Inventory Of The Top Ten Xeon Worlds, A Perfect Start

The Third Chapter Of The Gold List Is Announced, Exposing The Top Ten Xeon Worlds (Seeking Flowers,

The light of Gold shines into the heavens and worlds.

At this moment, the Gold scroll had already attracted the attention of Wanjie, and the bosses were all focused on the sky.

The hot Gold characters touched everyone's hearts.

Unimaginable influence is brewing in Ten Thousand Realms!

Great merchant empire.

The endless territory is the domain of big merchants.

The sons and daughters of officials and eunuchs of Dashang each received famous teachers, making the Dashang empire stronger.


Above the throne, the king Di Xin wearing a black dragon robe has an incomparably majestic and world-minded aura.

Di Xin, as the king of the endless territory, rules the world, and his subordinates are even more powerful.

"My lord, there is a vision in the sky, which seems to be Heavenly Dao's will."

Uncle Bigan's cupped hands report!

"Heavenly Dao's will!? Go, go and see!"

When Di Xin heard that it was Heavenly Dao's will, he immediately went out to check.

When he brought all his ministers to the outside of the hall, the golden light had completely enveloped the entire sky.

The Gold scroll is slowly opening.

The magnificent momentum of the Heavenly Dao gold list is like the Immortal King coming into the world.

"Sure enough... It really is Heavenly Dao's will."

"All ministers kneel down quickly, and Gu greets Heavenly Dao's will."

As soon as the words fell, the great merchants and their ministers knelt down on the ground one after another.

boom! ! !

Just then, there was a loud bang.

Di Xin raised his head slowly, and saw the hot Gold characters on the Heavenly Dao gold list.

"The Gold List is here!"

"Inventory of the top ten Xeon worlds!"

"It turned out to be the ranking issued by the Heavenly Dao Gold List, it must be the most authoritative."

Di Xin was shocked, and the aura emanating from the Heavenly Dao gold list made him feel heart palpitations, as if a random force from the sky could wipe out the entire big business.

"The Great Merchant Empire should be able to make the list."

In his heart, Da Shang is already the master of all things, and even more so, the only overlord on the earth.

"It will definitely be on the list. No matter what the list is, big businessmen will occupy a place."

Speaking of this, Di Xin's face is full of confidence, and his eyes are even more fiery.


Gods and demons move the world!


In the center of a terrifying thunderbolt, Martial Ancestor Lin Dong floats in it, surrounded by eight gods with different attributes.

at this time!

A golden light emerged from the sky.

The entire continent shook, and golden light instantly covered the entire continent.

The terrifying and majestic force shook the entire continent.

Lin Dong suddenly opened his eyes.

The Eight Paths Ancestral Talisman floating around him immediately released a more terrifying light?

"what happened?"

"Could it be that the evil race from outside the territory has made a comeback?"

After observing, he breathed a sigh of relief, although the Heavenly Dao gold list that appeared was powerful and mysterious.

But it is completely different from the power of the evil race outside the territory.

Lin Dong's eyes fixed on the Gold scroll in the air.

"What is this? Is it a new enemy?"

After killing the alien Devil Sovereign, Lin Dong also successfully entered the ancestral realm.

Since then, he has been gathering strength to find Ying Huanhuan.

Looking at the golden light in the sky, his eyes were full of solemnity.

Only he has the strength to guard the Daozong under his feet.

The voice of the Taoist disciple still remained in Lin Dong's mind.

"Brother Lin Dong, please strengthen my Taoist sect."

While thinking, a handsome man appeared beside Lin Dong.

"Little mink, did you notice that too?"

It was Lin Dong's brother Lin Diao, the current patriarch of Tianyao Diao who appeared!


"The power of the sky is not simple. I am afraid that even the strong in the Samsara realm cannot compete."

at the same time!

The Gold scroll slowly appeared, and the large characters of Gold gradually emerged.

The two of them relaxed their vigilance thoughtfully!


Perfect big world!

The village chief of Shicun stared at the golden scroll in the air, holding his crutch tightly in his hand.

"Could it be that some kind of treasure has come to the world?"

"You can't let Xiao Budian see it."

Willow God still released a soft light, guarding Shicun.

From the deep mountains not far away, there were beast roars from time to time, which was extremely terrifying.

The Gold scroll slowly opened.


Fight against the sky world.

Central Continent!

In a fire field, Xiao Yan kept controlling the different fires to fuse with the fire lotus.

There was a loud noise in the air immediately.

Endless golden light immediately filled the entire sky.

The entire Central Continent was completely covered by Gold.

The terrifying power shocked the ancient eight tribes.

Xiao Yan slowly walked out of the flames, and was immediately attracted by the vision in the sky.

"What's this?"

"How can there be such a terrifying power?"

"Could it be that the passage leading to Doudi's world has appeared?"

His eyes solemnly observed the sky.

In a short time!

The Patriarch of the Gu Clan, Gu Yuan!

Zhu Kun, the patriarch of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan!

Master Yaochen!


And the patriarchs of the other eight ancient clans came to Xiao Yan's side.

At this moment, the entire Dou Qi Continent has been completely controlled by the Xiao family.

The Xiao family even activated Dou Di Bloodline.

Therefore, when encountering big things, the first thing everyone thinks of is the only Emperor Dou on the mainland.

Yan Emperor Xiao Yan!

Regarding the arrival of everyone, Xiao Yan nodded.

"Do you have eyebrows?"

Gu Yuan spoke first, Xiao Yan shook his head.

"I don't know what the power of the world is, but whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, we need to investigate again."

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to the mainland."

A terrifying vindictiveness belonging to Dou Di immediately spread out.


Immortal world!

Fang Leng stepped on the Yellow Springs map, his eyes constantly staring at the Gold light released in the air.

The fist can't help clenching.

"Is this a Dao Item born? How could there be such a big movement."

"No matter what kind of treasure it is, it must be mine."

Relying on his powerful strength to fight all the way, he was known as Fang Laomo.

Now there is a vision in the sky, he will not let it go.


Gold scrolls are gradually opened.

Gold characters slowly appeared.

After Fang Leng saw clearly the big characters on the gold list, he slowly let go of his fist.


"Then I must be on the list!"


at the same time!

Prehistoric world!

Su Ziye sat cross-legged in the Sutra Pavilion, his whole body exuded the terrifying fluctuations unique to Saints.

He didn't pay attention to the ever-changing gold list in the sky.

At this moment, he just wanted to quickly adapt to Saint's power.

As the top power in the prehistoric world, Saint made Su Ziye feel that he could move mountains and fill seas.


Suddenly, I felt like I was wasting my time.

"As expected of the Heavenly Dao Gold List, the meeting ceremony is so awesome, so how good is the power behind it?"

Thinking of this, Su Ziye's eyes were full of anticipation.

"It's almost time for the gold list to be announced."

The voice just fell!

The sky of the heavens and the world immediately became golden.

The text on the Gold scroll immediately squirmed crazily.

The thunderous sound is getting louder and louder.



[The gold list is now alive! 】

[Gold List Announced! 】

[Top Ten Xeon World Announced! 】

[Every world on the list will receive a generous reward from Heavenly Dao! 】


PS: Please flowers, tickets, all data, data is very important for the new book, all handsome men and beauties please support me, I beg you!

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