait a minute, this guy, even if you punish him, he won't change his character, you have to make him suffer a lot, use the most cruel method!" Vest Black Hole said insidiously.


Vest Black Hole shouted loudly:

"Is it you? Are you the one who destroyed this town?"

"It's unbelievable!"

"What an outrageous guy! Don’t you have any feelings after seeing this situation?"

......... 0

Hearing the voice of the vest black hole, all the people around who had lost their property and homes due to the meteorite disaster came towards him.

Seeing this, the vest black hole pointed directly at Saitama and asked:

"Maybe he felt that he had saved the citizens here, so he swaggered onto the streets with a feeling of glory and joy?"

"Because of your failure, many people have been displaced."

"Since you know you will fail, don't try to be brave at the beginning. Other heroes will definitely find a way to solve it!"

"You have caused such a disaster, do you still want to continue to be a hero?"

""Look at this dilapidated town, it's all your fault!"

After hearing what Vest Black Hole said, the disaster-stricken people around him also accused him,"It's all your fault!"

Hearing this,

Vest Black Hole shouted again,"Did you hear that? The displaced people are screaming in grief, your rash actions have caused so many people to suffer from the disaster!"

The people echoed,"Yes! That's right! You are as trash as the feces of Genos's goldfish!"

Vest Black Hole:"You have to be responsible, do you know that?"

The people:"Yes! You cold-blooded person! You made us homeless!"

Vest Black Hole took the opportunity to threaten,"Quit your hero job, quit! Resign! Resign! Resign!"

Facing the criticism of thousands of people,

Saitama remained unmoved, and did not even say a word to defend himself.

【Aoi Todou: These bastards, if it weren’t for Saitama, they would have been killed to pieces long ago!】

【Maki: Seriously, these ungrateful guys shouldn't be rescued. It's better to let them die in the meteorite explosion!】

【Lu Ci: Damn you! If the person I saved dared to talk to me like this, I would kill him! What? You saved someone wrong?】

【Lu Jin: Even an old man like me who has cultivated his moral character for a hundred years was made to laugh! What qualifications do these two useless people who only know how to talk nonsense have to criticize Saitama?】

【Wu Geng: I really want to pin these two guys to the ground and give them a good beating! Facing this dragon-level disaster, you still want to wait for other heroes to rescue you? Don’t you even look at where the other heroes have fled to! If it weren’t for Saitama, everyone in City Z would have died!】

【Bai Cai: Agou, these people are so bad and have no conscience!】

【Li Xingyun: Although the victims were misled by the black hole of public opinion, they are all adults. Can't they even distinguish right from wrong? It's damnable to blame this benefactor like this!】

【Zhang Zifan: These two vests are worthy of being heroes? They are just useless people who can only bully others at home!】

【Ichigo: They are just keyboard warriors, trash who can only talk big!】

【Ishida Uryu: These people deserve to die!】

【Sasuke: Naruto, now you know why I left Konoha, right?】

【Naruto: I...】

【Sasuke: Think about it, your father was the Fourth Hokage, who died to save the villagers! But, how did they treat you? Aren't their ugly looks just like these scumbags in the video?】

【Atomic Samurai: Damn! These people are bringing shame to our heroes!】

【Sweetheart Mask: I will deal with them personally!】

【Bang: Saitama-kun, what would you do if you encountered something like this?】

【Genos: Teacher...】

Strength.: Bạch kim lệ quỷ

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