Inverse Sword God

: 2565th Opportunity for the Twin Kings!

? Boy, we have the previous experience and have protected the soul long ago, you can't break our soul protector at all.

I have no soul attack, this time I see what you do! The twin kings of Zhongzhou sneered, and they quickly killed him.

I really did, and everyone around me saw this scene with great exclaim.

Alas, without this soul attack, the boy's strength has been greatly reduced. He is not the opponent of the Twin Kings of Zhongzhou at all.

This is for sure, look at it, this time he is absolutely dead.

I sneered around.

Lin Linxuan snorted. The other side was so naive. Did he really think that his strength was diminished without his soul power?

What a joke!

Soul power is only his hole card, and his true strength is not what these people can imagine?

The next moment, he waved the ancient sword, three runes were untied, and a shocking sword flashed out.


Today's collision sounded, the sky was falling apart, and the terrible force shattered the Quartet.

Even more, Zhongzhou twins Wang Hongfei went out.

what! Zhongzhou Zhuang Twin Kings were bombed!

how can that be!

Everyone was stunned, which was completely different from what they expected,

他们 In their opinion, Lin Xuan has no soul power and is not an opponent of the Twin Kings at all.

But now, the other party is still very strong, directly split the Twin Kings of Zhongzhou.

The Zhongzhou Twin Kings are also stunned, their brains are blank,

I stayed back for a long time before they stopped.

Damn, how could this kid's strength be so powerful?

Brother Yun, don't care, this boy must have gotten some chance in this ancient tomb, so that Xiu was promoted.

So, can such power erupt?

Yun Shanzi said in a deep voice.

The wicked boy will sing in the magic of anime days, and snorting, **** it, this boy is really lucky!

I can make him break through!

But how about that, do you really think we have no chance?

让 Let him see it today, we are great!

Lang Zhongzhou twins Wang Ning laughed. Instead of attacking, they stopped in mid-air.

Soon, the light on them flickered, and they took something out of the storage ring.

That is a stone lettering platter. Unusually old with cracks on it,

Even, one third of the corners, the direct fracture disappeared.

Obviously, this is not complete,

Can't beat the twin kings of Zhongzhou, but they were careful and excitedly held in their hands,

It seems that the preciousness of this solid stone plate is still beyond their imagination.

Boy, let me see you next, our chance!

The two of them laughed, waved their palms, and poured their power on the stone plate.

Suddenly, the stone plate trembled, and the lines above lit up quickly, very mysterious.

符 Each rune floated out and spun above them.


The sound of bewilderment sounded, and among the runes of the sky, a tall figure came out.

This is a stone man, two meters tall, full of rock texture,

However, it was full of cracks, and even disappeared to a third.

Obviously, the damage is the same as that of the stone plate.

石 This stone man was summoned by the stone plate.


Seeing this, everyone was stunned. What is this?

I heard the tone, it seems that the twins of Zhongzhou got the treasure in this saint's tomb.

But, what use is this stone man? Attack?

Or public?

Tatars talked a lot, but soon they knew.

The stone man should be an attacking puppet, because in the sky, the tall stone man was shaking, and directly broke the void, and immediately came to Lin Xuan.


Rock shot with a big hand, forming one after another terrible black holes, completely covering Lin Xuan.

Zhe Linxuan's body was shaking, and she fled away instantly, at the same time, a sword fell on the stone man.


The sound of Zhengzheng sounded, and the fire flew, but the stone man was not damaged.

I just stepped back a few steps, growled again, and killed.

Good tough defense.

Everyone exclaimed, how terrible Lin Xuan's swordsmanship was, they saw it.

Xi Yijian split the yin and yang son directly into two.

I am afraid that even if the top prince sees this sword, he will have a headache.

But, this stone man in front of me. Actually resisted a sword without any harm.

It was unexpected!

Hey baby, this is definitely a shocking baby.

This defense is even more terrifying than the Heavenly Order Protector.

No wonder before, the Twin Kings of Zhongzhou were so excited.

This is definitely a fortune, and the other party's luck is so good. It can find such a treasure in the saint's tomb.

Talking loudly and exclaiming, it was clear that the defense of this stone man did indeed exceed their expectations.

Lin Linxuan frowned, and her face became gloomy.

I ’m so terribly defensive. His swordsmanship is the clearest of his own. If this sword goes on, he will not dare to resist it.

The Yan Shiren resisted, no wonder the Zhongzhou Twin Kings were so confident.

Boy, see, in front of our chance. Your chance is nothing at all!

On talent, you are better than us. On chance, you are not our opponent.

So you can die in peace.

is it? Lin Xuan sneered, but your self-confidence was overdone, and your proud chance was nothing in front of me.

Pouting guy, who do you think you are?

石 The defense of this stone man is far above your imagination,

You can't break it!

Twins Wang Lengheng, with a strong disdain in their eyes, because before they had experimented, even they could not break,

Unless you use a super hole card, it is possible to kill it.

So, he doesn't believe that the other party can simply break.

Zhe Linxuan didn't say anything, but reached out and caught a few black bugs.

Go ahead, it's time to show your strength.

Zhe Linxuan caught five bugs and threw them out. These bugs flew in the sky and rushed towards the stone man.

For a moment, it fell on the honest person,

What is this?

The people around you are stunned first, how many bugs does the other side bring out?

Are you kidding me, is he an idiot?

A few bugs can kill such a terrible stone man?

They don't believe it at all.

Huang Zhongzhou's twin king also sneered, boy, it seems that you are really dead.

If that's the case, let me solve you!

They control the stone plate again ~ ~ to make the stone people attack crazy.

However, soon the stone man stopped in the sky, because a small stone fell from them.

Although small, it still caught everyone's attention.

Especially the twin kings of Zhongzhou, their pupils shrank.

What the **** is going on? What happened?

The **** was shocked.

He Shanzi said that his brother is assured that it is something else.

怎么 How could this stone man be damaged?

He said the same thing, the evil boy recovered his face and snorted again.

However, it wasn't long before a few small stones fell down, and the stone man in front moved slowly.

Even, a crack appeared on them, a crack that should not have appeared.

Damn, Shiren was injured.

This time, not only the twin kings, but also the other powerful saints, also saw this scene.

They're cyanotic, what's going on? Such a powerful stone man, peerless sword spirit, can not be broken.

At this moment, it is broken?

Damn it has something to do with that bug!

What kind of bug is that? It was so terrible! They were puzzled.

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