Chapter Eighty-One Ink Painting!!


The Heavenly Gold List also played a related picture, although it was only an opening statement, it was also the beginning of the picture, accompanied by an ink painting of the jianghu.

[West cool cold bitter jagged millions of households, how much iron wrapped in ancient bones! 】 】

There are only so few sentences in the whole picture, and this sentence has appeared before, but now it is the opening of the second place.

At the same time, I saw the ink painting on it.

It seems that there are half a million Northern Barbarian Iron Horsemen riding on the territory, and a large piece of the black pressure stands on the other side of the city wall, and they are dressed in iron armor and look at the wall of the great shore in front of them.

On the other side, there were also hundreds of thousands of defenders, all of them standing on the city walls, bows and arrows or other objects in their hands, ready to defend the city.

It’s just an ink painting.

However, the people of the world saw a magnificent battle from it, that is, they did not know what kind of magnificent waves would break out when the two armies collided.

Neither of these is an ordinary army.

One of them was the Western Liang Army, that is, the entire Eastern Li could not find a more elite army than him, with the record of breaking through the gates of many countries, which made many people in the world feel frightened.

The once mighty Great Chu Kingdom.

It was also the Western Liang Army’s Jinge Iron Horse that broke through it.

Otherwise, Dachu would not necessarily destroy the country, after all, that country was indeed very strong, the monarch had virtue and talent, and the culture and martial arts were also very loyal.

Such a nation perished.

It’s more or less unbelievable.

But this also reflects the strength of the Western Liang Army.

Such a strong country, when the war situation entered the scorching searing, it was they who broke through the defensive line, killed the imperial city, and laid the foundation for the earliest unification of the world in the east.

The people of the Kyushu continent did not know all this, but they could feel the strength of this army just from the picture.

It is no longer comparable to the ordinary dynasty army, that is, the most elite army of the six dynasties can only be compared, and it may not be able to win.

Mainly because it exists on the overseas continent.

There are too many masters.

In such an environment.

The presence of a super-strong person can easily change the tide of a battle.

After all, one of them has the ability to enter the army and behead the enemy general.

The other side has only the beheaded.

As a result, one side has no generals available.

And without a large army commanded by a general, even the most elite army will be reduced to a mess.

Judge from above.

It’s just the people of the whole world of martial arts.

They all found that the background of this ink painting seemed to have been seen somewhere, and it was very familiar.


They remembered.

I remembered where I had seen this picture.

It is in the famous scene of the peach blossom sword fairy Lu Tai’a!

When that famous scene first came out, it was announced that there was a grand battlefield, and nearly a million troops on both sides were facing the temple, and the atmosphere of slaughter was now a little chilling in retrospect.

“This picture has appeared in the picture of the Peach Blossom Sword Immortal Tai’a!”

“It’s inconceivable that there are two famous scenes in a battle, one first and one second?”

The world blinked madly, always feeling that this matter seemed to be a little strange in Na Nari, but it could not be said.

They couldn’t figure it out.

In the middle of a battle.

Why are there two famous scenes at the same time?

Is the famous scene so good?

The world was confused, because in the previous picture of Lü Tai’a, in addition to the opening announcement of the confrontation between the two armies.

The rest of the images are almost all in the sky and the immortals are killed, and there is no exposure to things on the ground and elsewhere.

Other words.

Is it likely that the second place scene happened on the ground?

But this is another sentient being.

How amazing was the Peach Blossom Sword Immortal, slaughtering the Immortals in the sky, and what kind of situation could make someone on the ground surpass him in the famous scene?


It’s incredible!

“Could it be that someone single-handedly broke a million troops?”

Someone suddenly said such a sentence.

Suddenly, many people were discussing it, and even thought that it was not impossible.

After all, it was more shocking than the scene of slaughtering the heavenly immortals.

Then it can only be one person alone to break through the million army.

Continent in the snow.

Shenwu City.

Wang Xian stood on the East China Sea with his hands in his hands, stepping on the big waves under his feet, obviously the wind was rushing around him, but the place where he was was never much wave, let alone wet his clothes.


He wondered in his heart: “Is the situation really serious in the future?” ”

“It’s not enough that someone in the sky slaughters a bunch of immortals.”

“Unimaginable things have happened on the ground too!”

Wang Xian was very surprised in his heart, he did not expect that the future situation would be so exaggerated, and two famous scenes were born in a battle, one of which was not in the third and one was not in the second.

These two famous scenes.

It can be said that it is not the front of all famous scenes.

But these famous scenes are all caused by a battle.


Wang Xian’s expression flashed a little solemn, knowing that the future situation was probably much worse than he had imagined, and it was probably not only those immortals who had been slaughtered, but perhaps there would be other accidents.

Of course.

He didn’t know what kind of situation it was.

But he was curious.

Why didn’t he appear in that battle?


Hong Dongbin rode a crane and rushed to a scenic place, surrounded by a red dress.

Only at this time, his face was obviously very solemn, he realized the unusual things in the picture, and he did not think that the future would be such a situation.

“These heavenly guys are really persistent, how much effort has been wasted, even if a large number of people are lowered, even the Northern Barbarian Army has been supported a lot, I’m afraid that the flesh of this army has been strengthened by immortal power, so it will be realized like this…”

Speaking of which.

Hong Dongbin did not say anything more.

Having passed through the gates of heaven in his previous two lives, he knew too many things that the world did not know.

It’s just that he never thought of it.

The future one.

The guys in the sky will make such a big determination, even if they will pay a heavy price, a large number of immortals will open the gate of heaven to come to the human world, and even more vigorously support the Northern Man to build the Northern Man into a force with a very terrifying power.

That’s a big deal!

“I don’t know if the Western Liang Army in the future picture can be stopped, they are not facing the enemies of the past, but the Northern Barbarian army that has been blessed by many immortals!”

Hong Dongbin whispered, his eyes always staring at the picture of Jinbang, after all, how to say that Xu Nian was also his brother-in-law, and the entire Xu family was also Xu Rouge’s mother-in-law.

He couldn’t not care less…

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