Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2036: Lin Xuan is here!

Defensive magic weapon!

The surrounding people exclaimed that the ghostly shadow of the turtle was indeed terrible, and even Lei Aotian looked dignified.

Because of that defense, he can keep up with his constitution.

However, there are differences between the two.

The thick soil constitution is the power of bloodline, which can be used continuously, and Li Mengbai's defense magic weapon is obviously a treasure that cannot be used for a long time.

Therefore, defensive protection can only be carried out in critical times.

Black turtle defense ring, it seems that this year, not only your strength increased, but also many adventures. Bai Zijing was also slightly surprised

But no amount of treasure is useful!

He stepped out and shot again. The gale sword in his hand flashed quickly.

Wind Sword Blade.

A sword pierced, the sky and the earth roared, and the turbulent blue winds swirled around, covering the whole void.

That was not an ordinary blast, but a sword qi. Every blast is a sword qi.

There are millions of words.

With a roar, the heavens and the earth were penetrated in an instant, and the terrible blast storm was killing Li Mengbai.


Li Mengbai was hit again by the Sword of the Wind, and immediately flew out.

The injury on his body was more serious, but in his eyes it was very clear, like a star.

Floating Phantom Sword!

Li Mengbai gritted his teeth and roared, and quickly countered.

The silver and white sword in his hand kept flashing, and the field behind him was also rolling rapidly.

Subsequently, 36 lightsabers were formed in front of him, quickly interwoven, and combined to form a mysterious sword pattern.

Thirty-six sword lights, arranged neatly, combined to emit a monstrous murderous power.

Then they quickly turned into meteors and killed forward.

Bai Zijing was surprised again. I have to say that Li Mengbai gave him too many surprises.

He did not expect that in just one year, the other party could grow to such a degree.

The sword pattern composed of 36 sword lights can already threaten him.

Therefore, he also showed his unique skills.

Suddenly, the sky was fluttering with wind and lightning flashing in the wind.

One sword was cut, the entire sky was cut in half, and the sword figure composed of 36 sword lights was also split instantly.


Li Mengbai vomited blood and flew up, and a terrible sword mark appeared on him.

Fortunately, Bai Zijing closed his hand at the last minute, otherwise this sword might be able to split him in half.

Everyone around them saw this scene and exclaimed.

Sure enough, Bai Zijing was so powerful that no one could beat it.

However, everyone was shocked by Li Mengbai's strength.

Because they are so strong that they can't fight each other.

No matter which of these two people, they are peerless Tianjiao, and they are not able to compete at all.

There was a genius in the crowd.

This Li Mengbai is terrible. I was also present in the battle a year ago. He couldn't resist Bai Zijing at the time.

Even the ten moves were lost.

Now that he has played nearly fifty or sixty moves, it can be said that his strength improvement is really terrible.

Yeah, this Li Mengbai is also a rare kendo genius.

On the other side, Lin Xuan's eyes flickered too, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Opponent, he knew he had met his opponent.

This white mirror is really powerful! No wonder it can scare millions of warriors.

Definitely a terrible opponent.

But he was not afraid, but rather excited. Because of this journey, he rarely met opponents of the same level.

Now, finally meet one, how can I not be excited.

Moreover, the opponent is still a kendo genius, which makes him even more satisfied.

Guess, shouldn't that Shangguanqi shoot?

Sure, the elixir in Shangguanqi's hands, a lot of this time, I think I should be able to recover it.

Great, you can see a peak matchup again! Both are peerless swordsmen. I wonder who is better than them?

Sure enough, the next moment, Bai Zijing turned his head and looked at Shangguan Qi.

Shangguanqi stood up, a wicked smile was raised in the corner of his mouth. He just wanted to say something, but on the other side, a voice came.

Bai Zijing? I will meet you!


When they heard this, everyone was holding back.

Why is there anyone coming out? Is it possible that another kendo genius has arrived? Everyone looked.

Even Bai Zijing and Shang Guanqi frowned slightly, and they looked back.

Alas, who is this kid, strange?

Is it possible that a certain genius came?

Everyone talked, because although Lin Xuan is now showing, there are only six star kings.

But no one dares to underestimate, after all, dare to challenge Bai Zijing, all of them are peerless Tianjiao.

Boy, who are you?

Shangguan Qi was a little upset. Originally, he wanted to do something, but he did not expect to kill another person halfway through.

I saw a handsome young man in a red robe walking slowly out of the crowd.

My name is Lin Xuan, and this time I'm here to challenge Bai Zijing.

That's right, this man in the red robe is Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan?

Hearing the name, everyone frowned.

However, they thought about it for a while, and found that there was too much dynasty and no Tianjiao was called Lin Xuan.

Isn't it the already famous teenager Tianjiao, but a newcomer?

Everyone was extremely confused, and those older characters were frowning, and they had never heard of each other.

Shangguan Qi hadn't heard of the other party, and frowned immediately. He never heard of who you are and where did you go from?

What is the record?

I have no clue, I am a casual repairer.

As for the record? Lin Xuan thought about it, and then said seriously, as if I hadn't lost.

No way? Casual repair?

Hearing this, the crowds froze.

How much can a casual repairer achieve?

No matter how good your talent is, it is not enough!

These peerless arrogances have powerful ancestral gates or family support behind them. That cultivation resources can be said to be continuous.

Therefore, it is possible to be young and surpass the older characters who have lived for thousands of years.

But, can a casual repair do this? Everyone was skeptical because they had never heard of it.

What shocked them more was the following sentence.

Never lost?

how can that be!

Strong as Zhou Jianying, UU reading books peerless masters like Li Mengbai have also lost, and the young man in front of him said that he had never lost?

This is even more unbelievable!

Some even sneer, you haven't lost, because you haven't shot at all.

Boy, have you fought a few battles before, how dare you say such a big thing?

Yeah boy, who do you think you are? Prince or princess?

The saint is still the reincarnation of the emperor! How dare you be so crazy?

Do you know what kind of person Bai Zijing is?

I guess, this kid definitely came out of a certain ravine. I guess I haven't seen anything.

Thought the entire Taiyi dynasty was the same as their small village!

They shook their heads and sneered, not convinced at all.

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