Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2540: Heaven and Earth 1 Qinglian!

They were severely suppressed.

Damn it! It's too damn!

Why should we aim at us, the blood of the demon tribe also flows in our body!

The strong men roared, they really couldn't understand.

Why does the formation method specifically target them?

Yan Ruyu and Huo Tiandu are dull.

Damn it, bloodline! They come for our blood! Huotian gritted her teeth and quickly protected Ruyu, so she must not be injured.

These strong men in the Demon Emperor's Hall were also red-eyed, and they were frantically protecting Yan Ruyu.

Resist the attack of two Bloodwing Bat Kings.

No way, they will listen to Huo Tiandu's order.

Furthermore, Yan Ruyu ’s identity is so special that it is of great significance not only to their demon emperor palace but also to the entire demon clan.

There must be no loss at all.


Two blood-winged bat kings, with strange green light in their eyes, stared at Yan Ruyu deadly.


The cold roar came, yes, their goal was indeed Yan Ruyu.

Of course, those people will not let go.

Want my blood? Humph! What a great idea!

Yan Ruyu Lengheng, she couldn't think of this tomb, these guardians would attack her.

Could it be possible that the old demon Gu Sheng who was dead was fighting her idea?

But how many years has it taken? Didn't the other person die long ago?

Yan Ruyu's body was surrounded by blue light, like a clear lotus, covering her completely.

Peng Peng Peng!

Qinglian's virtual shadow was very large, like a fairy owl dancing in the air, turning into a rainbow, and swept out.

With a slam, one of the Bloodwing Bat Kings exploded.

Bloodwing Bat King smashed into the void, quitting directly and retreating far away, turning over countless times before stopping.

But the next moment, it screamed and killed him.

The two Bloodwing Bat Kings attacked wildly, they waved their wings, sharpened their teeth, and kept biting Qinglian's shadow.

Qinglian's virtual shadow was bitten and torn apart, it will break at any time, but it will recover in an instant.

Endless, as if immortal.

Blocked the attack of two large Bloodwing Bat King. This scene shocked everyone.

God, why is this Yan Ruyu so scary, she can resist two blood-stained bat kings alone,

how is this possible! Could it be her strength, far beyond the Son? These people are crazy.

Ye Wudao, Shaoguang Shengzi, Daoyi Shengzi, Daxia Prince, Zhongzhou Twin Kings, etc., have dignified looks.

They felt a tremendous pressure, and someone surpassed them.

Huh, that's impossible! It must be the super hole card that little girl has. Otherwise, she cannot live against it.

Zhongzhou twins Wang Lengheng, and the sage-giving prince also blinked his eyes: her blue lotus is a terrible ghost, and it is definitely a treasure of respect.

Ye Wudao didn't say anything, he gave a cold drink, the Golden Spirit Realm opened, killed 4 parties, and directly killed the Bloodwing Bat King.

For a moment, the power of the Eucharist was revealed, shaking the earth, and fighting with Bloodwing Bat King.

Lin Xuan and others also struggled to fight back. However, Lin Xuan did not show his full combat effectiveness.

He has been building up strength.

Who knows if there is anything more frightening after these Bloodwing Bat Kings?

Keep yourself now, that's it.

The side of their fairy temple can still support it for the time being.

Shen Jingqiu and Murong were not in danger. In the distance, Yan Ruyu displayed a powerful ghost image of Qinglian, temporarily relieved the crisis.

All this made Lin Xuan relieved.

Xun Zilong, hurry up and see if he can break this formation.

At the same time, Lin Xuan opened the heavenly **** pupil and wanted to control one of the blood bat kings.

However, his pupil was rebounded in an instant.

Even more, there was a stronger fear of backwashing, and he was rushing towards him, very bloody, trying to devour his soul.

Burning soul.

Lin Xuan opened the Soul Burning Mystery for a moment, burning the **** cold power.

damn it!

There is something mysterious in these Bloodwing Bat Kings!

He guessed that it should be a dow pattern or the like. Otherwise, it cannot be so powerful that it can resist his heavenly **** pupil.


The battle situation ahead changed again. The body of the three Bloodwing Bat Kings suddenly skyrocketed, and blood-colored lines appeared on their bodies.

The people in the demon emperor's palace changed their faces instantly, and they felt that the blood in their body was losing rapidly.

not good! They want to forcibly take away our blood! The power of these demon emperor palaces changed greatly.

Damn, this is the talent of Bat King, they turned on the blood!

Quickly start our own!

Innumerable roars came, and the people in the hall of the demon emperor hurriedly opened their blood and resisted.

Bloodwing Bat King, in ancient times, the world is alien and very terrible.

In addition to their own fierceness, the power of their blood is terrible, which can directly deprive other people's blood.

These means are weird and invincible.

For a while, the people in the Demon King's Hall screamed again and again, Huo Tian hit purple beads and kept zooming in, like a purple sun, to settle the sky and resist.

On Yan Ruyu's side, the green lotus virtual shadow on her body was also enlarged and transformed into a tree of heaven and earth, covering all the people in the hall of the demon emperor.

On this side, the five Bloodwing Bat Kings also started to deprive magical powers, forcibly depriving the blood of these warriors.

The young warriors screamed again and again, their faces pale, countless blood rushing out of them, forming a river and flying into the sky.

The five Bloodwing Bat Kings were devoured madly, and many of them were weak, and they were directly turned into human skin, and blood was taken away from them.


The side of Xiandian was also impacted.

The disciples of Xiandian shouted again and again. Their armor, the realm of kings, did not work at this moment.

Seeing that they were going to be drained into dry corpses ~ ~ At this time, Lin Xuan gave a cold drink, Dalong Sword Spirit!

In the spirit realm, countless dragon-shaped swords flew out of the air and chopped into the sky.

Boom boom!

Between heaven and earth, countless fissures appeared, and the blood of the sky went back, and those warriors in the immortal hall were exclaimed.


They have a feeling for the rest of their lives after the festival.

Seeing this scene, the other saints and virgins followed suit.

They cut the void and wanted to stop it.

However, few people succeed. They cut off this connection at all.

Damn, how could that kid be cut off? Is there anything special about his sword spirit? The saints and virgins around me, wondering.

Where do they know that the Great Dragon Soul and the Soul are invincible, and everything is cut off. Depriving magical powers can also be cut off.

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