Inverse Sword God

Chapter 2694: Forbidden Dragon!

On the side of the Xiandian, Lin Xuan gave it to the dark red Shenlong and a group of masters of the array.

The dark red dragon is so excited. He is a dragon and a master of array formation. Now he can open the cracking Wanlong nest with his own hands, which means a lot to him.

And this time, not only it, but also countless terrorist mages to help him. It can be said that this time it can be broken.

Bang Bang Bang ~


However, after about five or six days, a shocking light came.

The mountains around a million miles trembled, and countless rays of light swept in all directions.

Shock these array mages back.

Many people vomited blood.

The formation is too powerful, far beyond our expectations.

Damn it, otherwise we'll storm with the holy soldier! With so many holy places, we can't believe it if we use holy soldiers together!


Several older generations of mages quickly shook their heads.

Use one or two soldiers and try it out. But if every holy place is used, the consequences will be terrible.

After all, it is Qin Ling, which is extremely mysterious, and it can make the dynasty disappear overnight.

In case we really touch, what should not be touched, I am afraid that we will also be ruthlessly wiped out.

After hearing this, all the Holy Bishops were silent, yeah, there was a Holy Land-level force that built a dynasty here, and it was easily destroyed.

So far, they have not figured out what kind of forces are they? Who killed the other party?

This undoubtedly shows that it is very scary here. Now they are going to use hundreds of holy soldiers to fight here.

I'm afraid their end will be miserable.

However, without the holy warrior, it is very troublesome to crack. So, try one or two.

Someone proposed.

Eventually, the two lords of the Holy Land of Dayan and the Holy Land of Manchu came out. They took out two holy soldiers and were ready to try.

The Lord of the Great Holy Land took out a holy sword, and the terrible sword light spread.

At the beginning of the Lord, the Lord took out a Chaos Hammer.

The two intact holy soldiers were terrifying and blooming, and were still mastered by two holy masters.

It can be said that this blow really destroyed Skyrim.

The formation method below, trembling violently, more horrible light flashed,

However, the formation did not resist, but directly generated a mysterious rune, opened the void, and exiled these two horrific attacks into the void.

Damn, what a weird formation!

This is a big battle! **** it!

These people who arranged the Wanlong Nest must have thought of this situation, so if there is a strength of the Paladin, I am afraid that they will hit the void directly, and they will not hurt the Wanlong Nest.

Really unwilling!

Without this weird legend, we would all want to use extreme weapons.

A few of the ancient holy places, eyes twinkling,

However, Yejia, Gujia and other barbaric ancient families did not dare to use it.

Because the consequences of using extreme weapons are terrible. In case something is really recruited, the characters they can't compete with are absolutely devastating.

Let's do this, we can use the array mage to crack it. We have waited for so many years.

Yeah, for people like them, ten years or eight years is nothing more than a flick of a finger. They want safety, security, and no accidents.

The two holy warriors could not be broken, so the major holy places also put away this thought, and they charged their respective array mage to crack it with all their strength.

They are ready for a long war.

Sure enough, the major holy places shouted here and settled down. Forming a base, many strong people are here to guard, and some disciples come and go to transport resources.

Those masters of array law are dignified, quickly united, and crack the array bit by bit.

The Dark Red Dragon, also a group of mages with a fairy temple, joined the battle.

This break is one year.

Over the course of a year, the crowd only broke a little, but they did not give up, but instead increased their confidence.

It seems that this method is feasible, but it takes a little time.

To them, this time is nothing short of worth mentioning.

And everyone knows that as long as they find the key to the formation, the entire formation will collapse after they break it.

So it seems to be long, and it will not be practical for a few years.

Over the course of the year, great changes have taken place outside.

The movement of Qin Ling was too huge, and finally attracted the attention of all those who came, and found that there are countless lords, lords, and huge array masters.

Obviously, this should be Wanlong Nest.

The news of Wanlong Nest in Qinling was spread out and shocked the world.

Countless people gathered towards this side and wanted to go in.

However, some people waited for a few months, some waited for half a year, and some waited longer, but still found no sign of opening.

This made them talk.

Eventually news came out that the matrix method would need to be cracked for many years, so it was useless to wait here for the time being.

No, there are so many sacred places, as well as the ancient family, it takes so long to get together.

What do you know, Wanlong Nest, that is the legendary dragon family! Their burial place!

How could it be simple.

It is estimated that it is similar to other restricted areas. Is it weird to crack for many years?

If I could say, it would be a miracle to be able to crack,


Everyone talked, but many of these family organizations also spontaneously formed alliances.

They have summoned the world's array mage, ready to join the cracked camp.

After all, there are many powerful families besides the Holy Land Church. They may not qualify as a Holy Land, but the combined forces are also terrifying.

Therefore, the mages are constantly in battle, coming from all over the world to join the support.

This made all the holy places unexpected.

Lin Xuan ~ ~ Dark Red Shenlong and others are very happy,

With the joining of family organizations around the world, the speed of cracking can be improved again.

This is the first thing and the second thing is also shocking.

And, especially the Tianjiao of the younger generation, is almost crazy.

Because I didn't know where, there was a news, and it quickly swept the world. Moreover, there is a more intense posture.

That is, some people ranked the East Desolation, West Desert, Zhongzhou, Nanling, Beiyuan, Tianjiao of the five continents.

And every continent has a first person, and even was titled,

The news also said that these five people are very young emperors, and they are the five most promising to become emperors.

As soon as this news came out, the world was uproared and it directly detonated the entire world.

And, most of all, these are the younger generations.

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