Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2480: Beheaded!

The Tianjiao Wangtong of the Ming and Yang religion finally changed his face.

He did not expect that the other party really dared to do it.

The next moment, his face was gloomy, **** boy, do you want to go to war with the Yin and Yang religion?

You ca n’t represent Yin and Yang religion!

Lin Xuan's voice was cold, a sword split, and a terrible breath swept across nine days, as if an ancient Warcraft, revived in the sky.

The sky's sword light drowned the entire space.

damn it! Get me out!

That arrogant yin and yang religion, Wang Tong also roared. He is also a Tianjiao-level figure, with great strength.


His hands were printed, and the yin and yang of his body quickly merged to form a picture of yin and yang, rotating in front of him.


噗 ~

The sound of chirp sounded, and the sword was chopped on the yin and yang map. But soon, the yin and yang figure was split by a sword.

Wang Tong vomited blood and flew out.

His arms were broken directly.

He stepped back, while Lin Xuan stepped into a dragon and rushed over.

The right hand is like a big hand covering the sky, and is photographed wildly.

Click! Click!

The palms haven't fallen yet, just the aftermath of that energy still breaks the void around Wang Tong.

The black and white spirit of Wang Tong's body also kept rolling.

He was scared to scream, and quickly put on a set of armor, while hitting a yin and yang shield, blocking in front of him.

It was another earth-shattering blow, the yin and yang shields and the battle armor were broken, and Wang Tong's Son hit the ground, as if an earthquake had occurred, shaking the sky.

All the bones on him were broken.

The qi and blood in his body rolled, and his internal organs were affected, causing him to vomit blood.


Wang Tong roared madly, and the yin and yang air rushed into the sky like two black and white dragons.

Non-stop growling.

His broken bones recovered instantly.

He was wearing a shawl, and his eyes became extremely red. Damn boy, I want to kill you!

I must kill you!

He looked sullen and murderous.

Want to kill me? See if you have this qualification! Lin Xuan raised the ancient sword of Long Yuan.

Yin and Yang cut, die for me!

Wang Tong's hands quickly sealed the seal, and the yin and yang of his body were constantly fused, forming a huge long knife, which was cut down into the sky.

On this side, Lin Xuan also wields the ancient sword and casts the five elements.

A shocking collision sounded, and within the body of Lin Xuan, the dragon dragon soul roared, and the fighting force soared rapidly.

One sword broke the yin and yang sword, and the second sword shrouded Wang Tong.

When the sky's sword qi disappeared, Wang Tong's body appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone around was stunned, because Wang Tong, fifteen powerful sword lights, penetrated his body, nailed him to the void.

Dead, the arrogant yin and yang religion of Tianjiao was so easily beheaded!

This makes them unbelievable.

Lin Xuan is like a demon. He asks coldly, who else wants to shoot at me? Come now!

I can guarantee that your end is absolutely terrible compared to him!

Hearing this voice, those people's scalp was numb, and even the **** bull of Jiuxiao Shengzi and Demon Emperor's Hall was dull and did not say a word.


Wuhua chanted the Dharma in the back, but said nothing, because these people asked for it.

OK, since you have nothing to say, do what I say. Headed by me, we broke this formation together.

Then, Lin Xuan took back the ancient sword.

Others thought for a long time, all came forward silently, ready to cooperate with Lin Xuan.

Jiuxiao Shengzi snorted, and those who took the Jiuxiao Holy Land also approached.

On the other side, the people in the Yaohuang Hall also went up.

Although Lin Xuan killed their people mercilessly before, they now have to cooperate with each other.

Lin Xuan began to crack the gossip array under her feet. In other places, weird scenes happened.

The previous Bronze Ding, the head of 99 Invincible King, caused everyone to teleport randomly.

Some people teleported together, but most of them were scattered.

Xing Tian, ​​Elder Li and others were also teleported.

The Dark Red Divine Dragon was also teleported to a place.

Damn it, this snake crawler, catch it! Plucked it!

Near the dark red dragon, several roars sounded.


Several figures rushed over, this is the power of the Tai Dynasty.

They also teleported nearby,

At this moment, these people's eyes were like electricity, staring at the dark red dragon. Because they recognized that this was the snake crawling beside Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan, they can't clean it up for the time being, but can this snake climber, they can kill it first, and make it into a snake corpse, a regretful hatred.

Boom boom!

Destroy the big palm.

Furious three swords.

Lightning sword!

A terrible attack came, covering the dark red dragon.

Then they laughed, **** snake crawling, making you arrogant again, letting you follow that kid!

Now, know the retribution!

Not only you, everyone around that kid, we will kill!

Tai dynasty, the prince's side, sneer crazy.

But the next moment, they opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

damn it! how is this possible!

dream! I must be dreaming!

damn it! I hit illusion!

They roared wildly, the light shining on them, trying to restore their consciousness.

Because they found that under their shocking attack, the other party had nothing at all.

Not even a little wound was received.

This makes them unbelievable.

The Dark Red Dragon spit and spit, so it hurts!

Damn, you dare to shoot at the emperor, you have committed an unforgivable sin!

As he said, he waved the dragon claws, the terrible dragon shadow never shrouded the three above him.

Damn, get out of me!

The three powerful Taiyi dynasties roared and fought. An earth-shattering battle began.

The bigger and bigger they were, because they found that the snake crawling in front of them was really terrifying.

Each hit made their arms numb and their blood rolled.

Within a few strokes, they were injured.

However, their attacks hit the other side, only to make the other side grin and scream in madness.

But there were no scars at all.

Let them have the urge to vomit blood!

Sure enough, after several hundred moves, a king was shot to the ground ~ ~ and then covered by the formation method.

After another hundred strokes, the second strong was also seriously injured. Another formation covered him.

Not long after, the third Taiyi dynasty was also overpowered.

The three were sealed, lying on the ground, screaming wildly, **** snake crawling, there is a kind of you who killed us!

Otherwise, you are dead!

That is, I am too numerous in the dynasty. Do you think you can compete?

What a fuck! Now in my hands, dare to be so arrogant? The dark red Shenlong gave Samba one by one, and the powerful men of these dynasties beat Venus with their eyes.

Their faces shattered in a split second, their teeth fluttered, but soon they recovered.

After all, hitting them to the point, this injury is nothing at all.

But this way of beating their face made them intolerable.

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