Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2046: Thunder Mountain

So after thinking about it, he nodded and smiled.

As long as the eighth prince does not hate, I will do my best to fight for the prince.

it is good!

Hearing this, the eighth prince smiled with satisfaction.

With Lin Xuan, a powerful talented swordsman, his lineup will definitely grow stronger!

However, at this time, Lin Xuan said, the eighth prince, I can't go back with you right now.

Can't go back?

what happened?

8 The prince stunned, and Lin Xuan said that I had an agreement with King Liuli to help him complete three things, and then entered the three peaks behind.

Two things have been done now, and there is the last peak, I did not enter.

When I finish the last thing, I will go again.

Hearing that the 8 prince stunned and then came to understand.

Come to think of it, this should be the way of the king of glass, and the king of glass is also smiling, Lin Gongzi, since you have joined the 8th prince's camp, then the third thing need not be done.

You can enter Thunder Mountain directly.

Really? Thank you, lord!

Lin Xuan was happy. He knew that this was the face of the Eighth Prince to be given by King Liuli. However, he didn't care.

For the relationship between these princes and princes, he didn't care at all, all he wanted was strength.

So the next moment, Lin Xuan said, the 8th prince, when I came out of the Thunder Mountain, I would naturally look for you.

Then I wait for you.

8 The prince nodded with satisfaction.

Aside, Liuli Wang laughed, since people have already seen, it is better to go to me and drink two cups of spirit tea.

I just got a few good spirit teas recently.

Uncle Wang is polite. I remember that Uncle Wang's Lingling Tea is best to drink.

8 The prince laughed.

He and the Longdao people, as well as the three kings of Liuli, left here.

Lin Xuan turned again and entered the Thunder Mountain.

Above the thunder, the last mountain.

Lin Xuan also owns the thunder and lightning attributes, but the gap between Poseidon Ice and Hellfire has widened.

Therefore, he rarely used the power of lightning.

But now, the amount of lightning power above this mine just makes up for this.

Therefore, he began to practice in full power.

On the other side, in the palace.

The eldest prince was extremely gloomy, and even a little embarrassed.

Because he lost a general, Bai Zijing!

That was a powerful swordsman under his command.

Originally, he planned to rely on Bai Zijing to sweep the world and obtain a huge advantage.

But I did not expect that when Huashan discussed the sword, he was defeated by others! It has even been compared for hundreds of years.

In this way, he could not be helped at all.

And his strength will be greatly reduced.

Damn it! Damn it!

Can anyone tell me what happened to that guy named Lin Xuan?

He had already learned about Huashan's comment on swords, and he naturally knew that it was a young man named Lin Xuan who defeated Bai Zijing.

It's just that he had never heard of this person before, so he lost so unexpectedly.

We did not expect that Bai Zijing would lose.

Yeah, it was really surprising. The warriors under him said

However, although Lin Xuan did not know the origin, it must have something to do with King Liuli.

Otherwise, the general from the fire will not make a move in the end and will take him away.

It should be to protect the kid's safety.

Liuli Palace?

Hearing that the big prince narrowed his eyes,

This Liuli king is usually very low-key. I invited him, but he declined it politely.

Now I do n’t know which prince he is standing behind?

No matter which prince he stands behind, as long as the big prince you want, it's not yours!

Even if you don't get it, you should remove it as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if it is really given by a prince, then it is definitely a huge threat.

After all, it is absolutely terrible to defeat the existence of Bai Realm!

Yes, that's right.

Thinking of this, the grand prince patted the table, his eyes appeared sharp light.

Lord Tianhe, King Duobao, take the two of you to the Liuli Palace once.

Be sure to let King Liuli join us, and let him surrender that Lin Xuan.

If it doesn't work for me, then kill it directly, there is no need to keep it!


Don't worry, Prince.

They laughed.

Tianhe Shangren is a white-robed old man, and King Erduobao is a middle-aged man with a long beard.

After they both got the order, they turned and left the hall.

On the other side, there is some joy on the third prince's side.

Because the big prince suffers, it is undoubtedly good news for him. At the same time, he was also curious about the identity of Lin Xuan.

Turned out to be the man of Liuliwang.

The third prince raised his eyes.

On the side, a middle-aged man holding a lupine laughed. Prince, would you like to send someone to the Liuli Palace?

This glass king looks low-key, but actually has ambitious ambitions. I guess he has already joined a certain prince.

It's just not our side.

The third prince Shengming, I actually think so too.

I think we still grab that Tan Yifei.

Since he has vengeance with Lin Xuan, we have to take advantage of it. And Tan Yifei's strength is not weaker than Lin Xuan and Bai Zijing.

Okay, Mr. Yu, please trouble you.

This matter, you do it. Be sure to pull Tan Yifei into my clan.

3. The prince smiled. He was very satisfied and convinced with Mr. Yu.

Liuli Palace.

King Liuli and the eighth prince left, it should be to discuss the specific matter of the princely dispute.

Lin Xuan is still in retreat and has not come out, fully absorbing the amount of lightning power.

However, the Liuli Palace welcomed two figures.

An elderly man in a white robe and a middle-aged man with a long beard.

The two were sent by the great prince, Tianhe Shangren and King Duobao.

Both of them are powerful and powerful, and they are surrounded by strong breath at the moment.

They stood above the sky, casting their souls, sweeping down,

Suddenly, the powerful soul power shrouded thousands of miles, everything below was captured by the two.

King Liuli is not here?

Heaven and the Master showed a hint of surprise, and he did not feel the breath of King Liuli.

On the other hand, King Duobao sneered. Since he was not there, there was nothing to talk about. Go straight and catch the kid named Lin!

OK ~ ~ Just do it.

The people on Tianhe also showed a faint smile.

Both of them are cruel, and as powerful as they are, they do not pay attention to Lin Xuan at all.

Maybe Lin Xuan could compete with them, but they shot together, and there was absolutely no chance for the other side to escape.

Where is that kid?

After looking around, Tian He frowned again, and he didn't even notice the other person's breath.

According to the news uploaded in the sword of Huashan, the opponent is a swordsman, and his breath is very sharp.

Is very recognizable.

However, the Tianhe people did not find it.

Let me do it.

With a wave of his palm, King Duobao immediately took out a silver mirror.

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