A new picture was born.

For Saitama’s inventory video, everyone in Ten Thousand Worlds doesn’t want to miss an episode.


Online viewership broke new highs.

Inside the Heroes Guild.

Everyone watched the scenes go by.

Their expressions are getting uglier.

“Heroes… Actually sacrificed so much? ”

Watch one comrade fall after another,.

Watch as weirdos launch massive attacks on the surface.

Dragon-level weirdos emerge one after another, and you can even see a few dragon-level peak weirdos!

It’s like the end of the world….

“That’s too much!”

“The heroes are about to lose…”

“Being able to use weirdo cells to turn humans into that kind of monster is destined to have no less.”

“What’s next? Why hasn’t Saitama appeared yet? ”

One punch to the world, into an unprecedented crisis.

The heroes know it in their hearts.

If you want to end this wave of weirdos.

You have to go deep into the hinterland

Destroy the leader of the Weird Society!

But now, not only Dragon Scroll, but also Bungu and Tong Di were all involved in the battle.

The combat power that can be put underground is also getting less and less.

The person who has the strength to fight with high-level monsters seems to be the only bald head.

But right now!

A new face.

Appear in the big screen of ten thousand worlds!

He was tall and tall with a strangely raised hairstyle.

The whole person.

Exudes a “wolf-like” temperament from the inside out!

Hungry wolves!

The heroic killer who has always been ignored by the public, makes his first appearance!

Undocumented knight: “Hungry wolf? Is he also a hero? ”

Prisoner: “I remember a brief description of him coming, as if it was called, hero killer?” ”

Iai-an: “My God, is he also a member of the Weird Society?” ”

Atomic Samurai: “I don’t think so, you see…”


The hungry wolf did not compromise like the weirdo staff officer.

Facing a guy with superpowers comparable to a tornado, the hungry wolf is undaunted and fights with him!


In the end, the hungry wolf was defeated.

It was sent deep underground by the big eye.

There, lurking the strongest weirdo in history, the ultimate life form.

The weirdo king, the great serpent.

In the dark and deep cave, people only heard the angry wail of the hungry wolf.

They had no idea what was going on underground.

Whether the hungry wolf is dead or alive is equally unknown.

This fear comes from the bottom of my heart.

It made most of the audience break out in a cold sweat!

Below, there must be extremely strong monsters!


“Hmph, I’m afraid! This is the strength of the weirdo king! ”

“What about Saitama?”

“He will be told to come and go!”

“Destroy the bald demon!”

“The world belongs to the Weird Society!”

From the far depths of the earth, there were the cries of strange people.

Although the current weirdo association has not yet taken shape.

But it didn’t affect the worship of these weirdos in the slightest.

The scene of the end of the world in the video.

Exactly what they want to see.

What if the heroes find their home base?

They believe that the leader Great Serpent will use his mysterious power to completely subvert the world’s humanity!

But right now.

The picture suddenly turned.

I came to a community where there was no smoke and no war.

Saitama appeared!

He washed and wiped his face without hurrying.

Then go downstairs for a walk.

Suddenly, he stopped and opened a manhole cover with a frown.

The weirdos were suddenly not calm!

“Me, I, I’m going! That place is our base! ”

“Saitama! Saitama! There is something to discuss, don’t come underground, please! ”

“Brothers, run! The bald head is coming! ”

“Oh my God, how did he find out?”

“It’s over, it’s all over!”

Just finished blowing, now really see Saitama appear, one more panicked than the other.

And no one expected it.

The place where they built the association is downstairs from Saitama….

At this time, the weirdo elite staff officer Da Jiao was also uneasy.

“This guy, can he really solve the big snake with one punch?”

Da Jiong immediately dismissed this idea.

“What do you think! That is the ultimate creature, how can a human being suspected of breaking through the limiter be compared with the ultimate creature? ”

Wide-eyed to settle the others and tell them not to panic.

“There are always people who don’t know if they are alive or dead who break into our base.”

“But don’t worry, the big snake will solve him.”

Big Eyes smiled.

The Weird King is his most perfect work.

Don’t talk about Saitama, even if the entire Hero Association adds up.

They may not be able to defeat the weirdo king of the peak strength of the dragon level.

The history of this planet will be rewritten at this moment!

That’s absolute confidence!

He was wide-eyed and didn’t mind being a “plug-in terminator” once. ”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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