See something like this.

Conan couldn’t help but taunt.

“This Hades Emperor is also too miserable!”

“All of them are two or five under my hands!”

“The whole organization has literally been infiltrated into a sieve!”

Gin Wine: “What?” I suspect you are alluding to me. ”

Countless viewers in the heavens and realms all agreed with Conan’s views.

“This Underworld Emperor is simply pitiful!”

“yes! How miserable! Just now he was full of confidence, who knew that his every move was under the observation of the bad handsome! ”

“If it weren’t for meeting Li Xinyun, maybe he could do something big!”

“yes! His martial arts are much more powerful than Li Xinyun! ”

“To be able to single-handedly create such a huge organization, he is also extraordinary!”

“It’s a pity! What a shame! ”

“That’s why I say, I hate relationships the most!”

“But it’s really cool to be a relationship.”

“yes! I also want to be Li Xinyun! ”

Many viewers discussed it.

Say everything.

But there is one thing that everyone can agree on.

That is.

The bad handsome gave Li Xinyun’s help.

That’s too much!

So many crises.

It’s all done with the help of bad handsome.

Take this crisis, for example.

If it weren’t for the bad handsome arrangement.

They really don’t know how Li Xinyun can turn over.

No chance!

“Not only this time, but also last time!”

“That’s right! If there were no bad handsome, Li Xinyun wouldn’t know how many times he died! ”

“Li Xinyun’s little life was completely saved by a bad handsome!”

“Li Xinyun was unwilling before, I really don’t know what he thinks.”

“If I want to say, Li Xinyun’s biggest benefactor in this half of his life is a bad handsome, there is no one!”

“Li Xinyun’s dish and fun-loving personality, it’s really lucky to meet a bad handsome!”


At this time, in the sky.

The screen continues to play!

After some turmoil.

Li Xinyun and their lives were saved by the bad handsome!

“Now, it’s time for you to restore the Great Tang, Your Majesty!”

The bad marshal said to Li Xinyun!

It’s time too!

Li Xinyun has been honed in the rivers and lakes for so long.

The time is ripe!


Li Xinyun’s reply was a surprise!

Li Xinyun directly refused!

He said to the bad marshal: “I don’t want to be some emperor!” ”

“I want to wander the rivers and lakes!”


All heavens and realms, direct fryer!

Li Xinyun’s approach.

It’s too much!

“That’s it?”

“The bad handsome has done so much, it’s all for you alone!”

“As a result, that’s it?”

“No, big brother, how did you have the face to refuse?”

“I have obviously promised before, you, this is completely untrustworthy!”

“It’s really infuriating! This Li Xinyun, why can this be so? ”

“It’s a Dou who can’t be lifted up at all!”

“Really convinced, all the preparations of the bad handsome were in vain!”

Countless viewers are saying angrily.

Li Xinyun’s approach this time.

It’s really disappointing for everyone.

There is no sense of responsibility at all!

And it backtracked.

What kind of person is this!

Ying Zheng: “It’s really displeased!” Live up to the royal bloodline! ”

Night God Moon: “The virtuous in the world live there, and the throne sent to the lips, Li Xinyun can refuse?” Incomprehensible! ”

Lan Ran: “This unambitious guy is not qualified to claim to be royalty!” ”

Naruto: “Don’t you want to be responsible and don’t want to protect others?” It’s so disappointing! ”

Everyone complained about Li Xinyun’s choice.

However, there were also dissenting views.

Luffy: “I admire Li Xinyun very much!” In order to maintain your original intention! What he wants is freedom, why care what others think? ”

Saitama: “I can also understand Li Xinyun’s approach, he just wants to spend his life with his own ideas, right?” ”

Countless viewers in the heavens and realms.

Someone is unhappy to complain.

Some people also believe that Li Xinyun’s approach is not worth criticizing.


Shikamaru and other more sane people.

An analysis of the current situation was also made.

Nara Shikamaru: “It’s like a big mess today.” ”

“The major powerhouses want to dominate the king, so it can be seen that the whole river and lake will only be more chaotic.”

“Li Xinyun’s identity is really too special.”

“Even if it is just this identity, he is no longer allowed to wander the rivers and lakes and not ask about the affairs of the imperial court!”

“Even if he doesn’t do it himself, there are always people like bad handsomers who will push him to do it!”

“After all, people in the rivers and lakes can’t help themselves!”

Shikamaru’s words immediately got the approval of many people.

Everyone started talking.

“That’s right! It is impossible to be isolated from this situation. ”

“In this case, it is better to directly call the emperor!”

“Poor bad handsome! People who want to assist can’t help it so much. ”

Meanwhile, the world of bad guys!

Fake Li Xinyun, looking at the picture in front of him.

Countless negative emotions exploded in my heart!





He looked at Li Xinyun’s picture and roared angrily!

“So much done, he did so much for you!”

“You still reject him!?”

“Why not me!”

“I’m going to kill you!!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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