Inverse Sword God

Chapter 1414: Waiting for you for 10,000 years!

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Lin Xuan and the dark red Shenlong glanced, feeling scalp numb, and his heart beating. Please search for the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

These characters are too scary, let alone Lin Xuan, even in the heyday of the dark red dragon, they can't stop it at all.

"Damn, who the **** are these? Why are they here?"

The Dark Red Dragon is really shocked.

You know, even on the Tianwu continent, you can't come out with this kind of brilliant and powerful, but now there are so many mysterious powerfuls in this remote Tiannan area.

Want to come, in that distant antiquity, there must be unknown secrets in Tiannan Realm.


Suddenly, a deep sigh came, echoing in the empty hall.

Hearing this voice, Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon jumped up.

"Nima, it scared the emperor!"

"Who? Come out!"

The dark red Shenlong and Lin Xuan looked to the Quartet, their hearts were very hairy.

You know, here are the bodies of several peerless powerhouses, and there are sounds, can it be a corpse?

If there is really a resurgence of a peerless powerhouse, then the two of them are completely finished!

Lin Xuan was also extremely nervous. He looked like electricity, glanced around, and said coldly.

"Who? Don't be sneaky there! Hurry up!"

"Lin Xuan, I have been waiting for you for a long time. I never thought you would come now."

A long voice sounded again.


Hearing this voice, Lin Xuan was completely hairless. He couldn't imagine that the other party knew his name?

"Boy, I'm looking for you, it's okay with me!" The dark red dragon snorted, and stepped aside, surprised.

"Who the **** are you? How do you know my name? Hurry up, or don't blame me!"

Lin Xuan shouted coldly.

At the same time, he operated the dragon dragon soul in his body, and since then he has eliminated the fear in his heart. No matter whether the other person is a ghost or a ghost, he will not yield.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! It is indeed a swordsman. This courage is truly rare!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan's pupils shrank, listening to the other party's meaning, it seemed to know that he possessed the dragon dragon soul.

But how is this possible!

Only he and the Dark Red Dragon and the wine master knew this, other people didn't know it at all.

However, the sound in front of him seemed to know, which shocked Lin Xuan's heart.

Even the dark red dragon on the side jumped up in fright.

"Relax, I'm not malicious."

That voice sounded again, and then a broken sword appeared in the void.

This is a broken sword. It looks very quaint, only a third of its normal length, and the rest is covered with cracks.

At this moment, the voice came from the broken sword.

"Are you a sword spirit?"

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He was not the first to see such a thing, because the former Wanjuding also had instrumental spirits.

As long as it's not a monster, everything is okay.

"I'm not a sword spirit, but rather the spirit of this spirit boat, but now I am attached to this broken sword."

The voice reminded: "This soul boat is called Hei Tu, you can call me Hei Tu."

"Black soil? What a broken name!" The Dark Red Dragon also calmed down and whispered.

Lin Xuan couldn't wait to ask, "Who the **** are you? Who are these corpses?"

"And why do you know my name?"

"How much do you know about Dalong Soul?"

Indeed, Lin Xuan was too confused, so he had to figure out these things.

"I said it. My name is Black Earth. This is the Black Earth. I have been waiting for you for ten thousand years."

"What? You have waited for me for ten thousand years?" Lin Xuan opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

"Nonsense! I'm only twenty years old. How can you wait for me for ten thousand years?"

"Did you know that I was going to be born ten thousand years ago?"

Lin Xuan didn't believe it, because for 10,000 years, it was really shocking.

You know, the king can only be two or three thousand years ago. Who knew if there was a Tiannan domain 10,000 years ago?

"You are wrong. I am not waiting for you, but for the successor of the Dragon Sword."

"For ten thousand years, I finally waited for the successor of the Great Dragon Sword!"

"Lin Xuan, you are the one I'm waiting for."

"Big Dragon Sword is handed down!" Lin Xuan jumped to his heart. If he said that, it was still possible.

Because the Great Dragon Sword has existed since ancient times, he was not the first to get it.

"How do you know that I have a big dragon sword soul?"

"It's normal, I can feel the breath of the dragon sword soul on your body, because my master was also the heir to the dragon sword before."

"So does your master!"

Lin Xuan was even more shocked, did not expect to get the news.

"Who is your master? Is he still there? What about the corpses around here?" Lin Xuan continued to ask.

"That's my master."

The broken sword in midair suddenly emitted a faint light and swept towards the majestic man in the center.

"What? He is your master? And he was a descendant of the Dragon Sword!"

"How was he killed? What's the situation?"

Lin Xuan was also surprised, and aside, the dark red Shenlong asked: "What kind of realm are they in that black soil?"

To be honest, the Dark Red Dragon was also shocked.

Because the breath emanating from these corpses made him feel creepy, he wondered what the realm of these people had been?

Is it the legendary realm?

"My host is Ye Gucheng, who is the fourth generation of the Dragon Sword."

"The fourth generation of the Dragon Sword is handed down!" Lin Xuan was shocked. He had never heard of these news.

However, he frowned quickly and said, "No, Dalong Soul has not existed since ancient times? Why is there only the fourth generation?"

Hearing that the dark red **** dragon's eyes flickered, and the broken sword and black soil said Shen Sheng.

"Yes, the Dragon Soul of the Dragon has existed since ancient times. How many people have owned it, I don't know."

"However, since the Emperor Ximen was born, he wiped out the wasteland and ruled the peoples. He became the first generation of the Dragon Sword."

"After that, there will be second, third, and fourth generations."

"Imperial Simon?"

"What kind of person is that?" Lin Xuan wondered, because from the words of the other party ~ ~, he can hear that this is definitely an extraordinary person.

"Ximen Emperor, that is definitely a peerless figure to suppress eternity! It is an existence that can make countless people look up to."

The Dark Red Dragon also sighed, with deep respect in his eyes.

Obviously, he knew this Emperor Simon.

"The Emperor Ximen is astounding and eternally glorious, and future generations are unlikely to reach his height."

Hei Tu said, "Now you understand."

"In other words, am I the fifth generation?" Lin Xuan looked dignified.

"Maybe, but I'm not sure. After all, 10,000 years have passed."

"You may be the fifth generation or the sixth generation, but no matter how many generations you are, you are the heir to the Great Dragon Sword!"

"Then how did your master die? Why are you waiting for me?" Lin Xuan wondered--

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