Under the worried but extremely expectant gazes of many viewers in the Moon World.

Back to the light curtain where the video is playing.

Looking at his “good deeds”, he was once again disturbed by this bastard.

Even…… Saber, who is about to get his hands on it.

Her heart was also gained by the other party.

Gilgamesh’s mood began to become irritated.


You don’t deserve such a baby at all (Artoria)! ”

Just as the hero king said.

For him… Saber is just a “treasure” worth playing.

He didn’t put Saber at the same height as himself.

After all, the only person who can be on an equal footing with him is the only best friend!

But precisely because of his attitude.

Only then did Shirou Weigong strengthen his heart even more, and he definitely couldn’t let this “golden flash” in front of him take away Saber!

“Disappear, Hero King!”

Shirou Eimiya, he roared at the other party.

But Gilgamesh, he still looked at the other party with an extremely contemptuous expression.

Of course……. This time, it was impossible for him to “show mercy” to Shirou Emiya like before.

“Miscellaneous (mongrel)!”

It seems that Gilgamesh really intends to completely “annihilate” Shirou Eimiya.

After all, he had already taken out his most powerful treasure.

EX Realm Treasure [Heaven and Earth Obedience Open Star]!

Although a little “cannon shelling mosquitoes”.

But it also represents Gilgamesh at this moment, and he is indeed angry in his heart!

“Although it is very troublesome to keep Saber in the world…….

But kill you, say it again! ”

The voice that accompanied this hero king just fell.


The black-red longsword in his hand, the cylinder on it began to rotate at high speed.

The torn wind pressure caused a violent roar!

This coming blow is enough to tear the world apart!

It is definitely not an attack that Shirou Eimiya can defend against!

And listen to Gilgamesh’s movements.

Feel the magic erupting from him.


The wind pressure aura that burst out from the [Obedient Sword] in his hand.

All at once!

Whether it’s Saber or Shirou Emiya.

Both of them frowned at the same time, their silver teeth gritted.

The situation at this moment is already a crisis to the extreme!

Outside the light curtain, in the fifth Holy Grail war timeline.

Inside Sakura Kiri’s room.

Looking at the light curtain, it was already Shirou Eimiya, who was already seriously injured.

Looking at the video, Gilgamesh, who is about to strike the final blow.

Ma Tong Ying’s heart was already worried and jumped out.

Her pink fists clenched, with a call of infinite worry in her heart.


She may have many words in her heart.

But, when it comes to the lips.

But she can only be, gently calling the title of “senior~senior”.

On the other side, in the Chaldean base.

Looking at the light curtain, the extremely dangerous situation.

At this time, Fujimaru Tachika, Dr. Roman, Matthew and Leonardo da Vinci.

All four of them showed an extremely worried expression at the same time.

There is no doubt about it… In their hearts, they must have been on the side of Shirou Emiya and Saber.

But for the power of the [Obedient Sword] held by Gilgamesh.

Everyone knows it just as well……. It was a prop used by the gods to create the world.

The most powerful mythological canon that mankind has ever been able to hold.

The strongest treasure capable of tearing apart the space itself!

It is precisely because of this clarity.

The Chaldeans were so worried.

“Is there really no way?

Facing the Hero King’s [Obedient Sword].

Shirou Emiya and Saber, do the two of them really have no hope of victory? ”

Fujimaru Tachika, he said rather worriedly.

But inside this base, no one can answer his questions.

Because the answer is obvious.

The power of [Obedient Sword] cannot be surpassed.

However, on Dr. Roman’s side…

Although he also felt extremely worried in his heart.

However, he thinks that Shirou Emiya in the video is still hopeful…….

If he can “take out” the treasure in his body.

Not to say whether he can defeat Gilgamesh, but at least … Dodging a deadly attack from the opponent is effective!

But in the doctor’s opinion, it can only do this!

Now, the extremely worried voices of countless viewers in the Moon World have left.

The gaze refocused on the light curtain where the video was playing.

The story continues at this time!

Face Gilgamesh, who is about to liberate the strongest treasure.

