Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3305: Shuma Valley

Lin Xuan also got the news. He found that the first part was a test similar to the mystery test. It is estimated that most people can be eliminated.

In the second part, it is not the elimination, but the ranking.

Eden's Suzaku ranking, the temporary ranking, the third part is the challenge.

The most intense battle!

Because the ranking of the third part is the final ranking, which is the final result on the Suzaku list.

This result, in turn, affects rewards.

Lin Xuan didn't look at anything else, and directly watched the Suzaku list ranked first and the winner's reward.

Soon, among the natural treasures, he found that there is indeed a stone of earth.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and first of all, he must get it!

In addition to the earth's Tao Stone, there are many heavenly treasures, and elixir, but Lin Xuan did not care.

He can get all these resources. However, there is one thing that caught his attention. That is, the first five places, including the top five, all have places to enter the void sea.

Is there a place in the Void Sea? Lin Xuan was surprised that the final task entrusted to him by Langya Xing was not to go to the Nether Sea and take a treasure?

It seems that the void sea is really not simple, it should be a treasure house.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan took a deep breath and temporarily ignored them. Now the most important thing is to participate in the Suzaku list and win the first place.

Get the Stone of the Earth first.

As long as he gets first, he can not only get the Tao Stone of the Earth, but also the reward of Langya Star, a Tao Stone of Gold,

As for the final stone of water, it is said that it is also in the sea of ​​void.

In order to get the Five Elements Stone, this time, he will not soften.

Time flies fast, in a blink of an eye, seven days have passed, and the last three days,

All the strong men who participated in Tianjiao were dispatched because they were going to participate in the first level.

That is, knockout.

The place where the first level is located is very famous. It is a very famous area of ​​Suzakuxing, Xiumu Valley.

This place is said to have been a great battlefield in ancient times. There are countless powerful wars. There are also legends that this is a place full of ancient ruins.

There are countless powerful caves and treasures buried inside, but they are extremely dangerous.

Those who covet the treasure are buried in it and can never come out again.

In short, this is a very dangerous place.

The first stage of the contest was here, which was really shocking. For a moment, many people hesitated.

They have also heard that Xiugu Valley is terrible. Originally, they only participated in the battle, and even if it failed, it was nothing.

But now, failure can mean death.

Is it worth ranking for a Suzaku list?

But soon, most people gritted their teeth, and a crazy light appeared in their eyes!

Because they think it's worth it!

Because this time the Suzaku list has attracted the attention of countless people and can win here, so it definitely has great benefits.

Therefore, Xiumu Valley is in danger, and it is necessary to break into it. And these people are all arrogant and have infinite self-confidence in themselves.

What's more, some people have begun to form alliances. People who know each other and know each other have begun to unite. They are ready to join together to fight against others.

After all, this first level is a knockout.

It is estimated that most people will be eliminated, so if you know people and join hands, you can eliminate others and save yourself.

Therefore, a group alliance like this is quickly formed among many participants.

Lin Xuan did not form an alliance with anyone. He could have joined forces with the Dark Red Dragon, but now the Dark Red Dragon does not participate, so he will fight alone.

However, even if it is not alliance!

When he came to Xiu Mo Gu, there was still only one day before the day he actually participated in the game.

Lin Xuan came to the edge of the valley and looked into the distance with a look of surprise.

Originally he thought it should be a valley not too big, but now it seems that although it is a valley, this is a bit too big, right?

At a glance, I couldn't see my head, and it spread over millions of miles. This valley is absolutely huge.

And below, it turns out to be red,

The red soil, the red mountains, and even the trees are red, with a hot breath.

Suzaku is originally a fire-oriented, star world, there are fire veins everywhere, so the energy of the fire system is very abundant.

Well, there are still some differences in Xiu Mo Valley, because in addition to the fiery red heat, there is also a strange and cold breath that seems to be able to devour people.

Night came, and soon passed, the sky gradually lightened, and at the same time, countless figures came,

Among them, several figures are very dazzling.

Because these people fly faster, one of them is handsome, slender, wearing a purple robe, with a breath of the king's presence in the world.

As soon as he appeared, it attracted the attention of countless people, and everyone looked up into the sky. Suddenly exclaimed, Yan Nantian!


Countless exclamations sounded, and many of them were surprised to see Yan Nantian for the first time ~ ~ Is this the inheritance of the emperor?

His breath is really strong!

Yeah, I feel so unfathomable! Even some long-established powerhouses have their eyes flashed.


However, among the numerous contestants, there were a few humming sounds. Obviously, some people are very upset about the appearance of Yannan Tianjun.

One of them was tall, with scales on his body, and no one dared to approach where he was.

Even the breath from his body made everyone breathless.

It's him! Long Zhaotian!

what? Is he Long Zhaotian?

At first those people around were still wondering who was so terrible, and it seemed that they were not human.

Now they finally know, this is Long Zhaotian! It seems that the other party should be a dragon.

Is the Dragon's Tianjiao? It is estimated that it is not weaker than the Great.

Long Zhaotian's eyes were as rainbow as he stared at Yan Nantian in the sky.

At the same time, on the other side, there was another figure, that was, a figure with white light all over, like an immortal,

His eyes are even more peculiar, forming a strange knife-shaped pattern, which makes people look at them as if penetrated.

It's him! Zhao Wuliang, Tian Dao Shen Pu!

What a terrible pupil!

Both Long Zhaotian and Zhao Wuliang are the favourites to win.

As soon as they appeared, the gas fields between them emerged, confronting each other in the sky, tearing out numerous large cracks.

But this is not over yet. The top ones in the abyss list are all here.

In addition to Long Zhaotian and Zhao Wuliang, there is also a beautiful woman who came out of the air.

When she saw this beautiful woman, countless people were amazed. Even Long Zhaotian and Zhao Wuliang were surprised.

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