Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2409: madman!

The golden waves, and the rolling magic, covered the entire sky.

This scene attracted everyone's attention.

Damn, who the heck was my baby? is that you? The Twin Kings dominated, and immediately stared at a warrior.

This is also an old man, and immediately shook his head when he heard this.

However, the magical energy of the sky was instantly fluttered.

is that you?

They told another young man.

The young man snorted coldly and ignored him at all.

court death! Don't even answer! It seems you are suspicious!

The twin kings were furious. One of them waved the palm of their evil hand, and a black magical energy appeared, and they immediately moved forward.

The speed of this enchantment was fast and precise, and he came to the young man in an instant,


Everyone exclaimed, because the twin kings of Zhongzhou were too domineering, and they did not agree.


The young man's figure flickered, and he immediately avoided the terrible attack. The next moment, he looked forward, and his breath suddenly burst out.

A terrible breath rushed out, and that power was not weaker than the Twin Kings of Zhongzhou.

who are you? Feeling each other's breath, the twin kings frowned.

Taixuanmen, Taixuan Shengzi. A cold voice came.

The people around were exclaimed, but did not expect that the twin kings of Zhongzhou finally met a young saint.

I'm afraid there will be a shocking battle. Everyone was so excited,

The King of Twins in Zhongzhou also hummed, Taixuan Shengzi, so what? Hurry up and say, is there anything I stole from me?

Huh, do you think I'm scarce of your stuff? Taixuan Shengzi grunted coldly.

Did you steal it? I'll see if I see it! The wicked prodded a black demon claw and caught it.

Seeing this scene, Taixuan Shengzi was also angry, and the other party dare to shoot at him?

The next moment, with a wave of his palm, an amazing light lit up in the sky, like a shocking light, and rushed up.

For a split second, the black magic air was split.

Do n’t blame me for being polite to you! The cold voice of Taixuan Shengzi came.

you wanna die!

The evil son was angry, and the good son said heavily, "Stop it, brother, not him. He doesn't have the breath of that treasure."

Who is that?

is that you?

The wicked man looked in the other direction and reached out with the palm of his hand, but the next moment, the shocking sword rushed out like a mountain.

The two collided in the sky, emitting an amazing breath.

What, even someone blocked the attack of the Twin Kings of Zhongzhou! Who is this person? The next moment, they exclaimed, is the Son of Dayan.

not him. Shanzi shook his head.

Hearing this, the villain abandoned his opponent instantly.

The next moment, strike again.

Suddenly, a number of people came out, and everyone was exclaimed, and even exclaimed the whole world.

Wanlei Shengzi!

Saint Virgin!

Building Seven Princes!

Three Princes of Yin Shang!


Young Tianjiao appeared one by one and stood in the void, which directly distorted the entire void.

The eyes of these people were cold, and they looked at the Zhongzhou Twin Kings in front of them, and frowned.

Although the other party is powerful, it is too arrogant, and they even acted on these arrogant ones one after another. What does the other party want to do?

For a moment, the atmosphere was so solemn.

However, the Twin Kings of Zhongzhou ignored these people at all. Among them, Shan Zi's eyes burst into a sudden burst of light.

His eyes flickered, and he turned to look into the distance. There was a **** ship there, and then he said, brother, found it, just above the **** ship.

What, the **** ship?

Hearing this, the wicked light in the eyes of the evil child, like two dark sky knives, pierced the past directly.

The void in front of it broke open one by one, and the evil spirit on the evil man's body was soaring, and he hurled through the clouds, as if turning into a stunning demon king.


The twin kings of Zhongzhou fluttered and rushed to the past.

Want to get started? Standing in that direction is Son of the Thunder, seeing this scene, his face was gloomy,

Although the Zhongzhou Twin Kings are powerful, if the other party really wants to do something, he won't keep it.


The endless thunderous sea rushes in the body, and it seems to be a hand. However, soon he froze.

Because he found that the Twin Kings were fast and passed by in an instant.

It seems that it should not be attacking him.

So the next moment, he suddenly turned back and looked back.

He would have to see, who would the other party attack?

Not only him, but also the other princes and princes all looked around.

The strong around him were even more intent.

The next moment they exclaimed, it was the **** ship! They attacked the **** ship!

Is that organization calling itself Xiandian?

Everyone was shocked.

However, the Jiuxiao Emperor and the Five Elements Gate sneered.

Hum, see what to do with this fairy hall! I think I should be beaten down for a moment!

At that time, I'd like to see, what other faces dare to call Xiandian?

For a while, everyone was talking.

Above the black ship, Lin Xuan frowned, and Gui Li and Hu Yidao screamed coldly, and the breath on them suddenly erupted.

Damn guy, stop me!

The ghost waved his palm, and took out the bone-wrapped urn.


The endless grievances screamed, and the entire space became a ghost world ~ ~ Hear everyone's scalp,

Hu Yidao, on the other hand, split three swords. The terrible knife light tore the void and cut it forward in a fan shape.

Hum, dare to stop my way, I really don't know how to die!

The wicked man sang a cold voice, raised his hand and waved, and the sickle of death was cut forward.

The kind child on the side also urged the Tianbao Falun in his hand, and the radiant light waved out, dancing like a golden galaxy in the air.

Boom boom!

In the sky, a fierce collision sounded, and terrible energy exploded, sweeping around.

After the blow, Gui Li and Hu kept backing, and the blood in their bodies rolled.

The Zhongzhou Twin Kings only slowed down a bit, but still flew forward.

This blow immediately distinguished Gaoxia.

Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed.

I have to say that the Twin Kings are too powerful, because no matter it is Gui Li or Hu Yidao, they have shown great strength before.

Definitely young top Tianjiao.

But now, the two teamed up and couldn't stop the Twin Kings! One can imagine, to what extent are the twin kings horrified?

damn it!

Seeing this scene, Gui Li's face was gloomy, and the next moment, a cold light appeared in his eyes.



The black robe on his body was suddenly agitated, and a powerful and terrifying force broke out from him.

The whole person seems to become a ghost king.

Feeling this breath, the evil boy also changed his face, but he still hummed, dare to compare his breath with me?

The kind guy on the side shook his head slightly, no, brother, this is not magic, but ghost,

He cultivates ghost ways, so be careful, don't get entangled by those evil spirits, and have nightmares in the evening.

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