Shirou Eimiya, he still didn’t choose to give up!

Raise your right hand and clench it…….

He closed his eyes slightly and began to imagine, imagining a treasure tool that was enough to defeat the [Obedient Sword].


Imagine……. To fantasize about something that can win…”

In Eimiya Shirou’s mind, the back of Red A began to appear.

“Imagining is generally the strongest self . .”

The red A voice was recalled in the mind of Shirou Eimiya.

It seemed to remind him of something important.

“Imagine … The most powerful……. Imagine it!!! ”

In an instant!

In Shirou Emiya’s mind, Saber’s face flashed.

He is already the most powerful treasure imaginable! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The magic circuit burst into golden light.


On the body of Shirou Eimiya, a thick, sky-rushing golden light with exaggerated magic power also erupted.

The entire night sky seems to be illuminated by this golden pillar of light!

That special, shocking sight.

Successfully attracted, and shocked both Saber and Gilgamesh

Both of them could clearly feel it…….

At this moment, the power that erupted from Shirou the Emiya was very extraordinary!

Time passes slowly.

The golden pillar of light began to slowly recede.

And in front of Shirou Emiya ….. The treasure that was enough to win appeared in front of him.

“This one is…”

He didn’t know anything about the golden scabbard in front of him.

But Saber, who fell to the ground.

But she couldn’t be clearer…

Because of the most important treasure that he has lost!

Distant Ideal Country (Avalon)

EX Other Enchantment Treasures!

Not only does it heal the holder’s wounds and stagnate aging, but if opened under your real name, it will break down into hundreds of Parts, protecting the owner from any interference.

With a treasure located in the realm of magic, cut off all physical interference from shut-out, Transliner from parallel worlds, and mutual communication from multiple dimensions (up to the sixth dimension).

In this moment!

Saber’s pupils glow again.

Because, she sees the hope of victory!

Outside the light curtain, above the Star Inner Sea, the Tower at the End.

Watch the “Distant Ideal Town” (Avalon) that emerges in the video.

At this time, Merlin continued to present an interesting expression.

“That kid, it’s really doing well.

His own qualifications are not bad … Not to mention his enlightenment, and his distorted pursuit of justice.

This battle was Artoria’s victory.

The lost treasure that led to the fall of the kingdom.

Didn’t think about it……. Will be found again at this time.

After this battle, though.

I think…… She shouldn’t be pursuing any more [King Selection], right? ”

Left Merlin’s voice.

His gaze returned to the light curtain.

When I saw the scabbard appear…

See the chance to win, finally come!

Right away!

Saber, she endured the pain in her body and stood up from the ground.

Pick up the [Sword of Oath Victory] on the ground.

She hurried to Eimiya Shirou’s side.

“Put that…”

Saying that, she had already handed the [Sword of Oath Victory] in her hand to Shirou Eimiya.

Watch Saber’s movements and listen to each other’s words.

Shirou Eimiya, he also seemed to know what the other party meant.

His right hand rested on the hilt of the [Sword of Oath Victory].

The two of them held this holy sword together.

But at the same time, the hero king next to him has already completed his strength.

Death throes!!!!! ”

In his roar.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

He swung out the [Obedient Sword] in his hand heavily.

But the same!

In the face of Gilgamesh’s attack…

“Drink!!! x2

Shirou Emiya and Saber, both of them simultaneously inserted the [Sword of Oath Victory] in their hands back into the [Distant Ideal Town].

In this instant!

EX’s other enchantment treasures are finally released as they should.

Golden shields appeared in front of the two…….

Moreover, while this shield successfully blocked the attack of the [Obedient Sword], it also bounced back intact from this force!

And in that seemingly endless rush of magical power…

Gilgamesh, he was eventually defeated by his own treasures.

This battle is the victory of Shirou Eimiya and Saber!

However, when the two men were victorious.

This video is almost over.

So…… Whose video will it be next?

[Beast], [Crowned Heroic Spirit] or those heroic spirits from the [Slave Universe]?

It’s really a question worth looking forward to……..

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