Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2420: Daxia royalty!


There is a peerless figure, a five-element mountain burst out of his body, blocking the front.

At the foot of the elder, a 5-color sword light was formed, and all the people in the Five Elements Palace disappeared into the sky instantly.

Damn boy, you wait, this thing is not over! The people of the Five Elements Palace only left such a sentence, and there was a large blood and body.

Hum, you can run fast, otherwise next time, it will definitely make you all slam! Lin Xuan looked into the distance and hummed coldly.

The other party dared to attack him. He decided to see no one in the Five Elements Palace again.

In the sky, the terrible energy storm disappeared, and a horrible black hole appeared in front of it, reaching the depths of the earth, not low.

Everyone around was stunned, and the Five Elements Palace was also run away?

This kid is too scary!


When they appeared, they confronted the two holy places, which left everyone wondering what to say.

Moreover, in this way, the people in the Five Elements Palace were not badly injured, and many disciples were even killed.

This is absolutely a shocking event!


Just as the crowds appeared, a golden robe appeared in the sky, and then waved gently.

Around, all remaining storms dissipated.

I saw a sound from among the beasts below.

Everyone, we are here to explore the ancient tombs, why bother to fight.

This is the strong man who shook the Holy Land! The crowd was shocked, but the big man who shook the Holy Land spoke.

Not only to shake the light, in the sky, an elder of the Ye family also said Shen Sheng, yeah, I think it's time to start cracking the ancient tomb.


An old woman in Yaochi Holy Land nodded,

agree. The elders of the Holy Land in the beginning of the year also blinked.

At this moment, the strong of the major families came one after another.

Lin Xuan and others also paid attention.

The elder of the Ye family said, I think we will work together to break the seals outside, and after entering the tomb, we will fight for each other's strength.



Everyone agrees, after all, fighting outside is not good.

And this is the ancient tomb of the saint, the seal must be terrible to want to come.

It is still more reliable to break it with a hand.

Okay, so let's discuss it. The elders of the Ye family came out.

He was followed by many disciples of the Ye family.

On the other side, the elder who shook the Holy Land also rose into the air.

People from other holy places in the family are all coming. For a moment, countless rays of light shone in the sky.

This is the Daxia dynasty. If you want to come to the Daxia royal family, you should first explore it. It would be better to tell us the information.

How about we develop a response?

I heard that many people turned around and looked in one direction.

Many people there wore yellow robes, painted with dragons and claws.

One of them, Jianmei Xingmu, was very handsome, and a white robe set him up like a fairy.

He is Daxia Prince.

There are many royal elders around him.

At this moment, a gray-haired royal elder shook his body and came to the sky.

He said aloud, everyone, we did a lot of exploration.

The saint's ancient tomb is very large, and it is currently displayed for hundreds of thousands of miles. But according to our estimates, the entire tomb must be several million miles.

So big! The crowd was shocked, but they were relieved to think about it, after all, it was the tomb of the saint.

From the tens of thousands of miles currently found, we found three places to enter. However, there are too many formation seals in it, and we can't just mix them up.

According to our observations and speculations, one of the three is the weakest. But even so, it requires a hundred masters who are proficient in the formation method, and they must break away for a month in order to tear the formation method apart.

Hearing this, everyone took a breath, and it turned out to be the ancient tomb of the saint, which was too scary.

Without further ado, let's start.

After hearing the elders of the Ye family, his eyes flickered.

Soon, major sacred places, Quedai, and families all sent their family's masters to prepare and join forces to destroy them.

Lin Xuan also sent two.

An Elder Li and a middle-aged deacon.

Of course, this is not to say that they only have these two people, but that they do not have to reveal all their hole cards.

If you want to come to other holy places and religions, you should do the same.

After all, each force sends one or two, and unites together to form a very terrible group.

It should be possible to crack it.

The elders of the Daxia dynasty said that they needed a hundred people, but they gathered 150 masters.

It seems that everyone hopes to crack it soon.

Seeing this, Elder Da Xia nodded, and then said, everyone, please follow me.


They flew away,

After flying for a while, Elder Daxia fluttered in shape and landed downward. When everyone saw this scene, they followed the landing.

Below is a canyon. There are more than ten thousand miles. At this moment the elders of Daxia have entered this canyon.

150 array masters entered together. Others landed around the canyon to watch.

Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon also followed.

The two of them looked to the side and frowned. Because they do feel a wave of formations,

Very vague, but with a hint of horror.


Elder Da Xia landed under the canyon, and with a wave of his palm, all the vines on the mountain walls were suddenly removed, exposing the entire three walls.

Then everyone was shocked.

Because they found that the mountain wall was full of dense runes, just like the astronomical, very mysterious.

Everyone talked around because they couldn't understand it.

Those virgins and twins are also gleaming.

Below, one hundred and fifty formation masters saw the mysterious runes and discussed them quickly.

They frowned one by one, and it turned out that the formation was very mysterious.

No wonder the Daxia dynasty didn't do it. It is estimated that even if the Daxia dynasty did it, it wouldn't be solved for a while.

This seems to be a kind of text.

An array master of the Ye family frowned.

Word, do you mean these runes are words?

The others were surprised, one by one,

They know that ~ ~ Ye family is an ancient family, and there must be an ancient tradition in the family.

This is beyond ordinary families.

So at this moment, everyone is shocked.

Among them, the elders of Yaochi Holy Land asked, what was said above?

Since it is written, it must be a record.

However, Ye's parents shook their heads and knew only a few of them.

When they heard this, everyone sighed and looked disappointed.

But then they were relieved.

They are all masters of timeless teachings, peerless holy places, and even they ca n’t understand them. It is conceivable that even if they are written, they should also be very old and long-standing texts.

Such words are very rare, and the Ye family can recognize a few words, which is already very bad.

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