“Oh oh~~ Finally starting to get normal?

This is an Olympic Games between the heroic and the spiritual. ”

Outside the light curtain, in the base of [Chaldea].

Wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead that had dripped from nervousness just now.

At this time, Dr. Roman, he once again issued a relaxing line.

Now the words……. The story in the video should not be worse anymore, right?

Dr. Roman, that’s what he thought.

And, just after Dr. Roman had just relaxed a little.

Matthew beside him also immediately spoke.

“Well, it should be normal now.


Atalanta and Achilles, both of whom are famous runners in Greek mythology.

Several other heroic spirits are also not far behind.

After all….. They are all heroic spirits with a rarity of more than four stars.

This sprint event will definitely be very exciting! ”

Although I haven’t really touched this society.

However, Matthew, who was familiar with various mythological and historical books.

But she was looking forward to the duel between Achilles and Atalanta in the video!

After all, both of them are very famous characters in Greek mythology, “047”!

As for Fujimaru Tachika’s words, although he did not speak this time.

But you can also see it in his expression… He was looking forward to this sprint event.

But only Leonardo da Vinci, she still showed a somewhat puzzled expression.

She is thinking…….

In the future [Chaldean] base, there are so many strange heroic spirits.

This time, the sprint event should not be so ordinary.

Left the lines of the [Chaldeans] crowd.

The gaze returned to the light curtain.

Above that 100-meter starting position.

Achilles, he said hello to Atalanta beside him.

“Oh, big sister!”

Listening to the shouts around him, Atalanta made a slight side face.

“You also participated?”

“Of course, regardless of the reason, there are not many opportunities to race with the eldest sister.”

“Oh, how confident!

Have you not heard of my legend? ”

You know, in former Greek mythology.

Atalanta once said that someone who could catch up with her in running could become her husband.

But alas… No one in Greece could do that.

In the end, except for someone who tempted Atalanta with a golden apple, through such improper means, he finally defeated Atalanta.

However, it can also be seen from here…….

How good Atalanta is in the field of sprinting!

But, listen to Atalanta’s lines.

At this time, Achilles was even more excited.

“After hearing it, you have to challenge it even more, compare and see who is the fastest heroic spirit!”

“Hmph! Very good! ”


The heroes above this starting line, they squatted at the same time.

Everyone is ready to start!

In the middle of that broadcast, the voice of preparation also sounded.

“Everyone, take their places……. SET! ”

Now, all the heroes who are crouching are smiling.

There is no doubt about it… Heroes who were able to participate in this sprint.

They all feel extremely confident in their strength, their speed!

But, the next second!


The sound of airsoft firing sounded.

All the heroic spirits catapulted out in an instant.

But…… They haven’t waited for their first steps to fall…

“Boom !!!” A loud bang.

That heroic spirit with a huge body size of tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters.

Alterego’s Kingprotea.

With just one step, she has already successfully reached the end.

Even, because of her huge size.

At the moment she crossed the line, the whole earth shook because of this!

This girl, who has the exact same appearance as “Ma Kiri Sakura”, easily won the first place in the Yingling sprint competition!

“Punch the line!!!”

“End !!!”

The radio shouted loudly, announcing the first place in this project.

And above the starting line… Atalanta and Achilles, who are extremely confident in their own strength.

They lost the first place in this competition, and “fairness”.

All at once!

The two were stunned at the same time, showing an expression of disbelief.

They didn’t think at all …

In this sprint race, there are still people who can win in this way!

Outside the light curtain, in the fifth Holy Grail war timeline.

Inside Sakura Kiri’s room.

Looking at the video, it is already Kingprotea (imperial flower) who has won a sprint.

At this time, Ma Tong Ying, she also opened her mouth slightly, showing a very surprised and surprised expression.


That heroic spirit, how could it be so huge.

It’s not normal at all.

In a normal Holy Grail War, is there a way to summon such a heroic spirit?

No, it’s not right……. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

How can that Yingling’s appearance be so similar to me!? ”

Sakura Makiri found the crux of the problem.

That is the Kingprotea (imperial flower) in the video, her appearance is particularly similar to herself.

It can even be said that it is carved out of a mold.

But……. In fact, in [Chaldeans].

There are actually many “cherry blossoms” such as Kingprotea.

Leaving Ma Kiri’s surprise.

Once again, the gaze focused on the light curtain.

When the heroic 100-meter race just now was over.

The light curtain slowly returned to that pitch-black state.

Fufu started running (loading) again.

The next project should be in preparation.

When the light curtain comes back on.

This time, the competition venue switched to the top of the archery range.

It seems that this project is archery…….

Here, the heroic spirits of Archer, such as Bagozen, Red A, Artemis, and Charon, gather, are gathered at the same time.

After all, they are all existences above level 4.

Therefore, the archery level of each of them is quite high.

It is not surprising that anyone wins!

However, before the archery competition officially starts 0….

Above the bench…

A bear doll is dancing.

That’s right!

This bear cub is a “deteriorated” version of the Spirit Orion.

Because the moon goddess Artemis chased after her…..

As a result, this Lingji was mostly occupied by the Moon Goddess, and Orion could only become a bear doll-like existence!


While dancing, Orion made a cheerful sound.

However, at this time, really.

“Eh, Mr. Orion, won’t you attend?”

Listen to Matthew’s question.

Orion responded only confidently.

“As long as Artemis tries hard, I can stay.

No problem~~”

Although he is in the “cheating”, Orion also trusts his “lover” very much.

“Although this is the truth…”

Listen to Orion’s lines.

Matthew just showed a very speechless and embarrassed expression.

Although, Orion’s lines are correct.

However, he has to be so arrogant to sit back and enjoy his success… Is it really okay?

However, Orion completely ignored Matthew’s concerns.

Even his face turned slightly red, and he said to Matthew with some excitement.

“I can still talk everywhere while this time is going on……. Matthew !!! ”

Saying that, Orion had already jumped up and rushed towards Matthew.


At this moment, Fufu in Matthew’s arms sensed that something was wrong.

“Bang!” momentarily.

With a hard back kick, Fluffy easily kicked the bear doll away.

Such a thing does not seem to be unexpected in [Chaldea].

But what’s even more interesting is…

At the moment when Orion (the doll) was kicked into the air.

“Ugh!” momentarily.

An arrow flew at an extremely exaggerated speed and pierced directly through the neck of Orion (Doll 1.5).

And then . . .


Countless arrows followed, directly piercing Orion into a “hedgehog”.

To be able to continuously release such a number of arrows in such a short time.

Moreover, the accuracy is so exaggerated.

Even Gollum, who was sitting on top of the referee’s bench, widened her pupils and revealed a panicked expression.

There is no doubt that the heroic spirit who made the attack just now……. She is very powerful!

So powerful that even Gollum is a little jealous.

And the heroic spirit who made the attack…

That’s right!

She was above the archery range, Orion’s lover.

Luna, Artemis!

After completing the attack of “10,000 arrows piercing the heart” just now.

Artemis slowly put away the bow and arrow in his hand, and said to Orion with an exposed expression.

“Honey… What are you doing!!?? ”

It seems, although Gollum is very scary scum.

However, the moon god who was furious because he discovered Orion’s derailment was also very terrifying…

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