Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2651: Invincible is also afraid!

Boy, strong tongue

You ca n’t kill me, as long as I leave this soul boat, it ’s your death

King Wandao's voice was cold, his eyes were like two peerless sky knives, staring at Lin Xuan deadly,

Do you think it's possible that you are still alive today? The Dark Red Dragon is also humming, urging the flower bell directly and killing it forward.

Bang bang

If Wandao Wang was struck by lightning, he had a few more blood holes in his body, but at this time, a mysterious sky knife picture was formed on his body.

Quickly rises into the air, against the flower bell.

Do you really think I do n’t have a hole card?

The flower bell is powerful, but with your strength, you can't exert its power at all. So you are the ants

The baby is in your hands and will not be used.

King Wan Dao laughed wildly again, without Hu Hualing, **** him at most just to humiliate him.

He will return this hatred.

Do you think that I can't kill you without the flower bell? Lin Xuan waved the palm of his hand, recalled the sage's hand bone, and shocked the king of the sword to prevent him from escaping.

In addition, the sage fragments of the other party can be blocked by the fragments of the pagoda.

Seeing this scene of the saint fragments, the King of Thousand Swords is also terrified. If the other party uses sage fragments, it can really threaten him.

However, he will not sit still.

With a cold drink, thousands of rays of light burst into the sky on his body, and the field of ten thousand swords was also manifested, and he wanted to break the seal of the Five Elements.

However, Lin Xuan directly used the sage's hand bone to suppress the machete field, so the king of swords could not escape.


The light shone, Lin Xuan unlocked the sixth seal of Longyuan's ancient sword, and a terrible sword light rose into the sky.

Feeling the sword light, the Dark Red Dragon is also drooling, and the King of Thousand Knife is equally shocked.

It is really surprising that the other party's little power can burst into such a sword.

He snorted humbly, just because of your sword strength, and you want to kill me, you can try, you guess that I ca n’t even break my defense


Without speaking, the sword was chopped towards his neck. Suddenly, a terrifying shock sounded.


The King of Thousands of knives kept rolling, and the field of Thousands of Knives was radiant, but the sage's hand bones suppressed it directly.

Lin Xuan did not use a bone attack, but suppressed the opponent with all his strength.

He knows that the card of an invincible king is very scary. He must completely suppress the opponent before he can let go and kill the opponent.



After unlocking the six seals of the Longyuan Ancient Sword, it radiates a dazzling light. With the swing of Lin Xuan's arm, he severely chops forward.

With a bang, the sword was chopped on the opponent's head, making a thunderous sound.

Sparks flying swords penetrated the void. Countless large cracks have appeared in the surrounding space.

This sword is so scary.

The King of Thousand Knife was also smashed into Venus, dizzy and bloated. But his head didn't crack, but there was a shallow trace on it.

Boy, I said it, it's useless

You ca n’t break my defense at all

The King of Thousand Swords showed a stingy look, his eyes were red, like a demon, no matter what you did to me today, after I caught you, he would return ten times more

I want you to taste and offend me.

Well, the old guy, Lin Xuan is so thick in skin that he can't hurt each other with the six seals.

The defense of this invincible king is really terrifying.

It seems that only the Dragon Soul of the Dragon can be used. Lin Xuan sighed, his eyes became extremely dignified.

Within him, dragons murmured.

Hearing this voice, Wan Daowang also changed his face, **** it, dragon yin, how could this guy use dragon yin

His previous yelling of the dark red divine dragon was shocking enough.

But I did not expect that the human kid in front of him could also make a dragon groan.

what happened

Hard to do, the other party is not human

At this moment, he was really shocked.

However, what made him even more shocked was still behind. Because I saw a sword in front of Lin Xuan.

The dragon-like sword shadow is very mysterious, exuding monstrous murderous power.

As soon as it came out, King Wandao was covered with cold, as if falling into Wannian Ice Cave.

Damn, what is this sword shadow?

In his eyes, panic finally appeared. Because he felt the threat of life, how could there be such a terrible thing inside the other person?

Seeing the terrified eyes of the other party, Lin Xuan sneered, why, now you still think, can't I kill you?

Damn boy, dare you do it to me

The King of Swords screamed, and he did feel the danger of life.

If not, let's discuss with the two of you. You let me go. From then on, I will never do anything to you again.

how is it

He was really scared and started to talk to each other.

Now that you knew and negotiated with me before, did you think about negotiating with me?

Dignified invincible king, so shamelessly chase me this rising star, are you sorry?

I want to negotiate late

Today, during your death, Lin Xuan sneered, and his murderous power grew more and more fierce. The dragon-shaped sword shape in front of him was full of wild power.

Huh, kid, I admit you have a lot of cards. But really trying to kill me is not so possible.

The King of Knives roared, and a mysterious knife pattern appeared on him, seemingly trying to fight back.


Lin Xuan didn't give him a chance at all, grasped the dragon-shaped sword shadow, and beheaded toward the opponent's head.


The sound of Long Yin's sword rang, and the peerless sword was dazzling, penetrating through all directions.

This sword is terrifying,



The king of swords uttered a miserable scream, blood burst out, and the surrounding void was stained with red.

Lin Xuan frowned, but he found that the sword really hurt the opponent. However, he didn't split his head directly.

Only split a third.

Is the body of the Invincible King so powerful? Lin Xuan was surprised. It seems that he still underestimated the Invincible King before.

Fortunately, he had a lot of cards, otherwise, if he rushed to fight against an invincible king, the consequences would be terrible.

Boy, I want you to die

The King of Thousand Swords burned his spirits like crazy, at this moment, he was really desperate.

Otherwise, his body would really be split.

Bang bang

Terror forces rushed out, and his cracked head healed quickly.

At the same time, ~ ~ forms a huge force of anti-seismic, which acts on the ancient sword of Longyuan.

The ancient sword trembled, sending out countless sword qi, and Lin Xuan's arm was shaken too.

However, Ling Yan's light burst out in his eyes. Still, do you want to resist?


He turned on the Dragon Soul of the Dragon with all his strength, the dragon-shaped sword shadow burst into unparalleled strength, sword after sword.

Lin Xuan's crazy attack finally split the King of Ten Thousand in half.


The King of Thousand Swords screamed madly. As an invincible king, what if he was split in half.

As long as a small part is complete, he can recover


His body wanted to heal quickly, but before long, he screamed in horror.

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