Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2671: Little dance

Huh ~

Beside Lin Xuan, a woman wearing a black skirt and a black veil walked out, and the power of the invincible king broke out instantly.

What, invincible king!

There is also an invincible king around this guy!

This scene made the **** killer exclaim. The invincible killer also looked ugly.

Damn it, careless.

The other party has an invincible king. No wonder the other party is so arrogant.

However, he quickly sneered, boy, do you think you can be safe if you have an invincible king?

You know, there are many invincible kings who died in my hands!

Today, I will let you know that there is a gap between invincible kings! I will let you see, my peerless killer of the killer god!

is it?

Let ’s see, is it possible for you to succeed, or am I killing your disciples first!

With that said, Lin Xuan shook his body, like a **** of war, and rushed out.

you dare?

Seeing the opponent rushing towards the other killers, the invincible king changed his face.

The sword swept across and wanted to kill Lin Xuan. But the small dance on the side also shot.

The palms of white as jade, like the hands of the gods, blocked the terrible sword light.

Your opponent is me. Xiao Wu's voice was cold.

Damn, get out of me!

When the two invincible kings fight together, seeing this scene, the dark red Shenlong also laughed, not knowing whether to die.

Now, start harvesting!

He wasn't keeping his hand either, and several pieces of Tianjie Treasure were shot by him and swept across.

Lin Xuan rushed to the six **** killers.

court death!

Seeing the other rushing, the six **** killers roared, and the other one wanted to kill six of them?

It's too bullying,

Damn ants, kill me!

The six roared, but they were all extremely top killers, and they were all powerful.

So at this moment, six shots are really terrifying.

Terrible murderousness swept the world.

Drowned toward Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan roared and stepped out, exuding a breath of supremacy all over her. His fist throbbed, the box opened, and he went forward.

This is the essence of Zhantianquan,

Bang Bang Bang ~

Lin Xuan played against the six top killers, and the momentum was terrible.

The six top killers were shocked.

The other person's strength alone resisted the six of them, and this was just the other's fist.

The opponent is not the slashed sword qi, but even more terrifying.

One of them was split in half.

Ah ~

This killer, thousands of miles away, reunited himself outside of miles. Frightened face.

The other killers are also taking a breath.

It's terrible, it's terrible! Is n’t it the second Eucharist?

Why is he so strong?

They are proud of the killing technique, in the presence of each other's body, can not create any threat.

This really shocked them.

Kill ~

With a rage, Lin Xuan killed him again.

In his voice, it seemed as if a thunderstorm had landed, with invincible faith.

This scene changed the look of those **** killers.

No, his momentum is really too strong! If we go on like this, we will die.

He must upset his invincible confidence.

These killers, dodging back quickly, are ready to look for opportunities.

In the distance, the invincible killer who fought with Xiaowu was equally shocked, the confidence that the other party showed.

He was astonished at the breath that kept going.

This young man is really terrible.

Kill King clone!

With a knot in his palm, a shadow burst out of his body and quickly killed him.

Boy, let me die!

This shadow was fast, and came to Lin Xuan in an instant. The black dagger in his hand kept waving.

This is an avatar of the other party, and also has the power of the invincible king. At the moment, it is really terrible to cooperate with the horrific killing technique.

Hum ~

Lin Xuan directly pulled out the dragon-shaped sword shadow, and one sword was cut out, as if Wanlong attacked, and the shadow was split into two halves.


This scene shocked everyone.

Those six top killers were completely dumbfounded.

Even the invincible assassin was jumping with his eyelids. One of his clones was killed by one piece in this way?


Why is the other party so powerful?

Is it possible that before the opponent did not exert all his power at all?

Thinking of this, the invincible killer was cold, he roared and retreated! Quickly retreat!

This task is cancelled!

Hearing these words, those top killers, retreated madly,

Still want to go?

The dark red dragon became larger and became a huge figure, directly covering the four top killers, and the other six top killers were fleeing like crazy.

Leave it to me!

Lin Xuan waved the field of cutting the dragon sword, and the world of thousands of sword spirits came down, covering the six top killers.

The six killers also opened up their fields and confronted,

Bang Bang Bang ~

A terrifying voice came, and in the Dragon Soul Realm, the sound of dragons rang, and countless dragon-shaped swords rushed out, firmly restraining the fields of the six top killers.

There are even two areas that are directly penetrated,

This sword is too terrible. Going forward, destroying the world is even more terrifying than the God of War fist.

Shake all six top killers.

In the end, without any suspense, all six top killers were killed.

They split in half, and their souls were split by a sword. Because Lin Xuan couldn't detect the souls of these people, there wasn't any reservation at all.

Damn it!

The invincible king killer roared, and the four or ten top killers he brought were completely killed, which made his heart be bleeding.

Boy, you wait, hell, I won't spare you!

Speaking of which, as soon as he turned, he turned and left.

Huh ~

Xiao Wu Lengheng, she will not let the other party leave. The next moment, a wave of her palm waved a black whip.

The black whip was covered with scales, which was very weird. In an instant, it engulfed the invincible killer.

Peng Peng Peng!


A miserable sound sounded, all the scales on the whip penetrated into the killer's body, and the blood erupted instantly, staining the void.

Damn, I spelled it for you!

An ancient figure burst out of his body ~ ~ a terrible breath burst out.

However, this ancient figure just rushed out one-fifth. The black whip in Xiaowu's hand also flew out a black shadow, covering the sky with a pair of black wings, and swallowed the invincible killer directly.

Fractured blood flew across.

A moment later, the invincible king killer was beheaded.

very scary!

Lin Xuan was shocked. For the first time, he saw Xiao Wu's shot, but he did not expect the other party to be so powerful.

It seems that Xiandian assigned him a very powerful invincible king.

Slaying this invincible king killer, Xiaowu took back the black whip, then disappeared into the void,

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered and he swept over the bodies of these killers. The next moment, he recruited all six's storage rings.

But soon, he frowned.

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