Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2018: Saint's treasure?

The old man headed by him, with a stronger breath, will still approach the peerless power.

And the gray-clad old man in Jiuli Tower, the strength is similar.

"West Kowloon, it really is you!"

"It's been a long time, haven't you still given up?"

The old man in gray clothing looked at the five figures floating in the sky and sighed.

"Deadheart, why should we die?"

The five newcomers sneered, "It should be you!"

The white-haired old man sneered: "This thing has been in your hands for thousands of years, it is time to change it."

"This is our Dongjiu Li thing. No one can take it away."

"Even if you're West Kowloon, it's not going to work!"

Speaking of which, the surrounding void flashed again, and then several figures quickly came out.

The same four or five powers. Wearing uniform Jiulita clothes on his body, his eyes were sharp and his expression was cold.

Obviously, it is the strong guarded in Jiuli Tower.

Seeing this, Xuan took a deep breath. This Nima is too scary. In this lineup, he has no power to fight back.

At this moment, there are at least ten powers in the hall.

Two of them are still close to the existence of peerless power. This lineup is absolutely terrible.

At the same time, this made Lin Xuan even more confused.

What is it that can attract so many people's attention?

Why does this glass king want it?

The news he received from King Liuli was to take away a mysterious box.

This box is painted with the pattern of Jiulita, and on the back is a pattern of six-pointed stars.

As for what was inside the box, Liuliwang didn't say.

Lin Xuan knew that there must be a treasure in the box, but he didn't expect that the treasure was a bit outrageous.

In such a short time, ten powerful battles ushered in.

I'm afraid that this glass king absolutely hides any important information.

Ahead, the power of the two sides confronted each other, and a terrible collision sounded in the void.

The women in white and the tall youth also escaped the imprisonment of the elderly in gray by this opportunity.

Then, quickly retreated toward Fang.

However, at this time, the old man in gray clothing in front of Jiuli Tower said again: "The people of West Jiuli, give you one last chance to leave."

"I can't shoot at you."

"This is something left by our sacred saints in East Kowloon, not something you can touch."

However, the old white-haired man on the opposite side sneered, "Hum, you are wrong, you are a saint of Jiuli!"

"We West Kowloon also belong to Jiuli, and we naturally deserve it."

"It's just that you, Dongjiu Li, are too domineering and have been occupying it. You don't want to share it."

"So we had to take a shot."

"Speaking of which, you are still too greedy!" The old man with white hair said at the end, his breath suddenly erupted.

The turbulent air waves swept the Quartet quickly.


Inside Jiuli Tower, it was shaking gently, and countless arrays of runes flashed on the walls and the ground.

Suddenly, the entire Jiuli Tower is unusually strong.

Jiuli Tower is a building handed down from ancient times. The inside is very strong and sturdy, and it can definitely withstand this violent attack.

This is the reason why Jiulita's strong man dared to do it here.

"Since you're looking for death, don't blame us for it!"

The gray-clad old man in Jiulita snorted coldly, and the next moment he waved. Suddenly, a few powerful people around him started to shoot.


The light in the void lit up, and then a fiery field flew forward instantly, covering all those in West Kowloon.

Those in West Kowloon were unwilling to be outdone and sneered.

The next moment, a mighty body, likewise aspiring the blue realm, seemed to be seawater, colliding quickly with the fiery red realm.

The two realms of kings confronted each other in the air, forming a terrible rift in space.

The fissures of the void, as if the Thunder Snake danced wildly, were shocking.

However, the entire Jiuli Tower was flashing with an extremely mysterious and ancient formation, blocking this terrible space from tearing.

These people are so powerful!

Lin Xuan hiding in the dark is also shocked. Although they are all powerful, it is obvious that the strength of these people is even more terrifying.

These nine Li people are really not simple.

The raging sea of ​​anger!

At this moment, one of West Jiu Li's blue clothes was powerful, waving his palm, and then the blue king field above it, quickly swelled.

The sky's energy turned into a wave of waves, quickly swept forward.

Boom boom!

The void trembled, and was torn apart by the blue sea water for a moment. The terrible sea water was violently weighed, as if the blue mountains were down in the air.


The fire burns the sky!

On the side of Jiuli Tower, that red-clothed power also launched a fierce attack.

His flaming spirit realm turned into a flaming giant, and instantly resisted the sky.

The two powers of water and fire interweave in the air, smashing the void

The terrible power has transformed space into chaos.

Although Jiuli is extremely powerful, it can display mysterious ancient lines and resist such attacks.

However, the whole ground was shaking quickly.

For a moment, Jiuli Tower also moved.

Not only that, the nearby buildings are shaking.

After these two powers played against each other, another power also shot. They each look for enemies and fight madly.

The terrible war broke out, and the fields of kings appeared one after another, as if they were extinct.

Lin Xuan's pupils shrank, even at this level of battle, he was frightened. Therefore, he quietly backed away, for fear of being affected by this energy.

The fight here has finally attracted the attention of Lilac City.

Suddenly, the film of warriors flew towards this side, wanting to find out.

These nine towers are in the city of Lilac, which is a sacred existence. At this moment, there is a fighting, and they naturally cannot bear it.

"It's over."

Lin Xuan sighed. Turn around and leave,

Because he knew that taking treasure was impossible.

If it were himself, he might be able to catch fish in the water, but such a large-scale battle occurred.

Dozens of powerful opponents ~ ~ its momentum still spurred the whole clove Cheng, I am afraid he has no chance at all.

If you stay there, you may be found. Then you will be regarded as an enemy and chased and killed by these nine powerful towers. Maybe.

Therefore, Lin Xuan was ready to retreat.

However, he just stepped back and left, and at this time, a white light flashed.

Subsequently, he gathered in front of him to form a figure of Manli.

A woman in white appeared in front of him.

The woman in white was also beautifully wrinkled, and her eyes were full of surprise and shock.

She could not imagine that there were other people here besides the East and West Jiuli and the tall young man.

And this person, she had never discovered before.

If it wasn't for the other person's desire to leave and her figure was revealed, she would never know.

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