Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2077: doubt

This second pass lasted a long time, a full month. (@ ¥)!

Anything can happen this month.

Moreover, in this space, there are many powerful demon kings.

If you can tame it, you can use it for yourself.

That way, the benefits are huge.

Moreover, it can surprise others.

In addition to this, there are ancient cities, ancient ruins, and even the Lingyuan Dongfu.

Those places contain a lot of prohibitions, which are very dangerous.

But if you can break open and get the treasures inside, you may be able to improve.

It's not even possible to turn defeat into victory.

These people came in, in addition to madly fighting for the jade aces in the hands of other princes, they were searching for these ancient ruins.

The prince looked around, and then said, this way, this space is very large, and we have a lot of people.

I think we can be divided into three teams.

Among them, I lead a team, Long Dao leads a team, brother Lin, you lead a team.

Fourteen people, plus the eighth prince, have a total of fifteen people. They are divided into three teams of five each.

I heard that the eighth emperor and Long Dao each led a team. Those elder figures nodded slightly.

However, when they heard Lin Xuan led a team, they frowned slightly.

Because Lin Xuan is a young man.

Moreover, it is only the Six-Star King who is not powerful.

So, they are a little confused about this proposal.

The eighth prince laughed, everyone, don't worry, Brother Lin's strength is far above your imagination.

At the first level, he won all five games.

Even in the face of a peerless swordsman like the first sword, they all won.

Therefore, he has a team and is absolutely capable.

Hearing this, those strong players who have not seen the first level match took a breath and then started playing Lin Xuan again.

Alright, just divide it like this.

Longdao people also said.

Among them, Duan Qingqing followed the eighth prince. In addition, there were three older characters.

On the Long Taoist side, there are Liu Fei and the young man named Xu Wenshan, plus two strong men.

And Lin Xuan, besides being a young man himself, the others are old figures.

To be honest, although Lin Xuan is powerful, being led by such a young man, these older figures are still a little unhappy.

But the eighth prince said so, they are not easy to resist.

Now that the team is good, let's break up.

By the way, brother Lin, here is the three jewels of Jade Buddha, with which we can have a distant connection with us.

8 The prince gave Lin Xuan three pieces of Jade Buddha ace.

Among them, the eighth prince took six yuan and the dragon Taoist took five yuan.

With these Jade Rune Aces, they can make a slight connection.

At least, know the general direction of the opponent.

However, they cannot perceive specific information.

So let's take five days as the deadline. Five days later, we will meet here to see how much you have learned.

it is good!

Lin Xuan nodded, and the Long Taoist nodded slightly.

Subsequently, the three teams rushed out in three directions.

Don't look at them moving fast now, in fact, some things were already prepared before entering.

Everyone has a map in their hands. The map marks the space, where the dangerous areas are, where the monsters are, and where there are ancient ruins.

It can be said that in addition to areas that have not been visited, other areas have been mapped out by these people.

In addition, these people also have something to transmit signals. It is a small bell, but they can only pass the third message, and they need to re-cultivate.

Lin Xuan opened the map, looked in one direction, and then said, let's look into this area first.

The other seniors took a look, then frowned slightly.

There are monsters in this area.

Are you sure there is no danger going here?

Yeah little baby, although you are strong and valued by the Eighth Prince, but this experience is probably worse.

I think it's better to hear what older people say.

At this time, a middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

no need.

However, Lin Xuan shook his head and then put away the map.

Since the 8th prince gave me the team, then I have the right to decide the entire team.

I hope you will cooperate with me.

With that said, he took the lead, fluttered, and flew out.

Alas, too young to know the heights and heights.

At this moment, the middle-aged man shook his head, and the other old man was also Lengheng. Look at it, it is likely that there will be problems.

8 The prince asked a little boy to guide us, which is too childish.

Another old man also said that there is nothing, anyway, there are only five days, I believe he will have problems in these five days.

When we return, we will give advice to the eighth prince and change the captain.

These people discussed and followed up.

However, they obviously did not believe in Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's team has five people.

In addition to himself, there is a middle-aged person and a woman in red. In addition, there is an old man in black robe and an old man in blue robe.

These four people are all powerful, and they are all elites.

It can be said that it is very powerful and has great combat experience.

Therefore, for this young generation like Lin Xuan, they naturally have contempt in their hearts.

For the eyes of these people, Lin Xuan naturally knew what these people were thinking.

However, he didn't care.

He can lead these people because of his real strength.

So I believe that before long, these people will know why the eighth prince let him be the leader.

So the next moment, he turned, stepped a little, and quickly flew out.

Others could only shake their heads and sigh, and flew out as well.

This space is still different from the outside. Aura is more abundant than outside, but gravity is heavier than outside.

In other words, everyone's original cultivation for strength was suppressed here, only about 80% of the former.

But ~ ~ this is nothing to everyone.

Because the space here is for everyone, you suppress 80%, so do I.

Taken together, everyone is still the same.

But soon they found something wrong. Because they can't keep up with Lin Xuan's speed.

Suddenly, these strong and old figures frowned.

Damn, how could that be, how could this kid fly so fast?

Is he not affected by space suppression?

To be honest, they are really surprised.

Now they are 80% faster than before, it can be said that it is much slower than before.

However, the speed of the opponent was so fast that they far surpassed them.

This makes them unbelievable.

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