“How can this be reasonable, how could this king lend his power to that kind of miscellaneous cultivator!

Even if it is a parallel world, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen! ”

Outside the light curtain, the fifth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside the ~ Magic Workshop on the ground floor of Tosaka’s mansion.

Looking at the Angelie Karndzworth who appeared above the light curtain, she was actually using her own strength!?

Gilgamesh, he was extremely angry about this!

And, he issued an angry shout about it!

In his opinion… It is absolutely impossible for you to lend your power to anyone else.

Unless the situation is forced or they highly recognize the other party.

For example, Enkidu, or Tachika Fujimaru!

But this Angelie Karndsworth in the video, it is absolutely impossible to lend power to that kind of guy!

But it’s a pity ……. After all, it was a story that took place in a parallel world.

Even if it was Gilgamesh, he couldn’t have wanted to.

The story of parallel worlds, he could not intervene.

On the other side, in the Fifth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside Rin Tosaka’s room.

Looking at Angelie Karnzworth who appeared in the video, looking at her golden sparkle and extremely special way of fighting.


At this time, Rin Tosaka, she had already reacted to which heroic power the other party fused!

“Oops… That fierce woman.

What she fused seemed to be the power of that [Golden Flash].

There are too many treasures of that heroic spirit, and it also has treasures that tear the power of the world!

Eimiya-san, it is impossible for him to defeat such an enemy.

Needless to say… He has also now lost the power to fuse the heroic spirit.

I’m afraid the outcome of this battle will be…”

The following words, Rin Tosaka did not finish all of them.

But the meaning can probably be guessed.

However, Red A, who also exists as a heroic spirit.

But he felt that this battle should not be so simple.

I saw that his face was low, and he whispered to himself in a volume that only he could hear.

“Although that kid . . . He has already lost the state of [Dream Summoning].

However, because the synchronization rate is too high.

And…… Add to that the high-intensity combat and that kid’s obsession.

That power was already engraved on his body.

Although the vitality is about to be overdrawn to the limit…….

However, if only to delay for enough time.

That’s enough…”

Hong Ran also does not think that Shirou Emiya in the video can defeat Angelie Karnzworth.

However, if it is only to delay time for the beauty tour of the palace.

His current level is enough!

Now, under the worried and eager gaze of countless Moon World viewers.

Go back to the light curtain where the video is playing.

At this time, the story continues to unfold!

When Angelie Kainzworth opened her treasure [King’s Treasury].

No time wasted…

“Ugh!” “Ugh!” “Ugh!”

The dense raindrop-like “treasure machine gun” had already rushed towards Shirou Eimiya.

And in the face of Angelie Carnzworth’s incomparably separate and extremely dense attack.

At this time, Eimiya Shirou, he could only raise his arms and try to defend against the opponent’s attack in this way.

But it’s clear that ……. Such a defense can play very little role in the face of the [King’s Treasury].

“Boom!” momentarily.

Shirou was directly thrown out and fell heavily to the ground.

However, even seeing such an exaggerated gap in strength is good.

At this time, Wei Gong Shirou, he still did not let go of the heart that wanted to protect and save his sister!

Struggling and slowly getting up from the ground.

“Is it the real Gilgamesh?”

Before Kirito Sakura, she also once entrusted the [Valianling Card] to herself, saying that it was Gilgamesh’s card.

But alas… She was deceived.

It was a [garbage card] that did not have any heroic spirits connected.

But I never thought that [Gilgamesh cards] were real.

Moreover…… It was the woman in front of her who completed the [Dream Summoning] and possessed the invincible power that stood on the apex of all heroic spirits!

Outside the light curtain, in the Four Holy Grail Wars timeline.

Inside the castle of Einz Belen.

Looking at the eyes of Shirou Eimiya in the video.

At this time, Emiya Kiriji’s face changed in a brief moment.

I saw that he said with such an exclamation.

“That kid… Even if he saw such a gap in strength, did he still not give up?

Is this his twisted sense of justice?

Or rather……. His feelings for his sister have reached that point. ”

If it had been Eimiya Kiriji, he might not have made that decision in that situation.

Because his dream is not to protect the people around him.

But…… Save the world…

Until you realize your dreams, you can’t give up your life just like that!

This is also what makes Shirou Emiya, his “partner of justice” different from Emiya Kiriji.

But there is one more thing to mention. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I saw Wei Gong Kiri, and he continued to sigh and spoke.

“Speaking of which……. The child’s eyes began to look more and more like me…”

The Shirou Emiya in the video, his eyes are a pair of vicissitudes, tired, and empty eyes.

But even if there is no hope, there is no future……. He is also still alive.

In order to be able to save his sister!

Now, the focus continues to return to the light curtain where the video is playing.

The story, but it has just entered the climax position!

Looking at the fall to the ground, Shirou Emiya’s extremely embarrassed appearance.

Angelie Karnzworth took a step forward, slowly and with obvious oppressive force approaching the other party.

“Don’t even have a card, only relying on human flesh to block the path of the hero king?

It’s just stupid! ”

In Angelie Karnzworth’s opinion, the behavior of the man in front of him may not be enough to describe it simply as stupid!

After all……. Humans (magicians) cannot compete head-on with the Spirits.

This is the accepted iron rule!

Needless to say… Angelie Carnzworth fused with the apex of the Valian, the power of Gilgamesh.

Even the regular Ying Ling is not her opponent at all.

Then there is no need to talk about the human body of Eimiya Shirou!


“No matter ancient or modern, the treasure pursued by mankind is my heroic power!”

Angelie Karnzworth, she continued to say this to Shirou Eimiya with an extremely proud look.

And Eimiya Shirou, he was also struggling, trembling and standing up from the ground.

“So it is… No wonder Sakura would say you’re the most powerful card…”

At this moment, after seeing the power of Angelique Carnzworth.

Shirou Emiya finally knows why Sakura said that the [Gilgamesh Card] is the most powerful card.

Because…… This heroic spirit controls all the treasures (treasures) in this world!

This is a chasm that no other hero can ever cross!

However, he watched Shirou Emiya stand up again without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Angelie Karnzworth, she immediately showed an expression of obvious displeasure.

“You guy . . .”

Lie down obediently and make way for yourself.

That’s what a human being is supposed to do.

But……. Why doesn’t this human being in front of you have it?

Obviously, his strength is so weak that it is not worth mentioning at all.

But…… But he stood up again and again and blocked in front of him.

This human being, how annoying he is!

But, listen to each other’s lines.

At this time, Eimiya Shirou, he was also laughing at himself, and asked himself to speak.

“Humans . . . Oh human beings…

This word is heavier than expected.

An unimaginable burden weighs on your backs. ”

My legs are shaking……. His body is infinitely on the verge of limit!

However, Shirou Emiya still endured it.

I saw him continue.

“But… I also have something to carry! ”

At the moment when Weigong Shiro’s words just fell, his body burst out with amazing magic!

There is no doubt that it is definitely not a magic that humans can burst out.

Although the power of [Dream Transformation] has been lost.

But…… Shirou Eimiya, who still possesses far beyond humans, is called… The power of the heroic spirit!!!

Hero King. Are the reserves of weapons still enough!! In!.

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