Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2050: The Golden Lion King!

If you drink this spirit tea for a long time, the benefits to the warriors will be huge.

Of course, most people can't afford to drink. It is estimated that only these princes and princesses can drink it.

Moreover, this year is too long, and it is estimated that there are only these elixir, which can grow for so long.

In addition, it is difficult for human warriors to live to this age.

At least the king cannot live at this level. Realm of Kings. It will live at most for three to four thousand years.

Further up. It won't work. Unless breakthrough. Enter the legendary sage.

In order to continue to extend life. Gain great power.

Otherwise, it is impossible to escape the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

Brother Lin, let me tell you about this Prince Edward dispute.

Next, the eighth prince introduced Lin Xuan's dispute to Lin Xuan.

Don't look at the honorable status of the 8th prince, but now, before he became a prince, his attitude was very kind.

Not only to Lin Xuan, but to all Tianjiao masters, he showed the appearance of Corporal Lixian.

Because he wants to become a prince, he must rely on these people.

The prince fight is all the princes fighting for the crown prince together.

This time, a total of fifteen princes participated in the dispute over the prince.

Among them, the great prince was the most powerful, followed by the third prince, followed by the eight prince.

Among them, the three princes are not too different in strength, and are ranked as the first echelon.

What remains is the second echelon, and the third echelon.

In the second echelon, the four princes, nine princes and fifteen princes are more powerful.

In the following, the eighth prince did not introduce, because those people did not pose any threat to him.

The princely dispute is divided into two levels.

In the first challenge, the young masters led by the fifteen princes competed for the original Yufu ace.

Win a game, get a piece of Yufu ace.

And some Yufu ace will enter the second level with the princes and masters.

The second level is also a scramble.

However, without any rules, as long as the jade aces have the most trump cards in the specified time, who is the last prince!

Therefore, which of these two levels is very important.

If you can collect a large number of Jade Rune Aces in the first level, then in the second level, it will be a lot easier.

Of course, both levels have restrictions.

The first level is the age limit. Participants must not exceed 300 years of age.

The second hurdle is repaired for restriction. Those who enter the second hurdle cannot be peerless.

In other words, everyone's cultivation must be below the Eight Star King.

Knowing this, Lin Xuan had a general understanding of the princely dispute.

At this time, the 8th Prince said again, Prince Lin, although you defeated Bai Zijing, don't take it lightly.

Because there are too many young masters in the hands of other princes.

You still have to be careful. There are a few people who are not weaker than Bai Zijing.

Rest assured, Prince 8. Now that I have promised you, I will definitely do my best! Lin Xuan nodded in a deep voice.

Next, the two enjoyed tea here.

On the other side, other princes have received secret news.

It is no secret that Lin Xuan entered the palace.

So all the princes received the news that Lin Xuan was invited by the eighth prince.

what? That kid was actually taken away by the old 8! After receiving the news, the three princes also looked dull.

Although he had expected it, when he was convinced of the news, he could not calm down.

After all, the strength shown by Lin Xuan is really a bit scary.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man, Mr. Yu, was shaking a fan, Shen Chan, and the three princes. Although this incident was unexpected, it was also under consideration.

Although the boy defeated Bai Zijing, but he wanted to completely surpass us, I am afraid it is not so easy!

In our hands, we have the domineering fist, the first sword, such a peerless arrogance.

He can't beat us!

That's right!

The third prince also calmed down, he sat down again, his eyes flickered, and he began to think about the future.

After receiving the news, the great prince was thunderous.

He was really mad because he didn't expect Lin Xuan to join the Eighth Prince.

This was unexpected to him.

Originally he wanted to kill each other, but now he is 8 yuan cheaper.

Grand Prince, what shall we do?

Those martial arts men are also frowning one by one, which is also not good news for them.

Huh, a six-star king cannot make a decisive factor!

At best he just gave us some pressure.

The great prince also calmed down and hummed coldly.

Indeed, he was born of a queen today, and there are many powerful geniuses in his hands.

Although there is one less white mirror, there are other peerless Tianjiao.

After asking my mother, did the person you invited arrive? Grand Prince Road.

He had been preparing for a long time. When Bai Zijing was forced to seal his sword, he asked his mother to find a mysterious and powerful race.

Let a genius out there help him.

Now counting the time, it should be almost fruitful.

It didn't take long for me to come back

And told the great prince that the man had arrived.

Really, invite him in!

The prince stood up and was very excited.

And those martial arts men under his control are also very confused. What kind of strong man can make the great prince take it so seriously?

Soon they saw it.

Because, a figure walked in.

It was a young man, wearing a golden battle armor, full of bright light, and a blond hair, which looked like the sun and was extremely dazzling.

With his footsteps, the void trembled quickly, as if cracking at any moment.

So powerful!

Who is he?

The other warriors in the hall were shocked and scalp tinged.

Because they felt that the qi and blood in their bodies trembled with it. This is really terrible.

Even those powers changed their face.

Great prince.

The young man in the gold armor looked at the front, nodded slightly, and did not salute.

However, the great prince was not angry ~ ~ but smiled.

He laughed, and the Golden Lion King really deserved its reputation.

what? The Golden Lion King?

What a weird name!

The other weak men were shocked, and one said, is it possible to be a monster?

They were really shocked, because the other person's body was filled with strong weather, like a peerless beast, making people tremble.

Even looking at it, my heart trembled and I couldn't control it.


Hearing this, the golden youth in front snorted suddenly, looking like a sharp sword, looking in one direction.

Suddenly, the warrior who had spoken before vomiting blood like a lightning strike directly hit the wall.

The walls of the palace were not damaged, but the void around it was innumerable cracks.

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