Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2691: Peach Festival!

It seems that even if you want to do it, you have to wait for the Yaochi event. At least here, no one dares to do it.

Otherwise, fear Yaochi, the first one will not let them go.

Lin Xuan nodded, everyone, please.

He followed the Queen Mother of the West, the owner of the Ye family waited for others and flew forward.

This scene made countless people look up and envy. Especially those young Tianjiao are even more envious.

This kind of treatment is really shocking.

Being able to sit on an equal footing with the Lord, it is estimated that the younger generation, except Lin Xuan, no one can do it.

Even Ye Wudao, Shengguang Shengzi and other peerless Tianjiao can not do the same.

After entering the main hall, Lin Xuan sat down, and then the mother of the West smiled.

Everyone, taste the peaches first.

Talking, she let the subordinates prepare.

Soon, the Yaochi Gala kicked off, singing and dancing leveled up.

Beautiful women, wearing colorful clothes and holding peaches in their hands, quickly entered the hall like fish.

They held it in their hands and ate it to Mother Lin Xuanxi and others, but the real peach.

This is the peach that has been born once every 3,000 years.

The virgin and daughter outside, Tianjiao, are not talking about martial arts, but sitting down one after another.

They are eating peaches once a thousand years.

In addition to them, the elders and strongmen in the major holy places also take this peach.

Among the remaining people, they eat Lingtao.

Among them, Tianjiao, a quasi-born child, eats the Lingtao once every 300 years.

Others eat it once every 100 years, but even once every 100 years, it is very enviable.

Because don't look at the short years, but it is watered from the holy water of Yaochi in Yaochi. Its effect and spirituality far exceed the outside.

I really envy Brother Lin, who can eat the peaches once every 3,000 years, no flowers, ancient three links and others, envious.

Shen Jingqiu also pursed her mouth, don't know if it tastes good?

Sister Murong, can't you use your privileges to get me one?

She looked towards Murong.

Murong said with a smile. Okay, eat this first. After the event is over, I will see if there is any chance.

She blinked as she spoke,

Hearing this, Shen Jingqiu was very happy.

In the distance, those of the Zhan tribe, the celestial tribe, and the yin and yang religion are gritting their teeth. What a horrible thing for that kid to be able to enter the main hall!

Don't worry, this kid will definitely be unlucky.

That is, his Jiuyang deity exposure will definitely become the goal of the people in the world.

Wait, there may be some hidden old monsters, shot!

These people sneered. After they wanted to come to the Peach Blossom Festival, someone would definitely do it.

Outside there is the excitement of the outside, which is even more exciting inside.

Lin Xuan now knows just how cool these Holy Bishops are. He feels that what he eats now is absolutely different from those of the Virgin and Child outside,

This wine and tea are all brewed with holy water from Yaochi. Every dish he eats is extremely precious, and the ingredients seem to be almost extinct.

Even the chopsticks he used are all made of metal, which is very luxurious.

It is indeed a sacred place in Yaochi, and it really has rich heritage.

Lin Xuan glanced around, and found the other bishops, and he took it for granted.

It seems that it is still good to be the Lord.

Not long after eating, the Lord of Taixuan Holy Land said, "Lin Dianzhu, it is better to talk about the Wanlong Nest, is it good?"

Hearing this, the other bishops also put down their chopsticks and stared at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was stared at by so many bishops, which was also a multiplication of pressure. Fortunately, there is a dragon dragon soul in his body, which instantly resolved this coercion.

Otherwise, it would probably collapse if it was replaced by another saint.

The other Lords were surprised when they saw this.

A mighty man, able to withstand the eyes and coercion of so many bishops of the Holy Bishop, the other party really had the ability to sit on the temple master.

OK, since everyone is so interested, let me briefly talk about it. Lin Xuan shook the wine glass and slowly talked about the Wanlong Nest.

In fact, what Lin Xuan said is very simple. The most important thing for these people is to know where Wanlong Nest is.

However, it ’s not enough to know where they are. This time, they held a grand gathering in Yaochi in order to unite the world ’s holy land and teach together.

So next, not only Lingling Xuan spoke, the prince of the West Queen Ye family and others spoke, and they discussed with the bishop of the world,

Among them, the main discussion is to break the prohibition. How many people are required, and after joining, will they join hands?

If you join forces, how will you get the geniuses?

Of course now, Lin Xuan and the Queen Mother of the West, Ye Family and others are a small group.

They are common interests, so at this time they naturally want to take big heads.

The other bishops are naturally unwilling. The other party is only a level of 7 holy places, and the holy places on their side exceed this number.

If the big head gets the other side to take it, they can lose more than they get, so the two sides have a fierce discussion.

Finally, it was booked.

Although not as outrageous as the original, Lin Xuan was also very excited. Because of the current distribution method, the Guangxian Temple family can get the sum of the resources of the five holy places.

This absolutely made him very satisfied.

Moreover, these are joined together, and apart from that, they can also act independently.

Want to come to the strength and heritage of Xiandian, absolutely can, harvest again.

You know, Yuhua Xianyi was given to them by Xiandian, not to mention the more precious Wanlong Nest this time.

When you want to come, Xia Jiuyou, the master of the old palace, will also shoot. That ’s a sage. Lin Xuan was excited when she thought of it.

Seemingly simple, but this discussion lasted seven days and seven nights. In the end, the general guidelines were set,

Lin Xuan and others were relieved.

He looked at the mother of the west, the owner of the Ye family, and others, and smiled.

Afterwards, everyone walked out of the main hall together.

Seeing Lin Xuan came out with so many holy lords, the virgins, elders, and countless warriors stood up.

They have already taken the peach, and at this moment they are waiting for the result of the meeting.

Seeing these people coming out, their heart ~ ~ also mentioned the throat.

Mother West, please.

Everyone looked towards the Queen Mother of West. After all, this is in Yaochi. Naturally, the Queen Mother of West should announce it.

The Queen Mother of the West nodded, she had the majesty of the motherland.

She said loudly that the meeting was over, and we decided to join forces to open the Wanlong Nest.

Time, just half a month later.

Really want to open Wanlong Nest!

The people below were all shocked when they heard this, and they breathed quickly one by one.

Those princes of heaven are also shining in their eyes.

Great, as long as the Wanlong Nest is opened, they will be able to get the heavenly treasures inside. In that way, their strength will increase rapidly.

Thinking of this, their eyes were fiery.

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