Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2553: Demon face

The disciples of Yin and Yang religion are so excited because Lin Xuan's horror made them desperate.

Now that their Son is able to suppress such a powerful enemy, this is definitely a very exciting thing for them.

The Taiyi Dynasty, the Five Elements Palace, the Jiuxiao Holy Land, and the Wanlei Holy Land were also excited,

Even if they can't kill each other, if they can see the other person fall into eighteen layers of **** with their own eyes, this will make them extremely excited.

They know that the eighteen layers of **** are terrible. Once they enter, it is not something that they can die if they want to die.

Will be subject to the cruelest criminal law in the world,

Absolutely let the human body know, what is better to die?

Murong fell into the city, and Shen Jingqiu was worried again, and they couldn't help but want to shoot.

Lin Xuan also felt the great crisis, he felt that the vitality in his body was being deprived.

His Shouyuan is losing, this phenomenon seems to be similar to the deprived blood magic of Bat King,

However, it is far more terrible than the deprived magical power.

Because he is deprived of life and life.

The blood is gone, and it can be regenerated. If the life span is gone, it really won't come back.

So he didn't dare to care.

With a cold drink, the dragon dragon soul in the body erupted, and the dragon-shaped sword sword vanished, killing the surrounding death forces.

Suddenly, he felt that the vitality in his body was no longer lost.

This gave him a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Great Dragon Soul can also kill the power of death.

what happened? what happened?

The yin and yang stunned for a moment, as the shooter, he was most shocked.

Before that, he saw Lin Xuan's face turned pale, with a sloppy smile on the corner of his mouth, and he knew that the other side couldn't resist its death force.

But for a moment, I stopped for convenience.

The other's face was no longer pale, and it seemed that the vitality in his body was not lost.

But how is this possible!

Is it possible that the power of death has failed?

What a joke!

The power of his death can absolutely deprive him of everything, which is even more terrible than Bat King.

Didn't you see the sages and virgins all around?

Have to be careful of defense.

It is conceivable that being shrouded in the power of death is absolutely terrible.

Damn, what's going on?

Could it be possible, what secret law did the boy perform?

Yin Yang Shengzi's face was gloomy. He knew that it was not realistic to kill each other like this.

After all, the opponent as the Lord of the Immortal Palace must have a lot of cards in his hand.

But what about that!

He didn't believe that the opponent's land cards could resist his death!

Thinking of this, a gloom appeared in his eyes, once again exerting a powerful force, poured into the eighteenth layer of hell.

Moreover, he took out two secret elixir from the storage ring and swallowed it, causing the spiritual power in his body to erupt instantly, just like the ocean.

Roar Roar!

Sure enough, after swallowing the secret elixir, the eighteen levels of **** became even more weird.

The eighteen demonic faces are so horrible that the power of death erupts,

This made Lin Xuan in crisis.

Absorb power?

Let you absorb enough!

Lin Xuan snorted, and a dragon-shaped sword rushed out of him, rushing down.

Useless, don't struggle, nothing can resist the power of death.

Yin Yang Shengzi sneered, Lin Xuan did not answer him.

This time he didn't cut the power of death at all, but continued to explode.

The great dragon sword soul erupted, and a terrible force swept the world.

Like the ocean and the sea, take a big picture,

The surrounding void quickly collapsed, and one black hole after another appeared, so that everyone couldn't see at all. What happened inside?

Eighteen layers of **** below, eighteen demon faces, showing a greedy look, they have never encountered such a powerful vitality,

Such a powerful force.

They devoured insanely, as if begging for a long time, begging for delicious food again.

Indeed, to them, the Dragon Soul of the Dragon is delicious food that can make up for their greed.

But after absorbing for a while, eighteen grimace eyes widened and shocked.

Damn it, stop!

Enough, they're full, they can't take it anymore,

Although their yin power can devour everything, but they have a limit.

After all, they were summoned by the yin and yang sons, but not by the yin and yang priests.

The yin and yang son is strong, but it is just the pride of the younger generation.

Therefore, the power they devoured is also very limited.

But now they have swallowed enough vitality and enough power.

However, the vitality and power from above still flowed endlessly.

Make them unable to swallow at all.

However, as attributes of death force, they cannot stop,

In addition, the yin and yang saints are also crazy, desperate to show.

Therefore, these eighteen human faces are getting more and more inflated, and the entire eighteen layers of **** have become inflated, as if they have become balloons.

Woohoo ~ Boom!

Finally, when a limit was reached, there was a huge explosion.

The eighteenth layer of **** exploded and was torn apart, and the demon's grimace inside disappeared in a flash.

Boom boom!

This power is really terrible. After all, as the power of death, the eighteen layers of **** condensed out are extremely powerful.

Moreover, they also absorbed the endless power of the Dragon Soul.

So this explosion is extremely scary,

A huge fissure emerged from the sky, spreading in all directions.

The sky was shaking, everyone was shaken back, the weak strength vomited blood, and was stunned.

The strong ones have also propped up the realm of the king and carried out defense.

The whole hall shook, the sky shook, as if to be destroyed.

Damn, what happened?

Could it be possible, did the boy fight back?


The kid couldn't beat the eighteenth **** at all, could he be swallowed and refined?

Exclaimed screams sounded, but the yin and yang saint vomited blood and flew out.

This time, he was severely backswept. Three cracks appeared on the whole person, almost splitting his body into pieces.

His face became paler, without a trace of blood, and his eyes were dull.

No way, his lore eliminator was destroyed, and he was hit hard.


The yin and yang people saw this and screamed.

They flew out madly, catching the yin and yang sons, and taking all kinds of natural treasures.

what happened?

what happened? Why would the Son be injured?

Oh my **** ~ ~ Isn't that kid fighting back?

Damn, did the kid use the power of the saint?


Exclaiming screams and screams, they really did not understand, what happened?

The Taiyi dynasty, the twin kings of Zhongzhou, the Five Elements Palace, and Wanlei Holy Land were also stunned.

They were equally surprised, and their expressions became extremely dumbfounded.

They came to the yin and yang sons and asked quickly, brother yin and yang, what happened?

Could it be that you failed?

Is that kid already strong enough? Exclaimed exclaimed.

Yin and Yang Shengzi gritted his teeth, his black hair spread out, as if a demon, yelling madly.

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