Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3349: Dark Moon Temple

[Title: God mad sword against the body 3350. Section 3348 of the Dark Moon Temple: fresh sword]

The latest chapter of "Inverse Sword God" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the most powerful fellow in the history of the domineering thief throne throne domineering army of the ancient world is the most powerful fellow in the history of the ancient army. No more,

They are like rocks, hidden away,

And the black shadows in front of me also flew fast, and they were blue monsters, as deep as the sea of ​​stars.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a dragon and a unicorn in the sea. It is very cricket, but this is not a dragon, nor a unicorn, but a hippocampus.

These are the monsters cultivated by the hippocampus, each of which is hundreds of meters long, and even one has a length of thousands of meters. It is really like a tyrant in the sea.

Wherever I go, the endless water enchantment seems to be welcoming the king.

There was such a terrible Siren, Lin Xuan and others looked at the huge King of the Seahorse, shaking their hearts.

However, the hippocampus seemed to feel something, the huge head turned, brought powerful waves, and a pair of eyes swept towards this side.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan became nervous. Because they found that this is not the ordinary seahorse king, this is a saint.

This is the hippocampus saint!

And look at the other person's appearance, not an ordinary saint, it must be many years of virtuous practice, and there are countless half-sacred seahorses around.

In this void sea, it can be said that it is definitely a hegemonic existence. Lin Xuan and others are not willing to provoke such an existence.

So they reduced their breath to a minimum.

The sage of the hippocampus gave a glance, he didn't pay any attention, and then left. In his opinion, even if he found out,

Such a weak breath is estimated to be the existence of a small bug, and he would not even bother.

After these seahorses had walked for a long time, Lin Xuan took a sigh of relief and quietly explored their souls.

They found nothing strange around them, and they came out of the seaweed.

They walked for two more days and went deeper. Suddenly, the snow-white monkey made a cheering sound, something in front of it, something good.

Hear the words.

Yan Ruyu, Lin Xuan their eyes brightened, they accelerated.

Soon they came forward, and then they were stunned.

There is a submarine canyon in front. There is a seaweed growing in the canyon, blooming bright light, like a chain of laws, dancing in the water.

The breath emanating from it is really amazing.

Elixir, and it should be almost ten thousand years!

This is the real medicine king!

There are more than a dozen strains, and the dark red dragon mouth water has flowed down, such as jade and northern demon.

Such a medicine king has great temptation and confusion for saints.

Do it!

The Dark Red Dragon and others rushed up to grab it and pulled it hard. However, after a few pulls, they found that they did not pull it off.

What happened, how could there be such a hard drug king? They are all top powerhouses,

Lin Xuan, in particular, has tremendous strength, but now, he hasn't caught it, so much to his surprise,

The dark red dragon shook his dragon claws a few times, hit the canyon below, then frowned, so hard, how did it feel similar to that of the demon saint before.

what! Hearing this,

Lin Xuan frowned. He opened the heavenly pupil, a pair of golden eyes looking down from the sky. Soon, he was surprised, don't say it, this is really the body of a monster.

I don't know what the monster's body is. It's too long. This canyon is actually his body!

However, it appeared that his body had been split, and he did not know that it had been split by a strong outsider.

Or was it split by the purity of the Nether Sea?

This canyon turned out to be the body of a monster, and these medicine kings grew on the body of the monster!

After listening to Yan Ruyu and Bei Yao, they also exclaimed that this medicine king has been at least 10,000 years old, that is, the corpse has been at least 10,000 years old.

The sea of ​​void is really terrible.

According to the previous body of the demon saint, the bones are very hard. It is not easy to get these medicine kings.

Let's hurry and do it little by little.

Ruyu, you do n’t have to do it. You are guarding outside. We will play out and remind you if there is danger.

Yan Ruyu nodded, and then the dark red dragon played a formation and shrouded the surrounding scenes, otherwise this 10,000-year elixir would definitely attract the attention of other powerful men.

Maybe it will attract other Siren.

The dark red dragon is still wondering. This place, the sea monster should be able to find it, why can it be kept?

Soon, they knew it, because the siren's body below was really terrible. Even after dying for so many years, it still exuded a horror,

The three Lin Xuan just stepped on, there was a cold murderous veil covering them as if to tear them to pieces,

With a sigh, Lin Xuan knew that baby would not be so easy to seize.

Generally there are guardians of heaven and earth monsters. There are more than ten strains of elixir here. There is no powerful Siren Guardian. You can imagine that there is a problem with this corpse.

Sure enough, it is very strong, and the average semi-sacred can't bear it.

They roared and began to fight hard.

They must not only resist the terrible breath emanating from the corpse of the demon holy below, but also strive to seize these, the elixir of ten thousand years.

It can be said that it is very hard, and Yan Ruyu outside is exploring the Quartet.

Although the formation method covered all the scenes, she was still not assured.

About half a day later, Lin Xuan pulled out six of them ~ ~ and five floated there.

Somehow, the emperor is exhausted! But the harvest was good.

Looking at those ten thousand years of medicine king, the dark red Shenlong was very excited, but at this time, Yan Ruyu Xue shouted, someone came.

Upon hearing that, Lin Xuan frowned.

Yan Ruyu said, you go on, let me cope, she did not immediately dispatch, but stared at the front,

A group of people came forward, and there were five people in total, one of whom Yan Ruyu knew.

Zhao Wuliang!

It seems that this should be the person of the Darkmoon Temple!

If it was only Zhao Wuliang, Yan Ruyu was not worried, but now, Zhao Wuliang is only one of five people, and obviously he is not the leader.

In front of Zhao Wuliang, there was still one person. It was like a boy, but obviously he was the leader.

Yan Ruyu frowned. It seems that the other party should not be a young Tianjiao, but a saint, or the presence of a saint who has been lowered!

Zhao Wuliang didn't find anything, but the boy saint in front of him stopped, his eyes looked with a strange light, looking in all directions.

Soon, he sneered, there was an array here, and it was a cover-up array. It seemed that the baby should be here.

He reached out a big hand, covering the sky like a blood-colored cloud, and patted it forward.

No, it was found. With a sigh, Yan Ruyu, the saint is powerful.

She can only step out of the array, and likewise, the white jade hand pats towards the sky.

Boom boom!

Bai Yu's hand and **** big hand collided together, making a trembling sound, the **** palm was blocked, Yan Ruyu also took two steps back.

Sure enough someone. The boy saint sneered, and the strong men behind the four Darkmoon Temples changed their faces.

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