Accompany Mordred with her masa story, after the end.

The progress bar of the video, that must have come to the finish line.

The huge light curtain returned to its pitch-dark state, and the next video awaited everyone.

At the same time, in the world of that type of moon, many viewers are also looking forward to it at this time.

They are looking forward to the next pair that will appear in everyone’s field of vision, what kind of combination is it?


“Gee! It’s a pity that I still couldn’t win the end.

If the poisonous woman hadn’t aimed at the master to attack, perhaps this would not have been the case. ”

Outside the screen is in that fate-apocrypha parallel world.

After watching the scene in the video just now, Mordred felt very sorry and very angry.

The fact that this battle was not won made her feel extremely sorry.

Of course, it was just a pity, and she didn’t have any regrets about fighting there and making such a choice.

Because after experiencing such a story, she really looked directly into her heart and looked directly at her wishes.


However, although she did not feel any regret for such an ending.

However, she felt sorry for her master.

If it weren’t for helping herself win, she wouldn’t have to risk her life.

“Master, I’m sorry.

For my victory, the future you are actually

Mordred seemed to want to apologize, but halfway through the words, he stopped.


But as the master of Mordred.

At this time, after the Lion Robbery Realm heard the other party’s lines, she just shook her head and said.

“Where are the words……. For the two of us, this ending is not bad, right?

Being able to look directly into your heart is also a very huge gain.

And I don’t necessarily need the Grail to fulfill my wishes.

What I have always cared about and struggled with is only that child.

Being able to die on that battlefield is also a home for me. ”

After listening to his master’s words, Mordred also showed a smile.

“Hmph, it’s really my master.

But now that we know what the future holds, we will be able to deal with it.

Maybe we can win until the end, here! ”

Mordred thinks she has an advantage now, after all, she knows what will happen in the future.


But even more interesting, as his master.

The Lion Robbery Realm did not seem to want to continue the discussion on this topic.

He shifted his gaze again to the screen that had returned to its pitch darkness.

“Speaking of which, our partner has finally come to an end, so which team will be the next pair?

That’s really curious. ”


Under the gaze of many spectators, their extremely expectant gaze.

Above the dark light curtain, descriptors and titles about the next video are slowly emerging in everyone’s field of vision.

[She is the moon goddess of Greek mythology! ] 】

[In the history of pan-humans, the twelve machine gods lost their body and became pure conceptual gods, and the remains of civilization drifted to the Greek region. 】

[However, in the special historical world of the Persona Belt…].

[The moon goddess survived and had a story with a certain archer! ] 】

[And he is the most powerful and skilled archer in Greek mythology! ] 】

[He, who claims to be the strongest hunter in Greece, Superman.] His resolute flesh gave him the strength to slay any beast, whether with his bare hands or with a bow. 】

[Although a complete playboy… But he got the love of Artemis, the goddess of the moon! 】

[But, this time… In the story of the anecdotal belt, the story of the two meeting again is not as beautiful as everyone thinks! 】

[In this way, the stars rose into the sky as always.] The three stars resemble a belt, showing the hands (Betelgeuse) and feet (Betelgeuse). The stars far away, as symbols of his flesh, always linger in the sky. 】

[But it’s not eternal. It is a brilliance that can only last for a few hours. Like the condensation of life, you appear with the stars and leave with the stars. 】

“This makes me extremely sad. So much so that whenever day came, I started waiting for night. But. You think that’s the right thing to do? Orion. The people I love become stars, into heroic spirits, into followers, people who meet me. 】

[Maybe one day, I’ll make mistakes again.] Perhaps a fatal mistake may be committed to destroy the formed world. 】

[Although I don’t want to think so… But if that’s the case, it really happened. Please join the Lord and shoot me down with your arrows.” 】

[Well, as long as there is this agreement……. I will be with you forever. Only with solid evidence that each other killed each other can I be equal to you.” 】

[So today, just look at the stars.] Look at this beautiful shining, your starry sky. 】

[Inventory of the top ten best partners of the month! ] 】

[TOP6: Artemis and Orion – “The man who gave up his crown, cry out to the goddess in the distance! 》】

It’s completely different from before….

This time the introductory words were exceptionally long.

However, looking at it does not give people a complicated feeling.

More… It’s a sad feeling.

This time, the descriptor and title appear at the same time.

The next pair of best partners to appear in everyone’s field of vision is the moon god in Greek mythology, and the most skilled archer in Greek mythology, Orion.

In the original mythology… The two of them are a tragic couple full of regrets and not realizing that they will be together forever.

This time, in the story called “Persona”.

Both of them……. It still seems that there is still no way to fulfill this former wish.

That sad sadness comes from here!


Outside the light curtain, inside the Star Inner Sea, the Tower at the End.

Look at the descriptors on the light curtain.

Merlin, he could probably guess the next thing to play the story.

“Pan-human history and anecdotal tape?

This is….. I don’t even have a history that I have observed in the Tower of the End.

The protagonist of the story should be the legendary moon god, and Orion, the incarnation of Orion.

But……. Look at this title.

In order to be able to defeat his former love.

Orion, is he going to give up his crown?

That’s not okay… The gift of the crown exists to fight against the [beast].

However, if he doesn’t make that step there.

It is estimated that it is also unable to protect this world.

I’m looking forward to it….

In the Persona Belt, the battle of the heroic spirit of the crown bow step! ”

Merlin, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing an expectant smile.

Although the history of the anecdote is endangering human reason.

At this time, Merlin, he is still this calm and expectant look.

This big brother of Paradise, he has never shown a panicked expression…

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