Chapter Seventy-Five Stout Reward Golden Light!!

Northern Man.

In the depths of the Northern Barbarians.

In a courtyard stood a naked and strong man, and the breath surging on his body was extremely strong, far beyond the normal people’s hesitation.

He is the bodhisattva who is known as the God of War of the Northern Barbarians, almost the most core figure in the entire Northern Barbarians, and also the god in the eyes of the Northern Barbarians and Wangan soldiers.

He looked at the reward on the gold list and said slightly stunnedly, “Heavenly Man Fruit Position, this is not an ordinary thing, if I get it, I can get rid of the silk thread controlled by the immortals in the sky.” ”

The bodhisattva’s situation is special, and the reason why he can be so powerful is because of the support of the heavenly immortals.

And because of this, he obeyed the orders of the heavenly immortals and was controlled by them.

“I am the Northern Barbarian God of War, and now I have such a powerful strength, can I not have a place in the future?”

The bodhisattva’s eyes were bright, and what was still flowing inside was blazing.

He felt.

I may not be hopeful of ascending to the first or second place in the famous scene gold list, and then I can get amazing rewards from the Heavenly List, and get rid of the shackles of the Heavenly Immortals.

The rivers and lakes and folk of the snowy continent have been boiling.

After all, the style revealed by the scene of Lü Tai’a’s sword slashing the heavenly immortals was something that everyone would never forget.

Of course.

The reward of the gold list is also extremely terrifying.

Through the explanation of these two items on the gold list.

Everyone in the world knows that the former is an object that can ignore the environment of heaven and earth, conditions and other factors, so that people can directly reach the realm of heaven and man.

As for the latter.

It was a peerless immortal sword, comparable to the mortal sword in the human world, that is, it had not been urged by anyone, and ordinary immortals would be hurt when they touched it.

If someone urges you.

Narutaya may not need the Three Swords in the picture.

Just a sword can sweep away the immortals who come to dust, killing them all in an instant, and there is not even time to react.

Kyushu continent.

Great Qin Dynasty, Xianyang Palace.

Shi Huang Yingzheng was also shocked by the Heavenly Human Fruit Position, because that realm was too divine in the description of the Golden List, and only that realm could truly meet the Immortal God in Kyushu’s cognition!

He was even guessing.

Whether the martial arts cultivators of the Heavenly Human Realm already had the ability to change heaven and earth, or whether their own life expectancy had been extended to a very exaggerated point.

After all, it is well known that practicing martial arts can increase life span.

The stronger the cultivation, the higher the life span.

Within Kyushu.

Such as the Wudang Mountains within the boundaries of the Ming Dynasty.

There is a Zhang Zhenren on the mountain, who has the mythical realm of the jianghu and is said to have lived for more than two hundred years so far, far beyond the world.

“The overall strength of overseas people is one level higher than that of my Kyushu, and the human realm of that day is even more unattainable, even above the so-called land god and immortal realm.”

“What kind of astonishing point will the life span of such a realm reach, and will there be three or five hundred?”

Shi Huang’s eyes were blazing, and he couldn’t wait to set foot in the overseas realm to see if he also possessed the cultivation talent of that continent.

If so.

His pursuit of martial arts is tantamount to the pursuit of immortality!

“What do the secretaries of state, Er, etc. think of the overseas land?”


Shi Huang Yingzheng looked at the hall in front of him, and a thick and loud voice sounded from the hall, inquiring about the Manchu Dynasty’s Wenwu.

“Your Majesty, the people of that overseas land may not be as great as ours, but they have many things that we cannot imagine.”

The prime minister came out and said what he thought.

He’s actually right.

The overseas snow continent may not be as huge as the Kyushu continent, but it is incomparably human, and the environmental factors are incomparable.

In that overseas world.

Masters comparable to jianghu myths abound.

And within Kyushu?

The whole of Kyushu is known to be alive in the myth of the jianghu.

I’m afraid I can count on both hands!

The Shi Huang Yingzheng, who received a response, looked dignified and said calmly: “Then, the overseas trip is imperative, and we must not be weak behind other dynasties, otherwise there will be a catastrophe!” ”

The personality of the overseas continent was really too high, and the Vajra Realm alone was enough to match the top grand masters and those jianghu myths.

Not to mention that there are also realms such as Zhixuan, Tianxiang, Terrestrial Immortals, and Heavenly People in the follow-up.

Not to mention the realm of attracting land immortals and heavenly beings.

Even if it was only to recruit a number of Celestial Xuan, or if it was enough to sweep away the major dynasties in Kyushu, no strong person could stop the power of the Celestial Sign, if it was Xuan Xuan, it might be better to be able to pile it to death.

As for the martial cultivation of the Celestial Realm.

The likelihood of wanting to pile up is too low and too low…

“If I Great Qin can take the lead in opening up the sea route, ascend to the overseas continent, and recruit some helpers, I can think that my Great Qin can live without worry, and even sweep away the other six major dynasties!”

Win Zheng’s eyes are bright.

He had the courage to swallow mountains and rivers, and in the past when the Qin state was only a small country, he developed and grew it, and eventually destroyed and annexed the other six countries around him, becoming one of the dynasties of the time.


Unifying Kyushu and even overseas is his dream and pursuit.

Kyushu jianghu.

They were all amazed after seeing the strength of Lu Tai’a and the rewards they had received.

The amazement here has to marvel at his might.

There are also those who marvel at his overly generous rewards.

It was a very normal thing to worship the strong, and Lü Tai’a was able to guard the Heavenly Gate alone with one person and one sword, so that those immortals did not dare to go down to the mortal world again.

Such strength, it is impossible not to admire men.

But they are more silent.

Because the overseas mainland is so full of waves, many things are simply unbelievable.

That is, there are many immortals in the sky!

What about the Kyushu mainland?

The martial cultivation of the jianghu myth had both hands counted, but it was only a little more trustworthy than the overseas Jingang Gangjing martial cultivation.

It is at a time when the people of the world are marveling at the richness of the rewards.



The golden list once again reflected a golden light, and it was like a new round of great sun was rising, flying violently to a certain place between heaven and earth.


The golden light of the Great Sun took off into the air and flew straight to the place where Lü Tai’a was.


Lu Tai’a, who was sitting on the donkey, sensed the arrival of the golden light, and his eyes were slightly alarmed to see the golden light flying in.

But then he was so frightened that he hurriedly turned over and got off the donkey.

Holding the peach blossom branch in his hand, he almost slashed out at the flying golden light sword.

A stout golden light fell like a great sun, and the scene was extremely frightening.

Lu Tai’a slowly collected the peach blossom branch in his hand, and his heart was full of complaints.

Where is this golden light!

This is simply a big sun that suddenly falls!

Because the golden light was too thick, the Tangtang Peach Blossom Sword Immortal was actually startled.

If this scene is seen by others, I don’t know how I will feel…

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