Looking at this familiar figure, many people, although surprised, were already surprised just now.

Jiang Ni, who was located in the Xiliang King’s Mansion, was in a trance.

“Chu people?”

Jiang Ni fell into the look of memory, because she was a descendant of the royal family of the Chu State and was also a princess of the Chu State.

I vaguely remember that a long time ago, her father and queen were very good to her, and there was an uncle who played chess very well.

The uncle who played chess very well was also very good to her.

It’s just a pity.

Later, the State of Chu died.

Those who had been good to her had also died, including this uncle who played chess well.

Now that she saw that there were Chu people on the gold list of famous scenes, she suddenly touched some memories.

However, she soon returned to normal, after all, this place was not anywhere else, but the Western Liang Palace.

But when you see Cao Changqin in the picture.

Jiang Ni was still stunned, with a little incredulity in his eyes.

“How is it possible that Cao Changqin is the uncle who plays chess very well?!”

Jiang Ni was confused, although the memory of her childhood had been a little blurred, but she still recognized the other party at first sight.

It was the uncle who was very good to her and played chess very well!

“He… Still alive? ”

Jiang Ni’s two lines of clear tears could not stop falling, this emotion is difficult to explain, probably did not expect that in the original group of people, there was actually a person who survived like her.

“Uncle is not dead, he is not dead.”

Jiang Ni was very excited, and every bit of his memory about the other party couldn’t help but come to his mind.


The gold list changed again, and a line of large characters appeared on the screen projected by the gold list along with the figure.

“That year, she had pear swirls on both cheeks.”

“That year, he didn’t have a white head.”

The appearance of two lines of large characters makes the world think.

At first glance, this sentence is also related to love and love.

Many people were surprised, thinking that this Cao Changqin was also an affectionate person, and the reason why he was able to make the list this time was like that Hong Dongbin, in order to save his beloved and do all kinds of feats?

After all, the last person on the list.

Hong Dongbin is such a situation, in order to save his beloved, did that kind of incredible feat, and then climbed the famous scene gold list.

“I just don’t know what kind of a love story it is, according to the previous tips, this Cao Changqin is a person of the Chu Kingdom, but the Chu State has perished.”

“I guess it’s mostly because of the fall of the country that it was only when he struggled, and when he heard the news from the other side, Cao Changqin had already lost his head…”

Kyushu beings kept guessing according to the three sentences that the Golden List was currently coming out.

After all, the people on the list are people on the overseas continent at first glance, they neither know nor are familiar with it, they don’t know anything about the situation, and they can only guess according to the known information currently on the gold list.

Anyway, I didn’t guess and there was nothing to lose.

If you guess correctly, you can blow for a year.

Why not?


On the other side, Cao Changqin, who lived in a certain place, saw these two sentences and his eyes were slightly stunned, and then he smiled bitterly and sighed for a long time.

“That year, she had pear swirls on her cheeks.”

“That year, he didn’t have a white head.”

Looking at these two sentences, Cao Changqin’s mind couldn’t help but come up with a figure, a small palace girl in the early years, and later the Queen of Chu.

He let out a long breath, and only a bitter smile remained on his face.

I want to say something but I can’t say anything.

In the end, only a sigh remained.



The picture of the golden list continued to play, and there were still a few words that came with it, as if to exhaust Cao Changqin’s voice.

“In the past, the disciples of the Chu Kingdom, who studied under the Guoshi and the Ten Duan Guoshi, claimed to be invincible at the end.”

“A seat of green clothes, full of style, also known as Cao Qingyi.”

“He is known as the Ten Buckets of Talent, and he alone has the unparalleled talent of Eight Buckets.”

“It’s just a pity that he was born too late, and before he could grow into a great tree in the sky, the Chu kingdom was already in chaos, and the King of Western Liang attacked the imperial city of Western Chu, and even the woman he loved the most died…”

With the advent of words, the old words gradually faded away.

Subsequently, a figure appeared in the picture.

It was Cao Changqin, and he was still young at this time, and his face was handsome and quite flu-like.


The young and handsome Cao Changqin saw a woman at a glance and knew that he had fallen in love with the other party.

Just when you see that face.

Many people in the snow continent were shocked.

“It’s Empress Chu!”

“How could it be her, Cao Changqin’s beloved person turned out to be her?!”

They were all confused, they did not expect that the person Cao Changqin liked would actually be the Empress of the Chu Kingdom, who was known to the world as the Spring and Autumn Color Armor.

They were shocked!

“Speaking of which, this Cao Changqin is probably not young now, but he has never married a wife and had children, not even a red face, and it turns out that he already has a beloved in his heart.”

“But it’s useless, in the early years people were the empress of the Chu Kingdom, it was impossible to be with him, and later everyone was already dead…”

All the beings talked and were surprised by this scene.

People who have heard of Cao Changqin know it.

This person was an old vassal of the Chu State, and he was also deeply among the emperors of the Chu State, so he entered the palace and became a chess edict, but he did not expect that the other party’s beloved person would be the Empress of the Chu State.

But they thought about it and thought it seemed normal again.

Because Empress Chu Guo really looks like a demon and is called a red face by latecomers, there are probably few people in the whole world who can compare with her in beauty.

The world could not help but sigh when they saw this.

Even a martial artist like Cao Changqin had once ranked among the top three masters in martial arts.

Nor can the word “beauty” escape.

It’s just that some of the old ministers of the Chu State who originally had the dream of restoring the country changed their faces again and again.

Because they did not expect that Cao Changqin’s beloved person would actually be the empress of their old Chu.

What a system… What a system!

Of course, the most important reason is because the gold list publishes these pictures and information to the public.

That’s it.

Everyone knew that Cao Changqin always loved one person in his heart, and that person was the empress of Dachu.

“I am waiting for the old ministers of the Chu Kingdom, and I am ashamed to be with you!”

“I didn’t expect that Your Majesty the Emperor valued you so much, but you liked the Empress!!!”


Xiliang Wangfu.

Jiang Ni also did not expect that the uncle who was very good to himself and played chess very well would be her mother and queen.

So, what should her father do?

However, when she thought about it, she hurriedly threw her head away.

“Oh, it’s really stupid, the dead are already dead, what else can they do?”

Jiang Ni laughed at himself, but in his heart he still hoped that his father and mother were still alive.

It’s just that all this doesn’t seem to be realistic.

Almost impossible.

People can’t be resurrected after the dead, even if the famous scene gold list appears now, it can give people something to resurrect from the dead, but now only the wine sword immortal Li Chun has gotten it.

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