“Good, good, so powerful aura.

Even across the screen, I could clearly feel the aura that erupted from Orion in the video, and felt his enlightenment.

He did not burst out such a power to defeat the moon god above the sky.

But…… He wanted to save his beloved, which is why he was able to burst out with such exaggerated power. ”

The outside of the screen is in the familiar Galdean base.

Looking at this story from the future, as the master, Fujimaru Tachika, he can clearly feel the power of Orion’s feelings in the video.


Listening to the lines of Fujimaru Tachika, the Da Vinci standing beside him.

She also blinked at this time, showing an amused expression, and praised Fujimaru Rika.

“It’s good to be able to do this, the last master of mankind~~

You are now gradually in control of the emotional connection with the servant, and you clearly feel their mood and their power.

It seems that by watching these videos, you are gradually becoming more mature.

Saving the world, saving it, repairing those peculiarities doesn’t seem far away.

I’m very optimistic about you Oh, Lika-chan~~”

Although the praise line in this paragraph is a little playful, it can indeed feel the true feelings of Leonardo da Vinci.

However, I listened to the other party’s praise, and at this time, the master Fujimaru Tachika scratched the back of his head a little embarrassed, and showed an embarrassed smile.


However, listening to Fujimaru Tachika who expressed his inner feelings beside him, and listening to Leonardo da Vinci’s playful lines.

At this time, Dr. Roman was not very optimistic.

He was still struggling with a problem from beginning to end….

That is, after all the peculiarities have been repaired, there is no real salvation for human reason.

What followed was the more tricky world of Persona.

And what caused this phenomenon was most likely the area left behind after he returned to heaven, as well as those summoning techniques.

I saw that at this time, Dr. Roman was whispering to himself in a volume that only he could hear.

“Was that decision I made a long time ago a bad decision?”

Dr. Roman is still grappling with this question.


On the other side, in the Fifth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside the mansion of the Weigong family.

Look at the aura that Orion burst out of in the video, and the treasure he took out.

At this time, Eimiya Shirou also widened his pupils, revealing a very shocked expression.

After watching the hero king and Enchidu’s treasures before, it was already enough shock to him.

But what he didn’t expect was…

Above this world, there are still more powerful tools that can match, or even surpass, this.

Although this is a temporary “treasure tool” created by the superposition of many factors.

But there’s no denying it…

This treasure does have the power to change everything.


It should be said that this treasure has the power to allow Orion to save his beloved.


I saw Shirou Weigong at this time, and he opened his mouth with a sigh.

“This is really a touching, but also extremely great, extremely tragic story.

The most powerful archer.

At this moment, he was not fighting to defeat the enemy who threatened humanity.

He is fighting to save his beloved.

In order to prove his love for the moon god, he is fighting.

It is precisely because of this belief that he was able to burst out with such a level of strength. ”

Although the current Shirou Emiya is still very immature, his lines can fully appreciate the emotions of Orion in the video.


Listen to the exclamation of the master beside you.

At this time, Saber also nodded approvingly.

“Indeed, master, you are absolutely right.

Although I also think that in the video, the moon god above the starry sky.

She really has to be defeated by us, because she threatens the human world.

But at this moment, there are not many reasons for Orion to fight.

Just to save your loved one and prove your love.

We can’t deny that this hero named Orion in the video is a great crowned hero! ”

Although the full picture of the story is not clear, but just this one fragment, Saber is still in awe of this man named Orion.


But now it is the voice that many viewers are talking about and extremely shocking.

Recast your field of view on the light curtain where the video is playing.

Under Orion’s declaration.

Orion put his arrow on his longbow.

Open the longbow in your hand and pull the bowstring.

At this moment, all his strength was poured into this.

Hold up the bow of God’s creation.

Ride the golden arrow created through the transformation of the Valiant Body.

“Fall from the lonely sky and take Artemis!”

The man who gave up his crown cried out to the goddess in the distance.

“I will also fall with you.”

At this point, one hero after another gave his life.

Francis Drake, Chiyo Mochizuki, Charlotte Corday, Bashalomew Roberts.

Achilles, Hector, Mandicardo, and Paris and Apollo.

It’s all for this moment.


“Treasure tool, a third treasure that should not exist.

The bow of God, the arrow of the heroic spirit, the follower who renounces the crown.

Ortygia-Amore-Mio (This is the hunter of the goddesses!!! ”

Under Orion’s shout, an extremely dazzling golden light began to shine on his body.

The extremely terrifying and huge magic power gathered at this moment.

In the next second, loosen the bowstring.


“Boom !!!”

An extremely thick golden beam, a golden arrow was released by Orion, and it went straight towards the starry sky.

That huge aura, that terrifying power seemed to be enough to tear the space apart.

Without a doubt, this is the most powerful blow and the most powerful arrow since the birth of this planet!

This is an arrow that makes the moon goddess fall!


At this moment, above the distant starry sky, the huge machine god.

Artemis had already realized that it was too late for all action, whether it was to meet or avoid.

There is no way at this time, Luna she can only make her own attack as a response.


Launch!!! ”

In desperation, this luna still chose to fight back with an interstellar railgun.


“Why? Why? Why? Why? ”

I can’t figure it out myself, I can’t understand this conclusion.

Speaking of not being able to understand his actions, it is equally incomprehensible, why did he intend to kill himself?

Why fight even if you break your oath? Why shoot an arrow at yourself?

These are all thoughts and incomprehensible questions in the heart of the moon god at this moment.


And after the arrow was shot on the ground, Orion himself said the same.

“I already knew, and that’s when I already knew.

The reason why you blow up the terminal to the island is not at all out of logic.

It’s because of your feelings, your anger, your …….. Eat one’s heart out!

As a pure machine, you should not have feelings.

That being the case, for you who have a heart, 10,000 years is too long, too long…

Do you think I can stand it and keep you in this state? ”

Just like Orion and what he said before…

This arrow is not meant to be defeated, but to save.

Prove Orion’s love for the moon god!


At this moment, the golden beam of light was rushing straight towards the moon god above the starry sky at an extremely exaggerated speed.

The terrifying power and speed are incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Even the golden railgun released by the moon god was easily cracked.

The golden light tore through the golden shelling and soared straight into the sky!

Orion’s treasures advance with speed and destructive power that surpasses all things in the world.

This is an arrow created for Artemis!

This is an arrow shot because of Artemis!

Ignoring all the defensive elements of Artemis, and avoiding the strongest arrow of all unreasonable ones!!!

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