Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2620: Lord of the Old Hall!

There were only a few of them in the hall.

Made so mysterious? Lin Xuan wondered, but the dark red dragon was surprised, and I said, shouldn't it be for you?

That's right, it was indeed obtained by our Xiandian, but it was not our hand, but the master of the old temple.

what! Lord of the old temple, is he a saint?

Lin Xuan and the Dark Red Dragon are very surprised, especially Lin Xuan,

He has seen Xia Jiuyou.

At that time, he felt that this old man was terrifying. In his opinion, it should be the invincible king of the level of the Holy Bishop.

But where did he know, he also underestimated the other party.

The other party turned out to be a saint! A living saint!

With one slap, you can shoot the existence of the semi-sacred!

Heaven, this is more horrible than the Lord.

The Dark Red Dragon is also stunned, but he knows exactly what a saint is.

Unexpectedly, the owner of this old temple turned out to be a saint.

No wonder, Xiandian is so powerful, it still has this kind of heritage!

The 6 major protection laws said, Dian Lord, this matter must be kept secret, and you must not say it.

The matter is related to the major holy places, the great religion.

Other saints in the Holy Land have also appeared. If the news leaks, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble.

In the event of a war between the saints, it would not be good.

Rest assured, the two of us will never say it. Lin Xuan nodded.

Since Yuhua Xianyi was obtained by our Xiandian, that's really good.

Because he is now the person of Xiandian, and the master of Xiandian.

The stronger the Xiandian, the more it will benefit him.

Lin Xuan and the dark red dragon rejoiced, but also relieved.

Fortunately, after returning from Heima Cliff, they returned to Xiandian.

If they hang out outside, it may be dangerous. After all, it is very turbulent, and many invincible kings are in action.

In case they meet the Yin Yang religion, those invincible kings of the Taiyi dynasty, it is really very dangerous.

Therefore, during this time, Lin Xuan hurriedly retreat.

In the future, he will cultivate the Jiuyang deity. In addition, he also needs to practice some of the magical powers of Heavenly Order.

In this way, Lin Xuan closed again.

This retreat is five years.

In the past five years, Lin Xuan has exhausted all the natural materials and treasures in his hand, and even he used many natural materials and treasures in the treasure house of Xiandian to exercise.

Now that he has just touched the threshold of the first floor, he has to say that the Jiuyang Deity is too difficult to practice.

This is the master of Xiandian who can use this huge treasure house resources at any time to practice this step.

If you want to change to another person, there is no possibility of cultivation.

Not to mention, every day you have to endure the fire of hell, the pain is definitely not imaginable.

Furthermore, the huge consumption of resources is terrible.

No one can bear it at all. I am afraid that only the Prince and the Son can be qualified to practice.

However, Lin Xuan's gains in the past five years are also huge.

His physique and defense were absolutely domineering.

For ordinary attacks, he doesn't need to dodge at all, because he can't break his defense at all, and can't do any harm to him.

Now, even if he meets the Invincible King, he can still fight one or two.

Because of his defense, he has become too powerful.

This was something he couldn't imagine before.

This is just just the first layer. If the first layer is to be completed, it is estimated that his physique and defense power will increase exponentially again.

Lin Xuan did not continue to practice, and once he felt that in the past five years of cultivation, he had reached a bottleneck.

He wanted to go out for a walk.

And he estimates that the outside world has almost subsided in the past five years.

Those who want to come to saints and invincible kings will return.

So this day, Lin Xuan went out of customs.

When Lin Xuan came out, all the people from Xiandian came and met.

In these five years of retreat, they heard screams from the Star Hall from time to time.

That scream came from their owner.

They don't know, what happened?

Even once, Xing Tian wanted to break out forcibly. However, it was blocked by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan told them that he was practicing a method to keep them from disturbing him.

Hearing the news, the strong man in Xiandian twitched at the corners of his mouth.

What kind of exercise method actually made their lord scream every day?

This is too scary!

Only when the Dark Red Dragon knows that it is the kind of pain caused by the burning of Jiuyang Shenhuo in the body.

Think about it, this is really not someone who can bear it.

It is estimated that those who are strong, the elders, cannot bear it.

This guy is really crazy.

After Lin Xuan went out of the customs, he recalled Hu Yidao, Peacock, Gui Li, and those elite warriors around him.

Lin Xuan had a big banquet,

In the end, it is to celebrate his great strength.

And, the last time these people followed him back from the tomb, he hasn't rewarded them well, so this time, it was done together.

Not only their Xiandian headquarters, but also the entrances to the lobby, Lin Xuan issued invitations.

Those church owners came with the elites of their respective halls to come and participate.

Now, their views on Lin Xuan have changed dramatically.

Before, they thought that when a little boy was the master of the temple, they were very disdainful. But what happened over the years,

Let them know that although the person in front of him is young, his strength is absolutely terrifying.

They are not fools, how keen is their intelligence network,

Lin Xuan beheaded all the saints, and even killed the war clan powerhouse. They knew everything.

The news shocked these church owners.

Even the scalp is numb.

How big is the other party, and it is doing such a terrible event.

If it grows up, is it okay?

It is estimated that there is absolutely no problem in becoming the invincible king.

Moreover, with the status of the other party and the support of Xiandian, it is not impossible to impact the saints in the future.

Besides, let alone the other party's strength, just because of the other party ’s identity, they have to make them bow their heads.

Therefore, these church owners, this time, went to the ground with consolation.

However, one exception is the third entrance.

Because the three churches are closed, they do n’t know what happened in recent years.

The last time ~ ~ Lin Xuan took the throne, his son was directly hacked by the other party, which made him intolerable.

He retreats, prepares to break through, and discusses an argument.


At the third entrance, a secret room opened, and then a tall man came out.

His black hair fluttered, his body was as strong as a tiger and wolf, and he glanced at him with great strength.

Breakthrough, he finally broke through!

Late Eight Stars!

And he is extremely arrogant, and even he has confidence that he can enter the realm of the invincible king in the future.

This powerful strength gave him a lot of confidence.

Go, follow me to the headquarters!

The host of the third hall waved his hand and set off with people. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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